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Module 4 Unit 1 Happy Thanksgiving !,班级:六年级(5)班执教老师: Miss Tao,Thanksgiving Day,每年11月的第四个星期四 2011年11月24日,Happy Thanksgiving!,Can you tell me more about Thanksgiving Day?,Food on Thanksgiving Day,turkey,Food on Thanksgiving Day,pumpkin pie,Family and friends,What do they do?,a meal,special,A:What do you do,on Thanksgiving Day?,B:We have a special meal.,always,We say,thank you,for,our food, family and friends.,Can you tell me more,about,American festival,?,American festivals,Chinese festivals,Spring Festival,Chinese festivals,Lantern Festival,Chinese festivals,Dragon boat Festival,Chinese festivals,Mid-Autumn Festival,Family and friends,Chinese Festivals,Spring Festival,Lantern Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival,Dragon boat Festival,Western Festivals,Thanksgiving Day,Christmas, is my favourite festival.,a special meal,http:/blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6a9ce20e0100nftq.htmlhttp:/video.sina.com.cn/v/b/8983042-1283310871.htmlhttp:/video.yayun2010.sina.com.cn/v/b/32909004-1721874895.html,Thank you! Bye-bye!,
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