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Cloning,Cloning,Plants,What is cloning?,Cloning is the transliteration of English clone, simply speaking ,it is an artificially induced asexual mode of reproduction.克隆是英文clone的音译,简单讲就是一种人工诱导的无性繁殖方式。,History of cloning,Plants,The plants technically clone themselves in order to reproduce through processes that are classified as natural. They commonly send a runner through the soil which finally grows into a separate plant and which is genetically identical with the mother-plant.,What was Dolly?,In 1997 Dolly the sheep became the first vertebrate cloned from the cell of an adult animal. Not only was this a remarkable scientific breakthrough but it immediately gained interest and concern from around the world on the future of cloning technology as it would effect humans.,Dolly,There are many other animals had ben cloned.,Bison,rabbit,cat,Big Rat,mule,horse,deer,dog,ferret,wolf,buffalo,camel,And what do you think about human clones?,A cell is taken from a manAn unfertilized (未受精的)egg is taken from a womanThe DNA from the cell is removed and transferred to the egg.The egg is implanted into a surrogate(代孕) motherThe resulting baby is genetically identical to the man.,How a human might be cloned,The Three Most Important Facts About Human Cloning,A clone would be a baby just like any other baby. There is no important difference between a clone and an identical twin(同卵双胞胎). You cannot duplicate(复制) yourself.,Although todays techonologhy can make human cloning a realization,should we clone human beings?On the subject of this question, legal and moral implications of cloning would be discussed worldwide.,Todays Legality,In Great Britain, clones are allowed to be made and born. Cloning does require a license, and scientists must follow strict guidelines. 1990 Human Fertilization and Embryology Act(人工生殖和胚胎法案 ) allows research on embryos for up to fourteen days. Most laws state that any embryo that has been researched upon cannot be then placed into a uterus(子宫).,Three Laws of Cloning human?,Cloning humans may not injure a original human being or, through inaction, allow a original human being to come to harm.克隆物种不得伤害人类,或袖手旁观坐视人类受到伤害; Cloning humans must obey the orders given to it by original human beings , except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.第二法则。除非违背第一法则,克隆物种必须服从人类的命令 Cloning humans must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.第三法则。在不违背第一及第二法则下,克隆物种必须保护自己,Ethical (伦理的)Objections:,Its unnatural-we are “tampering with(干预) sacred(神圣的) things.” the problem of the discarded(废弃的) embryos(胚胎) the slippery slope(滑坡谬误 | 滑坡理论 | 滑坡效应 | 滑坡 )on a slippery slope in a situation that is likely to become more difficult or complicated,Would cloning be unethical? The most popular arguments:,A clone would not have a soul. A clone would have no mother or father. Clones could be used for “spare parts.” Rich people would want to make copies of themselves. If we cloned Michael Jordan five times, we would have a hell of a basketball team.,For Human cloning is a technical breakthrough in biology which is significant and praiseworthy. Human cloning is a great blessing for couples who cannot give birth to children. Human cloning can provide people more choices in terms of human reproduction.,Different viewpoints,Different viewpoints,Against Anything other than a total ban on human cloning would be unethical. Human cloning is a against both human nature and natural law. Human cloning could destroy the existing social order and human society would be ruined if dictators or tyrants were cloned.,However, human cloning, there are various aspects of problem related to the ethical, psychological, social patterns and then on, which requires human beings to continue to explore.,There still remains much more disadvantages of the application of cloning reproduction of human being and animals.,We should be extremely cautious of what we do and thus remember we will sure be respondible for all the results created by ourselves!,So,
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