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书面表达专题(二),高档作文写作技巧 在近几年的高考考试大纲中,关于高考英语书面表达评分标准第五档中有这样一段话:“应用了较多的语法结构和词汇;语法结构或词汇选用恰当、丰富;语言错误极少”,这就是说,学生仅运用基础的和基本的句型,不能体现出较强的语言运用能力,即使表达无语法错误,也不能得高分;相反有个别错误,目的在有意识地使用复杂结构或较高级词汇,也不扣分,仍属于最高档次。,高考把写作要求提到了这样一个高度,有利于反映学生的水平层次,有利于指导教学。原来的“要点完整,语言无误,行文连贯,表达清楚”的标准就落后了。 应该学会运用较复杂结构和高级词汇。在整篇文章中,避免只使用一两种句型,要灵活运用各种语法结构,使文章有声有色。,1变换词语 在英语书面表达中,要做到语言生动、文章富有表现力,很重要的一条就是遣词造句要做到灵活多变。 在高考英语书面表达中,许多考生运用单调的词语、重复的句式,以至于语言平淡,不能赢得高分。例如:一碰到“非常”就用“very”;一遇到“我认为”,只会用“I think”;一想到表达“好”,就只知道一个“good”。事实上,英语的词汇和句式非常丰富,比起汉语来也毫不逊色。要使英语书面表达出彩,有力的一招便是词汇的灵活多变。,英语中的“好”,除“good”外,还有fine,OK,nice,great,excellent,wonderful,terrific,fabulous,fantastic,splendid,extraordinary,outstanding,incredible及amazing等多种表达方式。 在英语中表示“大”,常用词语多达十几个。 Although science has made enormous steps in making more food fit to eat,it has,at the same time,made much food unfit to eat. 尽管科学技术进步巨大,使得人们有更多的食物可以吃,然而,同时它也使许多种食物不适合人们吃。,A tremendous explosion broke out. 巨大的爆炸发生了。 A titanic force was working. 一种巨大的力量在起作用。 That is a gigantic building. 那是一座巨大的楼房。 The vast plains stretch for 600 miles. 广阔的平原绵延600英里。 He lived in a huge house. 他住在一座极大的房子里。,How large is the room? 房间有多大? Theres a grand view of the mountains.群山雄伟壮观。 He likes reading about the great men of the past. 他喜欢阅读有关过去伟人的书。 They have built a giant factory just outside the town. 他们就在城外建造了一座大型工厂。 The child is big for his age. 就这个小孩的年龄而言,他个头算是高大的了。,There has been an immense improvement in his health.他的健康状况已有极大的好转。 The elephant is a bulky animal. 大象是庞然大物。 It is a colossal building. 这是一座巨大的建筑。 We must make massive efforts to improve things. 我们必须尽最大的努力来改善局面。 英语中也有十余个词可以表示“很”、“非常”的意义。,She is very happy.她十分高兴。 I am terribly sorry.实在抱歉。 The movie was pretty good.那部电影非常精彩。 He was most kind to me.他对我非常亲切。 We were greatly shocked at the news. 听到这个消息我们大为震惊。 This story is highly significant. 这个故事很有意义。 I badly want to change my job. 我很想换个工作。,The boss felt quite pleased with my work. 老板对我的工作很满意。 We were extremely excited at the news. 听到这个消息我们极其兴奋。 The performance was simply marvelous. 演出十分精彩。 What I said is perfectly clear. 我说得十分清楚。 I felt totally exhausted by the time I got home. 我到家时累到了极点。,2变换单词短语 英语短语层出不穷,变换使用不同的短语表达同一概念是使英语书面表达精彩的又一招。例如: 表达“关于”之意,除了about,on,concerning等这些单词外,还有多种短语,如as to, as for, as regards, in regards to,with respect to,in respect of/to, in/with relation to,in terms of等。 表示“处理”的英语有:settle,solve,deal with,cope with,handle,do.with,encounter,manage.with等。,表示“忍受”,在英语中有stand,bear,tolerate,put up with,suffer,endure等。 下面以“喜欢”为例,探讨如何运用不同的表达方式。 I dont care for baseball.我不喜欢棒球。She is fond of playing the piano. 她爱好弹钢琴。,Many football fans are crazy about Beckham. 许多球迷都疯狂迷上了贝克汉姆。 My son is mad about football. 我儿子狂热地迷恋足球。 Many people are keen on/about Jin Yongs martial arts fictions. 许多人对金庸的武侠小说很着迷。 He has been addicted to the drug. 他已经吸毒成瘾。,Some adults are hooked on computer games as well.一些成人对电脑游戏也上瘾。 She has a passion for rock music. 她热爱摇滚乐。 She has a great enthusiasm for computers. 她热衷于电脑。,3变换句型 当同一概念重复出现在一篇文章中时,要使句型灵活多变。例如: 表达“一就”,在英语中就有很多句式。 Ill tell you as soon as I know.我一知道就告诉你。 Hardly had we arrived when she started crying to go home. 我们一到,她就哭着要回家。,I had barely come in when the telephone rang. 我一回家,电话铃就响了。 No sooner had he arrived than she started complaining. 他一到,她就开始抱怨。 We had not met for 20 years,but I recognized him the moment that I saw him.我们有20年没见面了,不过我一看到他就认出他来了。,The instant I saw him,I knew he was my brother. 我一见到他,就知道他是我兄弟。 Immediately he came home,I told him about that. 他一回家,我就告诉他这件事。 On arriving at the airport,he was arrested by the police. 他一到机场,就被警察逮捕了。,Upon arrival,Darney was immediately arrested as an enemy of the people and thrown into prison. 大雷一到,就立即被作为人民的敌人逮捕入狱。 “我认为”在英语中也有多种表达方式。 I think you are right.我认为你是对的。 I believe you will succeed sooner or later. 我觉得你迟早能成功。 I guess you have made a right choice. 我感觉你的选择是对的。,We hold that no country should interfere in the affairs of other countries. 我们认为任何国家都不应干涉别国的内政。 In my opinion,smoking should be forbidden in public places. 在我看来,公共场合应该禁止吸烟。 As I see,nothing is more important than health. 依我看,什么都没有健康重要。,From my point of view,chatting on line is a waste of time. 我个人认为,上网聊天是浪费时间。 From where I stand,quality is more important than quantity. 从我的角度而言,质量比数量重要。 As far as Im concerned,learning English is a piece of cake. 就我看,学英语是小菜一碟。,It seems to me that buying lottery tickets is a waste of money. 在我看来买彩票是浪费钱。 I accept the idea that College English Test should be canceled. 我认为应该取消大学英语过级考试。,4变换表达式 适当时进行句式变换,也可以增强句子的多样性和文章的表现力。以下一些句式,可以交替互换使用: (1)虚拟与事实互换 If I were you,I should follow the rule. Youd better follow the rule. 如果我是你,我就遵守规则。,(2)主动与被动互换 We must take some effective measures to stop pollution. Some effective measures must be taken to stop pollution. 我们必须采取有效措施来治理污染。,(3)陈述与感叹互换 You gave me a pleasant surprise. What a pleasant surprise you gave me! 你给了我一个惊喜! (4)正常语序与倒装互换 I have never seen such a beautiful picture. Never have I seen such a beautiful picture. 我从没见过这么美的图画。,(5)普通句子与强调句互换 We put off the football match because of the bad weather. It was because of the bad weather that we put off the football match. 由于天气恶劣,我们推迟了足球比赛。 (6)简单句与复合句互换 We were shocked at the news. We were shocked when we heard the news. 听到这则消息我们震惊了。,
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