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惠普媒体解决方案,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,2,内容提要,HP简介 HP NLE 存储解决方案 成功案例 HP服务,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,3,1、HP简介,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,4,HP Integrity服务器产品线,HP Integrity rx7640,HP Integrity rx8640,HP Integrity Superdome,HP Integrity rx4640,HP Integrity rx1620,HP Integrity rx2660,HP Integrity BL860C HP-UX Blade,操作系统,单元式系统 支持npars、vpars、HP虚拟机,入门级系统 支持HP虚拟机、Integrity iLO,Zx2系统技术,Sx2000系统技术,Montecito安腾2处理器,rx6600 “Sapphire”,rx3600 “Ruby”,主要系统升级 2倍系统性能 在RAS方面实现新的重要创新,HP Confidential,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,HP存储产品线,Services & Solutions,MSA Family,EVA Family,XP Family,ProLiant Storage Servers,StorageWorks Clustered Gateway,StorageWorks All-in-One,EML E-Series,MSL series,Standalonedrives & autoloaders,Media,ESL E-Series,Virtual Library Systems,Multi-protocol services ISCSI/FCIP,HP Switches and Directors,Embedded switches,Host Bus Adaptors,ProLiant Data Protection Storage Server,MSA Family,Storage resource management StorageWorks device management,Data protection & recovery Replication,Data archive Data migration,June 19, 2007,惠普(HP)机密,6,HP存储产品线,MSA系列,使SAN变得简单而经济 非常适用于小规模、快速的 SAN部署 可扩展至28TB 具备EVA的优势 可用于SAN组件,始终可用 数据中心整合和灾难恢复 大规模Oracle/SAP应用 HP-UX、Windows和其它20多种系统,包括大型机,整合成本低 简单(ProLiant管理) 从DAS迁移到SAN(ProLiant),既简单又经济 Windows、HP-UX、Linux、Netware、OVMS、Tru64及其它,可扩展性,总吞吐量,XP12000/24000,EVA4100 入门套件,EVA系列,XP10000,功能强大、部署简单且 经济的SAN,EVA4100/6100/8100,总拥有成本低 120 TB,存储整合和灾难恢复 通过虚拟化技术实现简化 Windows、HP-UX、Linux、OVMS、Tru64及其它,XP系列,June 19, 2007,惠普(HP)机密,7,2. HP NLE 网络存储解决方案,NLE 网络的需求特性 非常看重持续吞吐性能(MBps),读操作大于写操作 共享访问,存在访问热点 高度安全可靠,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,8,传统 磁盘阵列 的磁盘划分方式,RAID Level (0 or 1 or 5),RAID 控制器,热备份磁盘,热备份磁盘,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,9,LUN 1,LUN 0,RAID Level,LUN 2,RAID 控制器,0,1,2,在主机 端显示,热备份磁盘,热备份磁盘,传统 磁盘阵列 的磁盘划分方式,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,10,传统 磁盘阵列 的磁盘划分方式,LUN 1,LUN 0,LUN 2,LUN 7,LUN 6,LUN 3,LUN 4,LUN 5,RAID 控制器,在主机 端显示,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,热备份磁盘,热备份磁盘,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,11,相对落后的磁盘性能,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,12,虚拟化阵列控制器,HP 虚拟化阵列的划分方式,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,13,HP 虚拟化阵列的划分方式 磁盘组,An EVA 可以有 1 到 16 磁盘组 8 到 240 磁盘 每个磁盘组,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,14,Virtual Array Controller,HP 虚拟化阵列的划分方式 LUN/vdisk allocation(逻辑磁盘的划分),LUN 2,7GB,2,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,15,20,HP 虚拟化阵列的划分方式 (划分逻辑磁盘),一个 EVA 可以有 1 到 1024 逻辑磁盘 逻辑磁盘大小可以从1GB 到 2TB(以1GB大小为单位) 逻辑磁盘可以设成 VRAID 0, 1, 5,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,16,Virtual Array Controller,HP 虚拟化阵列的划分方式 (动态扩容和负载分摊),LUN 1,LUN 2,7GB,LUN 3,5GB,8GB,1,2,在主机端显示,3,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,17,2,HP 虚拟化阵列的划分方式 动态扩容, 增加磁盘组,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,18,Virtual Array Controller,HP 虚拟化阵列的划分方式 (动态扩充逻辑磁盘),LUN 1,LUN 2,8GB,7GB,+4GB,+6GB,1,2,在主机端显示,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,19,25,HP 虚拟化阵列的划分方式 (动态扩充逻辑磁盘),2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,20,虚拟化数据智能均摊技术演示,自动将数据最大可能地分摊到该disk group中的所有物理磁盘磁盘中去 provides optimum access performance re-leveled if disks are added to the group,disk 1,disk 2,disk 3,disk 4,disk 5,allocated space due to distributed sparing,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,21,虚拟化数据智能均摊技术演示,disk 1,disk 2,disk 3,disk 4,disk 5,allocated space due to distributed sparing,allocated space due to distributed sparing,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,22,传统 磁盘阵列 的Spare方式,RAID 控制器,热备份磁盘,磁盘写操作,磁盘反同步过程,2018/9/9,Copyright 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.,23,虚拟化数据智能修复技术演示,disk 1,disk 2,disk 3,disk 4,disk 5,disk 6,disk 7,disk 8,disk 9,disk 10,stripe6,
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