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ManzoniSMED Stamping Workshop,Apr, 12th16th 2010,现场改善 GK 129,1000T 快速换型,2,Presentations Title,GK129 team 改善团队 奔驰,Team members 团队成员 冲压主任 龚小范 维修主任张建强 模修领班王佑春 传播者 王伟 操作工 张传有 模修王树林 维修计划刘景鹏 电子工程师 刘伟东 860项目组胡智平 860项目组高洋 巴西专家Silviu 巴西专家Evandro Speckhahn 巴西模修Renato 精益 张春杰,3,Presentations Title,The source of the GK 项目来源,1. VSM 价值流程图,2. 860项目组 Capacity Expansion project 8.6 M/y,4,Presentations Title,Objective and Goal 目的与目标降低1000T换型时间 =从35分钟至20分钟 Decrease the setup model time (1000T) = From 35mins to 20 mins人因工程改善 =1项Ergonomic Improvement =1 Item安全改善 =1项Safety Improvement =1 Item可视化管理 =1项Visual Management=1 Item5S改善 =1项5S Improvement =1Item,Objectives and Goal 目的 与目标,5,Presentations Title,Benefits of SMED 快速换型的好处,Reduces unproductive time 减少非生产时间,Allows to improve the client service (lead time, quantity) 有利改善客户服务(交货周期、数量等),Enlarges real capacity of machines 扩大机器实际产能,Reduce the investment and production cost 减少投资,降低成本,SMED 快速换型,Allows to reduce the stocks 有利降低库存,Shorter series becomes cheaper (reduce batch size) 产品系列更换时间更短、成本更低 (缩小批量),6,Presentations Title,Step 1 步骤一,Step 2 步骤二,Step 3 步骤三,Step 4 步骤四,Step 6,Changeover method not rationalised 没有理顺换模方法,Study of the actual situation 研究实际情况,Separate internal work From external work 将内部工作与外部工作分开,Convert internal work in external work 将内部工作转化为外部工作,Step 5 步骤五,Reduce of internal work 减少内部工作,Absence of method 没有方法,Preparation time with big variations 准备时间变化太大,There is no distinction between external work and internal work 内部和外部工作没有什么区别,Improvement of logistic support 改善物流运输,Improvement serviceability 改善可用性,Pre-assembly 预先装配,Pre-adjustments 预先调整,Pre-heating 预热,Previous work before the machine stop 停机前的准备工作,Work to be done with the machine stopped 停机时要做的工作,Work to be done after stopping 停机后要做的工作,Register and classified all the necessary working elements 将所有必要的工作进行登记和分类,Video 视频,Chronograph 计时器,The 5 Steps of SMED 快速换型的五个步骤,SMED 快速换型,Eliminate adjustments and settings 消除调整和设定,Simplify fixation and tightening 简化固定和上紧程序,Parallel work 平行作业,Internal Work: Operations which have to happen when the machine is not running 外部工作:机器没有运作时要进行的工作,External work: The operations which can take place when the machine is running 内部工作:机器运作时要进行的工作,Reduce of external work 减少外部工作,7,Presentations Title,Step1: Study of the actual situation 步骤一:研究实际情况,Make the list of setup step through film 观看录像列出换型步骤(共59步),8,Presentations Title,Step 2 Separate internal work From external work 步骤二:区分内部工作和外部工作,对59步换型步骤进行内部外部工作的区分,9,Presentations Title,After Kaizen改善后,Before Kaizen改善前,Step 3 Convert internal work to external work 将内部工作转换成外部工作,工具准备 Prepare and Organize tools,Photo,将换型工具按照模型摆放在车上,便于取放。同时增加1个套筒和1个六角扳手 Put the tools in the car according the former in order to take easily and at the same time add 1 steel tube and 1 wrench,工具在车上摆放无序, 只有1个套筒和1个六角扳手 The tools were put without order in the car and there was 1 steel tube and 1 wrench,10,Presentations Title,对换型步骤进行排序 Define the better sequence:,统计每个人的工作时间 并确定可以同时做的工作Sichronize activities:,Step 4 Reduce of internal work 减少内部工作,11,Presentations Title,After Kaizen改善后,Before Kaizen改善前,在校平机上安装支架,用于存放手柄同时将手柄加长 Make a support beside the machine to lay the handle and lengthen the handle,手柄放在控制台旁边小盒内 The handle was in the box of console,(1)制作存放手柄支架 Make a support,Step 4 Reduce of internal work 减少内部工作,12,Presentations Title,Step 4 Reduce of internal work 减少内部工作,After Kaizen改善后,Before Kaizen改善前,(2) 拆除校平机护板 Remove the protective net,需将校平机护板拆下,用手柄调整参数 Need to remove the protective net, adjust the parameter with handle,将护板更换为有机玻璃并开四个小窗口,直接用手柄调整参数 Change the protective net into organic glass and open 4 small windows,Adjust the parameter with handle directly,13,Presentations Title,Step 4 Reduce of internal work 减少内部工作,After Kaizen改善后,Before Kaizen改善前,(3) 可视化调整参数 Make the parameter visual,操作工在调整参4个调整轮参数时需来回到控制台查看POP The operator moved to the console to check the POP when he adjusted the parameter,将4个调整轮的调整参数按照顺序贴在校平机上,调整时操作工无需来回走动 Put on the parameter card into the glass,14,Presentations Title,Step 4 Reduce of internal work 减少内部工作,After Kaizen改善后,Before Kaizen改善前,(4)制作尼龙挡块 Make nylon block,新料料头出校平机后向上弯,与旧料对接不好,操作工必须用撬棍对接 The new coil was bent at the exit of machine, and bad connect the end of old coil. The operator must using crowbar to press,在校平机出口安装尼龙挡块 Make nylon block at the exit of machine,15,Step 4 Reduce of internal work 减少内部工作,After Kaizen改善后,Before Kaizen改善前,(5) 制作存放字头支架 Make a support to lay stamping punch,字头放在换型车上 The stamp punch and the tool were on the setup model car,制作字头存放支架,放在冲床旁,换型时方便取放,减少走动 Make a support to lay the stamp punch and the tool beside the machine, in order to take,16,Step 4 Reduce of internal work 减少内部工作,After Kaizen改善后,Before Kaizen改善前,(6) 制作检具支架 Make a support to lay gauge,
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