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LANZHOU UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY毕业设计(论文) 题 目 制造企业车间精益现场模式研究 学生姓名 学 号 专业班级 指导教师 学 院 机电工程学院 答辩日期 兰州理工大学毕业设计(论文)兰州理工大学毕业设计(论文) 1摘要:摘要:随着经济全球化进程的加快,企业的竞争环境发生了剧烈的变化,整个经济和企业运行系统都处在转型和巨变之中,为了适应这些变化, 精益生产模式作为一种新的生产组织管理方式应运而生,它致力于消除生产中的浪费现象,消除一切非增值的环节,使企业精确地生产精良的产品,降低制造过程成本,提高企业生产效率。从而获得最大的经济收益。精益生产模式是对企业生存发展进行根本性的考核和关键性的再设计,所以精益生产对于企业特别是我国的中小企业的发展和整体的竞争力提升有着关键的支持作用。本文以精益生产模式为研究对象,分析了国内特别是中小企业在组织管理方面存在的问题。指出我国中小企业精益生产中存在的现场布置不合理、人力资源浪费、生产效率不高等问题以及本身的重要性,针对其出现的问题给出解决措施或有效建议。关键字关键字:精益思想 现场管理 柔性化生产 兰州理工大学毕业设计(论文)兰州理工大学毕业设计(论文) 2ABSTRACTWith the speeding up of economic globalization, dramatic changes have taken place in enterprises competition environment, the economy and enterprise running system in transition and change, in order to adapt to these changes, the lean production mode as a new way of production organization and management arises at the historic moment, it aims to eliminate waste in production, to eliminate all the non value added link, make the enterprise accurately production of sophisticated products, manufacturing processes to reduce costs, improve enterprise efficiency. So as to achieve maximum economic benefits. Lean production mode is the fundamental of enterprise survival and development evaluation and critical design again, so lean production to the development of enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises in our country and the overall competitiveness of ascension has a key supporting role. Based on the lean production mode as the research object, analyses the domestic especially small and medium-sized enterprises in the organization and management problems. Pointed out our country small and medium-sized enterprises in lean production site layout is unreasonable and the waste of human resources, low production efficiency as well as the importance of themselves, for their solutions or effective Suggestions put forward for the problems. KEY WORDS:Lean thinking Site management Flexible production 兰州理工大学毕业设计(论文)兰州理工大学毕业设计(论文) 3目录目录摘要:1 第一章 绪论4 1.1 研究的背景4 1.2 研究的意义5 1.3 国内外研究综述6 1.4 研究的目的7 第二章 综述理论方法8 2.1 精益思想理论8 2.2 精益生产方法11 第三章 车间现状分析13 3.1 公司简介.13 3.2 08 号组装线可视化问题分析17 3.3 产品组装工艺问题分析.20 3.4 车间人员柔性化问题分析26 第四章 车间现状改善27 4.1 08 线可视化问题改善27 4.2 产品组装工艺问题改善.32 4.3 车间人员轻柔型分配问题改善34 第五章 车间整体分析与规划35 5.1 车间整体分析与改善35 5.1.1 车间物流强度分析与改善.35 5.1.2 工作线人员分析与改善.39 5.2 车间整体规划42 第六章 总结与展望45 6.1 总结.45 6.2 展望.46 参考文献47 致谢55兰州理工大学毕业设计(论文)兰州理工大学毕业设计(论文) 4第一章第一章 绪论绪论1.11.1 研究的背景研究的背景在 18 世纪 80 年代工业革命后,工厂制度产生,社会的基本生产组织形式以家庭、手工工厂为单位转向以工厂为单位,设备更新减少了工作时间,生产规模迅速扩大,企业内部的分工日益细微,协作更加广泛。大规模工业生产及社会经济系统为研究对象,在制造工程学、管理科学和系统工程学等学科基础上逐步形成和发展起来的一门交叉的工程学科。即为工业工程(Industrial Engineering,简称 IE) 。起源于 20 世纪初的美国,它以现代工业化生产为背景,在发达国家得到了广泛应用。它是将人、设备、物料、信息和环境等生产系统要素进行优化配置,对工业等生产过程进行系统规划与设计、评价与创新,从而提高工业生产率和社会经济效益专门化的综合技术,且内容日益广泛。在人类从事小农经济和手工业生产的时代里,人们是凭着自己的经验去管理生产。到 20 世纪初,工业开始进入“科学管理时代” ,美国工程师泰勒(F.W.Taylor)发表的科学管理的原理一书是这一时代的代表作和工业工程的经典著作。从 1910 年前后开始,美国的吉尔布雷斯夫妇(Frank. Tiny Showa Showa has been transformed by its relationship with Toyota. Showa, a radiator manufacturer, had “Process villages” for casting, cleaning, stamping, welding, painting and assembly. Each was run in batch mode with long intervals between tool changes. Mountains of parts were transported and stored between steps. The Initial Struggle. Taiichi Ohno, lean advisor, promised to reduce three months of inventory to three days, double labor productivity, and halve plant space for zero capital investment. This he did. The Final Element: Rethinking Order-Taking and Scheduling. Showa then leaned order-taking by scheduling backwards, working to takt time, to synchronize orders with production slots, exactly four days before shipment time. Orders with incorrect information were never passed along. Toyota Today. Lesson: high-tech automation only works if the plant can run at 100 percent output and if the cost of indirect technical support and high-tech tools is less than the cost of direct labor saved.Part III: Lean Enterprise 11: A Channel for the Stream; a Valley for the Channel The Lean Enterprise. No one watches the performance of the whole value stream. Identify all actions to bring a product to the customer, across all firms. There is no privacy. Each firms costs become transparent. 12: Dreaming About Perfection Long-Distance Travel. Each organization ignores the role of the other parties. The time, cost, and comfort of the total trip are key performance measures. What would travel times be without queues?兰州理工大学毕业设计(论文)兰州理工大学毕业设计(论文) 56Construction. 80% of home building is hurry-up and wait, then re-working the construction errors. The Prize We Can Grasp Right Now. Lean thinking can boost productivity while reducing errors, inventories, accidents, space requirements, production lead times, and costs in general. Lean
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