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对比选择型,2018/9/10,Free template from www.brainybetty.com,2,对比选择型,特点:对比选择型作文的标志十分明显,非常容易识别,其要求比较明确,即直接要求考生比较两种观点或两种做法,进而从中做出选择,表明自己对问题或事物的态度或观点。基本结构:1. 对要评论的事物或现象进行整体介绍;2. 陈述两种不同的观点或做法及其理由;3. 表明自己的观点或结论并陈述理由。,2018/9/10,Free template from www.brainybetty.com,3,Example 1,Direction:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Reading Selectively or Extensively? You should write at least 100 words, and you should write your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 有人认为读书要有选择 有人认为应当博览群书 我的看法,2018/9/10,Free template from www.brainybetty.com,4,Reading Selectively or Extensively?,Different people have different views on how we should read. Some people prefer to read selectively. As to me, I agree to the first opinion. Of course, reading extensively has its advantages. For example, by extensive reading people can extend their range of knowledge and broaden their vision. But for college students, I think, reading selectively is more reasonable. The following reasons can account for my preference. First of all, reading selectively can help us save time and improve our reading efficiency. By selective reading we can get the information we really need more quickly and have enough time to digest what we have read. In addition, without selection, reading may become aimless and blind, which makes reading inefficient. From the foregoing, I may reasonably conclude that we college students should read selectively according to our practical needs.,参考范文,2018/9/10,Free template from www.brainybetty.com,5,Reading Selectively or Extensively?,Different people have different views on how we should read. Some people prefer to read selectively. Others tend to like reading extensively. As to me, I agree to the first opinion.Of course, reading extensively has its advantages. For example, by extensive reading people can extend their range of knowledge and broaden their vision. But for college students, I think, reading selectively is more reasonable. The following reasons can account for my preference.First of all, reading selectively can help us save time and improve our reading efficiency. By selective reading we can get the information we really need more quickly and have enough time to digest what we have read. In addition, without selection, reading may become aimless and blind, which makes reading inefficient. From the foregoing, I may reasonably conclude that we college students should read selectively according to our practical needs.,参考范文,2018/9/10,Free template from www.brainybetty.com,6,Topic,Different people have different views on 事物/问题. Some prefer 一种观点/选择. Others tend to 另一种的观点/选择. As to me, I agree to the first/second opinion.Of course, “我”不赞同的观点/选择的合理性. For example, 支持其合理性的例子. But “我”不赞同观点/选择的不足. The following reasons can account for my preference (for “我”赞同的观点/选择).First of all/Above all, “我”的观点一/选择的理由一. 进一步说明理由一/A good example to illustrate is that 支持理由一的例子. In addition/Moreover/Whats more, “我”的观点二/选择的理由二. To conclude/ From the foregoing, 重申观点/选择.,行文思路1,2018/9/10,Free template from www.brainybetty.com,7,Example 2,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是 也有人持不同意见 我的看法和打算,2018/9/10,Free template from www.brainybetty.com,8,Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?,There is no complete agreement among people as to a test of spoken English. Some people consider that such a test is quite necessary. However, others think that any kind of test of spoken English is useless.Those people who are in favor of a test of spoken English hold that such a test can enhance college students awareness of the importance of spoken English. They believe that without it, some people may not have motivation to practice spoken English. However, others believe that a test of spoken English is very difficult to handle. They argue that the limited test time is not long enough to fully display participants ability to speak English.Personally, I prefer to former opinion. Firstly, a test of spoken English can stimulate college students to improve their abilities to speak English. Secondly, a certificate of such a test will do some help in job hunting. Most important of all, as its further improvement, the test will be able to test a candidates spoken English more effectively. Taking the above-mentioned into consideration, I may reasonably conclude that a test of spoken English is of necessity.,参考范文,2018/9/10,Free template from www.brainybetty.com,9,Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?,There is no complete agreement among people as to a test of spoken English. Some people consider that such a test is quite necessary. However, others think that any kind of test of spoken English is useless.Those people who are in favor of a test of spoken English hold that such a test can enhance college students awareness of the importance of spoken English. They believe that without it, some people may not have motivation to practice spoken English. However, others believe that a test of spoken English is very difficult to handle. They argue that the limited test time is not long enough to fully display participants ability to speak English.Personally, I prefer to former opinion. Firstly, a test of spoken English can stimulate college students to improve their abilities to speak English. Secondly, a certificate of such a test will do some help in job hunting. Most important of all, as its further improvement, the test will be able to test a candidates spoken English more effectively. Taking the above-mentioned into consideration, I may reasonably conclude that a test of spoken English is of necessity.,
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