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Chapter 9,Cultural Influences on Context: The Health Care Setting,He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything. (Arabian proverb) 有健康则有希望,有希望则有一切。 -阿拉伯谚语,New words,Irritability过敏性 Tactic策略,战略 Remedy补救,治疗 Inadvertently非故意的 Qualm疑虑,不安 Violation违反,妨碍 Decorum礼仪,礼貌 Reluctant 不情愿的 Underscore 底线,下划线 Reticent沉默的,有保留的 Reserved保留的,预定的 Extricate ekstrikeit 使解脱,解救 Interpreter解释着,注释器 Euphemism 委婉语 Detrimental有害的人或物 Jargon行话,术语 Articulate发音清晰的,口才好的 Rectum直肠 Crude粗糙的,天然的 Optimal最佳的,最理想的 Nonverbal不用言语的 Formality礼节 Symptom 症状,征兆 Render致使,提出 Converse逆行,逆向,Ward病房 Compartment货仓 Clan部落 germ病菌 Medication药物治疗 Consistently一贯地 Connotation含蓄 Immunization免疫 Misdiagnosis 误诊 intervention干预 appease平息 Disequilibrium失调 Ascribe归因于 Manifestation 显示 Decay衰败 Auspicious吉兆的 Allude暗示 warrant需要 intertwine紧密联系 solace 安慰 reciprocal交互的 Symptom症状 Reconcile使和解 Misdeed违法行为 Transitory短暂的,Fatalism宿命论 Sepsis 脓毒疾 Ultraconservative Internist 内科医生 Obstetrician 产科医生 Knuckle 指关节 Postpartum产后 Menstruation产后 Spinal脊 Club foot 畸形足 Tuberculosis ,结核病 Cholera 霍乱 Dysentary痢疾 Agent作用剂 Humor 体液 Phlegm痰 Ailment 小病 Acupuncture针灸 Moxibustion灸术 Herbal 草本的 Cupping 拔罐 Clinician 临床医生,formality f:mliti (P232 para4 line5) 原文:a requirement of etiquette or custom 礼节 In this next section, we focus on problems related to self-disclosure, language, nonverbal messages, and formality. 在下一部分,我们会将重点问题放在自我揭示、语言、非语言信息以及礼节上。 例句:The confession was a formality, though the torture was real. 认罪只是一种形式,但是刑求是真的。,Ward wd (P222 para1 line2) 1.a room in a hospital, esp one for patients requiring similar kinds of care. 病房 2. . (Government, Politics protect 保护 ward off 避开,避免 原文:In Los Angeles, a young woman from Mexico, who speaks no English, returns to the emergency ward and tries to explain that the liquid drops she put into her babys mouth (which the doctors intended for the babys ears) have made her child worse.在洛杉矶,一位来自墨西哥不会讲英文的妇女,回到急救病房试图解释她喂孩子的液滴(医生本要她放到孩子的耳朵里的)使孩子的情况更糟了。 例句:Infected by SARS, he had to be put into the isolation ward. 被SARS感染后,他不得不呆在隔离病房。,compartment kmptmnt(P222 Para1 line4) One of the parts or spaces into which an area is subdivided 隔间 cargo compartment 货仓 原文:In Taiwan, ninety-four rare turtles are seized from the cargo compartment of an airplane heading for the United States.在台湾,94只罕见的乌龟被运下一架飞往美国的客机的货仓。 例句:In lifes wallet, there is no compartment for change. 钱付多时尚可找, 精力(生命)多付不再回.,clan kln (P222 Para1 line9) A division of a tribe tracing descent from a common ancestor 氏族;部落 原文:His parents are from one of the eighteen Hmong clans from Laos that have settled in the United States. 他的父母来自老挝18个苗族部落的其中一个部落,已经在美国定居。 例句:The unit of social organization everywhere is the clan, consisting of people having the same family name. 社会组织是普遍地以一姓为单位的家族组织。,germ dm (P222 Para1 line11) 1. A small mass of protoplasm or cells from which a new organism or one of its parts may develop 病菌,细菌; 2. Something that may serve as the basis of further growth or development萌芽 原文:North American mothers, because they believe that germs cause disease, become uncomfortable when people get too close to their infants. 居住在北美的母亲们,因为相信细菌引起疾病,一旦别人太靠近自己的婴儿,她们就会觉得很不舒服。 例句:Honesty is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds.-George Sandys(American traveler and poet ) 诚实是高贵得以发展的芽-美国旅行家、诗人桑迪斯,Medication ,mdken (P222 Para1 line19) treatment with drugs or remedies 药物治疗 原文:In contrast, Navaho patients take their medications more consistently when they are administered or required four times a day.相对而言,如果医生要求纳瓦霍(美国最大的印第安部落)病人每天服药四次,他们会坚持遵照医生的嘱咐。 例句:Many people compounded the mischief by harmful self-medication. 许多人自作聪明乱服药,使病更难治.,consistently knsstntli (P222 Para1 line 19) in a systematic or consistent manner一贯地;固守地 原文:In contrast, Navaho patients take their medications more consistently when they are administered or required four times a day.相对而言,如果医生要求纳瓦霍(美国最大的印第安部落)病人每天服药四次,他们会坚持遵照医生的嘱咐。 例句:China will consistently pursue an independent foreign policy. 中国将坚持独立自主的外交政策。,connotation ,knten(P222 para1 倒数第二行) an association or idea suggested by a word or phrase; implication 含蓄;言外之意 原文:Something as simple as a number can stimulate negative connotations in one culture and have the exact opposite impact in another. 一些类似数字这么简单的东西在一种文化蕴含着消极的意思,但在另一种文化则恰恰相反。 例句:The connotation of self-renewal in Book of Changes includes personality features of men of honor such as humility, wariness, good faith and wide mind. 易经中自强的含义包括自强者(君子)的人格特征,即谦虚、谨慎、诚信、胸怀宽阔。,immunization ,mjnzen (P223 para2 line3) The process of inducing immunity to an infectious organism or agent in an individual or animal through vaccination免疫 原文:Thousands of people die daily from lack of immunization and from diseases and viruses. 每天都有成千上万的人死于缺乏免疫以及疾病和病毒。 例句:Chinas immunization achievements have been highly praised by the international community. 中国计划免疫工作取得的成绩得到了国际社会的高度赞誉,misdiagnosis msdagnss (P223 para3 line2) the act or an instance of misdiagnosing or being misdiagnosed 误诊 原文:Misdiagnosis, risky procedures, and unnecessary treatments are the result of this miscommunication. 误诊,有风险的流程,不必要的治疗都是由误解引起的。 例句:.Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless, and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self? pity. 一次医疗误诊使她双目失明,突然间她被抛进了一个黑暗、愤怒、沮丧和抑郁的世界,
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