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最受欢迎的十大职业,制作人:高雅、鲍鸿嘉、刘学、李琳,Accountant,Accounting responsibility one, in accordance with the national financial regulations, serious staff and strict implementation of financial planning, budgeting, comply with the system of income, expenses and expenses of the standards 会计责任,按照国家金融法规,严重的员工和严格执行金融计划、预算、遵守系统的收入、费用和开支的标准,Lawyer,Refers to the lawyers practice certificate, accepting the entrustment or specify, for the parties to provide legal services to the professional personnel. According to the nature of the work division, the lawyer can be divided into professional lawyer and part-time lawyers, in accordance with the scope of business division, the lawyer can be divided into the civil law, criminal law and administrative law, according to the service object and task identity, are divided into social law, company law and public law.,指的是律师执业证书,接受委托或指定为当事人提供法律服务的专业人员。根据部门工作的性质,律师可以分为专业律师和兼职律师依法经营范围划分,律师可以分为民法、刑法、行政法律,根据服务对象和任务的身份,分为社会法律,公司法律和公共法律,Computer Programmer,Programmers to program design and program code, the former is on functional design, the latter is to realize the function of. The designer of the program at the same time he is on behalf of clients, he needs to the customer demand analysis, the customer needs to have those features of the software; designer of the program is “ chief experience officer “, because he want to design and production of the software for repeated use of simulation, so the program coding clerk to modify, in order to achieve the purpose of humanity 程序员程序设计和程序代码,前者是在功能设计,后者是实现的功能。设计师的程序同时他是代表客户,他需要客户需求分析,客户需要这些功能的软件;设计师的计划是“首席体验官”,因为他想设计和生产软件的反复使用模拟,所以程序编码职员来修改,以达到人类的目的,电脑工程师,Biological Scientist,To life as the research object to the success of the crowd may be called a biologist. Biology can be divided into animal science, botany, microbiology, so biologists can fine as a zoologist, botanist, microbiologists etc According to the research of life activities, divide again for ecologists, physiologists, cell biologists, geneticists, molecular biology and systems biologist.,生命为研究对象的成功的人群可能被称为一个生物学家。生物学可以分为动物学,植物学,微生物学,所以生物学家可以细作为一个动物学家,植物学家,微生物学家等。根据研究的生命活动,又分为生态学家,生理学家,细胞生物学家,遗传学家、分子生物学和系统生物学家。,以生命为研究对象的成功人群就可以称之为生物学家。生物学可以分为动物学,植物学,微生物学等,所以生物学家又可以细为动物学家,植物学家,微生物学家等。根据研究生命活动的内容,又分为生态学家、生理学家、遗传学家、细胞生物学家、分子生物学与系统生物学家等。,Consulting service,Consulting service is a consultant and the corresponding customer service activities, its content is to provide advisory services to customers, the service of the nature and scope through negotiate with customer, customer ( consult or consultants ) questions or problems, the main service ( answering party or service ) some suggestions or solutions, both by agreement on the mutual responsibility and obligation of contract.,咨询服务,咨询服务是一个顾问和相应的客户服务活动,它的内容是向客户提供咨询服务,服务的性质和范围通过与客户沟通,客户(咨询或咨询师)问题或问题,主要服务(应答方或服务)的一些建议和解决方案,既通过协议的共同责任和义务的合同。,Insurance Professional保险人员,文化适应中国保险行业现代化、国际化的发展需求,保险、保险和商业管理、金融投资和其他方面的理论知识和业务技能,从事商业保险业务、市场营销、管理、操作和管理的社会保险基金、保险监督和其他实际工作和科研工作的高级保险人员。 Culture to adapt to Chinas insurance industry modernization, internationalization development requirements, with insurance, insurance and business management, financial investment and other aspects of the theory of knowledge and business skills, to engage in commercial insurance business, marketing, management, operation and management of social insurance fund, insurance supervision and other practical work and scientific research work of the senior insurance personnel.,Personal Selling推销人员,Salesman salesman play mainly depends on subjective initiative, using a variety of persuasion techniques to achieve sales objectives. Marketing personnel other than selling has a more vital significance, this is because the personnel to sell the effect is often higher than other forms of marketing. While the personnel in small and medium enterprises development is particularly important,推销员推销员扮演主要取决于主观能动性,使用各种各样的说服技术来实现销售目标。营销人员以外的销售有着更重要的意义,这是因为人员销售效果通常高于其他形式的市场活动。虽然人员在中小企业发展尤为重要,乔吉拉德,(原名约瑟夫萨缪尔吉拉德,Joseph Samuel Gerard,1928年11月1日出生于美国密歇根州底特律市),是美国著名的推销员。他是吉尼斯世界纪录大全认可的世界上最成功的推销员,从1963年至1978年总共推销出13001辆雪佛兰汽车。乔吉拉德是世界上最伟大的销售员,连续12年荣登世界吉尼斯记录大全世界销售第一的宝座,他所保持的世界汽车销售纪录:连续12年平均每天销售6辆车,至今无人能破。,Psychological Doctor心理医生,Psychological advisory division is engaged in: applied psychology, personality psychology, abnormal psychology and the psychological doctor is a spiritual mentorPsychiatric diagnosis theory knowledge, through physical therapy and other means, to solve the psychological barrier of the professional visitors. At present, psychological counselling staff to professional psychology, other staff have medical learning background 心理咨询师是从事:应用心理学,人格心理学、变态心理学和心理医生是一个精神mentorPsychiatric诊断理论知识,通过物理疗法和其他手段,解决心理障碍的专业观众。目前,心理辅导人员专业心理学,其他员工有医学学习背景,Traditional Chinese Medicine中医,Traditional Chinese medicine ( Traditional Chinese Medicine )rs to traditional Chinese medicine, is the study of human physiology, pathology, and disease diagnosis and prevention of a subject. It carries with ancient Chinese peoples struggle with the disease experience and theoretical knowledge, is in the ancient naive materialism and dialectics, under the guidance of the spontaneous, through long-term medical practice, gradually formed and developed into a theoretical system of Medicine 传统中药(中药)指的是中国传统医学,是研究人类生理、病理和疾病诊断和预防的一个主题。它承载着中国古代人民的斗争和疾病的经验和理论知识,在古代朴素的唯物主义和辩证法的指导下,经过长期的医疗实践自发,逐渐形成和发展成为医学理论体系,
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