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中考二轮复习,商丘市睢阳区坞墙镇第二初级中学 叶玉琳,数词,不忘初心,方得始终!,考点1:常考基数词,序数词一览表,考点精讲,不忘初心,方得始终!,考点精讲,(1). 读数的单位: 百hundred, 千thousand (第1个逗号),万ten thousand, 百万million (第2个逗号), 十亿billion (第3个逗号) (2). 百位和十位数之间要用 “and”, 十位数和个位数之间要用连字符 “-”。如: 3,115,687,891读作:three billion one hundred and fifteen million six hundred and eighty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-one.,考点2:基数词的读法,不忘初心,方得始终!,考点3. 编号的表示法:,名词(首字母大写)+基数词(首字母大写) =the+序数词(首字母小写)+名词(首字母小写) = 名词(首字母大写)+数字。 如: Lesson Two = the second lesson =Lesson 2 (第二课); Page Three = the third page = Page 3 (第三页); Class One = the first 1 (一班); Bus No. 2 = the number two bus (第二路公共汽车) Room 206 (206号房); Row 7 = the seventh row = Row Seven (第七排),考点精讲,不忘初心,方得始终!,考点4. 时间的读法,(1).顺读法(先读小时后读分钟) 如: 6:25 读成six twenty-five. 9:48 读成 nine forty-eight. (2).逆读法(先读分钟后读小时): 分钟小30用past. 如: 7:23 读成twenty-three past seven 分钟大30用to,且分钟要用60减,小时要加1 . 如: 8:50 读成ten(60-50) to nine(8+1) (3).半小时用half;一刻钟用quarter。如2:30 读成half past two。 6:45读成 a quarter to seven。一个半小时(天,星期,月,年)的表达法有两种: one hour (day, week, month, year) and a half; one and a half hours (days, weeks, months, years),考点精讲,不忘初心,方得始终!,考点5. 年月日的表达法,(1). 月份一览表(2). 年,月连用: 月前,年后,中间可不用逗号。如: 2011年7月写成July 2011.(3). 月,日连用,有三种方式。如:9月10日写成September 10=September the tenth=the tenth of September(4). 年,月,日连用时表达方式有三种。如:2009年3月9日写成on March 9, 2009 (常用) = on March the ninth, 2009 = on the ninth of March in 2009.,考点精讲,不忘初心,方得始终!,考点6. 世纪年代的表达法,19世纪 in the nineteenth century 80年代 in the eighties 20世纪70年代in the 1970s(1970s),考点精讲,不忘初心,方得始终!,考点7. 分数,百分数,小数的表达法,(1). 分数:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1时,分母加s。 如:1/4: one fourth (a quarter) 3/4 : three fourths (three quarters) 7/9 :seven ninths或seven-ninths (2). 小数,百分数:小数点读成point, 百分号%读成percent. 如:5.6读成five point six 30%读成 thirty percent (3). 与名词连用时常用表达方式为:分数/百分数/小数+of +名词,谓语动词取决于名词。如:5/6的作业 five sixths of the homework 50%的工人 50 percent of the workers 1.5个萍果1.5 of apples,考点精讲,不忘初心,方得始终!,考点8. 度量表示法,1 厘米 one centimeter 2英寸 2 inches 3英尺 3 feet 4公斤 4 kilograms(kg) 5磅 five pounds 6公里 six kilometers(km) 7吨seven tons 8码 eight yards 9米深 9 meters deep 10米宽 10 meters wide 11米长11 meters long,考点精讲,不忘初心,方得始终!,考点9. dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million, billion的用法:,(1). 后接of 时,这些词都要加s,且前面不能有 确定数字,但可以有不确定数字(many, several, a few) 如:dozens of eggs, hundreds of students, many thousands of books (2). 这些词前有确定数字时,不管数字多少,这些词都不能加s 如:1 billion cars, 2 dozen apples, 5 hundred trees, 8 thousand desks,考点精讲,不忘初心,方得始终!,倍数表示如下: 1倍once, 2倍twice, 3倍以上由基数词+times 表示。 如:3(5)倍three (five) times,考点10. 倍数表达法,考点精讲,不忘初心,方得始终!,考点11. 其他常用表达方式,在某人50(20, 30)多岁时: in ones fifties(twenties, thirties) 10分钟的路程: 10 minutes walk = a ten-minute walk 再多两个小时: two more hours = another two hours,考点精讲,不忘初心,方得始终!,考点直击,( ) 1. There are _ people in Jacks family. They live in the _ building.A. five, fifth B. five, five C. fifth, fifth D. fifth, five ( ) 2. I think _ is as easy as _.A. Lesson two, Lesson 1 B. Lesson 2, Lesson on C. Lesson 2, Lesson 1 D. lesson 2, lesson 1 ( ) 3. When is Childrens Day? Its on _.A. June 1st B. July 1st C. June the second D. July the first ( ) 4. We can see _ stars at night if it is fine. A. thousand of B. two thousands C. three thousands of D. thousands of,不忘初心,方得始终!,考点直击,( ) 5. In our school, _ of the students are boys.A. two third B. three fifth C. four-fifth D. four sevenths ( ) 6. The river is only_, so we can swim across it.A. 20 meters long B. 20 meters wide C. 20-meter long D. 20-meter wide ( ) 7. It took me _ to finish the summer homework.A. a half and two weeks B. two week and a halfC. two and a half weeks D. two and a half week ( ) 8. Have you got enough books? No. I need _.A. four more B. more four C. four another D. other four ( ) 9.When John was _, he went to London to go on his university.A. on his twenties B. in his twenties C. in the twenties D. in his twenty,不忘初心,方得始终!,( ) 10. The small girl was born on _.A. 2007 June 6 B. June 6 2007 C. June 6, 2007 D. June, 6, 2007 ( ) 11. One million six hundred and seventy-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-two is _.A. 1678932 B. 6789123 C. 1698723 D. 16078932 ( ) 12. 10:23 is _.A. ten past twenty-three B. twenty-three to eleven C. twenty-three past ten D. ten twenty three ( ) 13. Marx began to learn Russian in _.A. a 1870 B. the 1870 C. the 1870s D. his 1870 ( ) 14. The bank is far from here, youd better ta_.A. bus no. 2B. the No. 2 bus C. bus of no. 2 D. the bus 2 ( ) 15. By the end of last year we had planted about _ trees. A. five hundreds B. five hundreds of C. five hundred of D. five hundred,考点直击,不忘初心,方得始终!,( ) 16.To finish the task, weve tried three times, and after dinner well try _time.A.the fourth B.a fourth C.fourth D.four ( ) 17.Can you imagine what life will be like in _ time? A. 20 years B. 20 years C. 20-years D. 20-year ( ) 18.We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen_we speak.A. as twice much as B. twice an much asC. as much as twice D. as much twice as ( ) 19.Between the two hills _a deep river.A. are B. have C. has D. is ( ) 20.Do you know that there are many different _ animals in the zoo?Yes, I do. And I also know that some of them are _ scaring. A. kinds of; kind of B. kinds of; kinds ofC. kind of; kinds of D. kind of; kind of,
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