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运 法,Arc-pushing,小儿推拿 Child Massage,概念 Concept,用拇指指面或桡侧面,也可用食指或中指指面,在一定穴位上作弧形或环形的轻轻推磨,称为“运法”,The manipulation which is done by the radial or fingerprint surface of the thumb or the cushion of the index or middle finger,and which reguires the doctor to push lightly in an arching or circling way around a point,is called arc-pushing.,动作要领 Essentials of Manipulation,本法在操作时,用力宜轻,推动的速度要稍慢,不能太快。只是在体表沿着操作路线做轻柔缓和的摩擦旋绕,其用力较摩法为轻。操作频率为每分钟80-100次。,The strength used must be light and the speed of pushing must be slow.The rubbing should be soft and gentle and move along the operating line on the surface of the skin in a circling way,The strength used is must lighter than that for palm-rubbing .The frequency is 80-100 times in one minute.,功效 Effect,它具有宣通筋络、调和血脉的功能。 It performs the function of dredging the muscles,tendons and channels and promoting blood circulation.,临床应用 Clinical Application,本法轻柔缓和,多用于在手掌的特定穴位操作,如运八卦等。 This manipulation which is light and slow is suitable for the special points on the palm,such as arc-pushing Bagua.,常用于治疗风热感冒、寒热往来、食积不化、腹胀肠鸣等证。 It is often used to treat wind-heat cold,alternate attacks of chills and fever,dyspepsia,abdominal distention,borborygmus,etc.,
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