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,从海绵城市到 可持续的城市,1,April.16.2015,李凤禹,塑造面向未来的珍水城市 Create Smart Watershed development of City Future,2012.7.21,2012.5,江西鄱阳湖,塑造面向未来的珍水城市 Create Smart Watershed development of City Future,2012.7.21,北京,塑造面向未来的珍水城市 Create Smart Watershed development of City Future,2012.11,天津滨海新区,快速城市化,使水资源日趋紧张、枯竭 不精明的增长策略,损耗自然资源 薄弱的基础设施建设及滞后的设施维护工作,影响城市安全 利益驱动,污染造成自然生境的毁灭性损害,为什么,水不再温顺?,水与城市的关系,决定了可持续的未来发展,今天,我们必须反思:In managing risk and seeking to create a better future world to be truly sustainable we have to think about the Water issues of: 水与气候变化 / Climate Change 水资源紧缺/Water Scarcity 水环境破坏/Environmental Damage 水灾和防治 / Disaster Prevention 滨水的开发 / Waterfront Development 水与文化精神/ Culture 水与公共活动 / Public Activity,塑造面向未来的珍水城市 Create Smart Watershed development of City Future,如何统筹城市化发展与城市水环境的问题?,量化模拟/动态监控/综合统筹,流域被作为完整的系统通盘考虑 水被作为城市的战略性资源储备 优化地上/地下平衡的水循环系统 构建链接/互通的亲水的城市生活空间场所 通过教育引导节水/敬水的生活方式,可持续实现的路径:蓝网,保护现有流域的汇水系统 采用高密度,紧凑型建设发展模式 提高水资源的利用效率 创造更多的渗透性开放空间 鼓励低维护费用的生态基础设施,1整合的规划设计方法 Integrated Design Approaches,裕廊湖区可持续发展总体规划,新加坡 Jurong Lake District Sustainability Masterplan, Singapore,水资源保护 用量化要求改变行为 政府的激励与监督机制 能反映水资源真正价值的定价机制 饮用水的替代来源 明确场地特征 完善水平衡 确定再利用方式 污水处理 雨水采集,废水回收与再利用 洪水管理 遵守社区用水预算 法定规划层面的创新与导引,2水资源管理 Water Resources Management,Norman Creek流域愿景规划, 布里斯班,澳大利亚 Norman Creek Catchment Vision and Concept, Brisbane, Australia,Water Conservation Education to achieve behavioral change Government incentives and regulation Price structuring that reflects waters true value Alterative sources to subscribe potable water Define site characteristics Complete water balance Identify reuse options Sewer overflow events Water capture, recycling and reclamation Flood management Living within a community water budget,对未来生活方式的思考 普及下一代可持续发展及珍水教育 开展公共社区培训活动,增强公众意识,3教育与培训 Training and Education,Nova Luz城市更新,圣保罗,巴西 Nova Luz Regeneration, So Paolo, Brazil,Zidells Park,Zidells Park,Zidells Park,Zidells Park,Zidells Park,Zidells Park,Zidells Park,Zidells Park,Zidells Park,Zidells Park,Zidells Park,Zidells Park,案例1: 天津北塘社区可持续规划,塑造面向未来的珍水城市 Create Smart Watershed development of City Future,可持续系统整合方法论 SSIM Introduction and Overall Methodology,01,26,对于一个整合模型的需求 Need for an Integrated Model,You cant manage what you cant measure 你无法对于不能衡量的事物进行管理Sustainable design CAN save costs 可持续设计能够降低成本We live/work in inter-connected environments 我们生活在相互关联的环境中There are lots of Sustainable design choices and fewer Right Choices 可持续设计选择很多,但是正确的选择却很少,Quantification 量化,Sustainable Economics 可持续经济,Optimization 最优化,Whole Systems 全系统,需求 Need,整合设计与全系统思考方式 Integrated Design and Whole Systems Thinking,27,整合模型框架 Integration Modeling Framework,Integration Platform,Framework System 目标追求决策版,Sustainable Form 可持续城市形态,Master Plan,28,Stage I 第一阶段 Land Plan Evaluation 土地规划评估,Stage II 第二阶段 Core System Performance Benchmarking 核心系统性能定级,Stage III 第三阶段 Program Optimization 计划优化,SSIM方法论 SSIM Methodology,29,SSIM方法适用于各种尺度 The SSIM Approach is Applicable to Various Scales,建筑Building,校园Campus,城市 City,现有项目EXISTING,新开发NEW,30,65+ Measures / Packages,LEED Credits,SSIM拥有强大的措施数据库,可以满足各种需求 SSIM is Comprehensive in Scope with a Library of Measures,31,SSIM方法包括整合的设计协同 The SSIM Approach includes Integrated Design Synergies,停车位需求量的减少X%, Y Spaces,32,SSIM第一阶段 选择优选方案 SSIM Stage I Selecting Preferred Plans,33,SSIM第二阶段 主要系统成本效益分析和目标制定 SSIM Stage II: Primary Systems Cost-Benefit Analysis and Benchmarking,初始投资 First-Costs,将组合融于总体可持续方案 Packages Combined into Master Sustainability Programs,生命周期成本 Life Cycle Costs,各个专题项目优化组合 Optimized Packages for Each Core Theme,环境效益 Environmental Benefit,市场承受力 Market Cost Acceptance,生活用水 Domestic Water佳 good 优良 better 最优 best,交通 Transportation佳 good 优良 better 最优 best,公共空间 Public Realm佳 good 优良 better 最优 best,可再生能源 Renewable Energy佳 good 优良 better 最优 best,专题项目建模 Core Theme Modeling,建筑能源 Building Energy佳 good 优良 better 最优 best,34,Real-time Readout of Primary Performance Indicators 主要性能指标的实时显示,Real-time Readout of Primary Cost Indicators 主要成本指标的实时显示,Program Alternatives 计划,Package Selection 组合选择,Core Systems 核心系统,SSIM第三阶段 调试并建立优化的计划 SSIM Stage III Gaming and Creating an Optimized Program,35,SSIM第三阶段 生命周期成本分析 SSIM Stage III Life Cycle Cost Analysis,36,城市规划阶段的用水需求量控制 Water Demand Reduction in Planning Stage,02,Input Alternative Plans into the SSIM Framework and Generate Development Program Data in formats compatible with SSIM Modules 将备选方案输入SSIM框架,生成与SSIM各模块兼容的开发方案数据Evaluate Alternative Land Plans to Select Preferred Plan with Most Potential for Sustainability using key performance indicators (KPIs)根据关键性能指标,评估备选方案,并选择出最具可持续性的优选方案,38,第一阶段目标 Stage I Objectives,开发性能,生态性能,可达性和空间分布,资源使用,废物产生量,39,第一阶段介绍 Stage I Introduction,Urban Form is the single largest determinant of GHG emissions 城市形态是独立的最大温室气体排放决定因素,SSIM provides guidance towards creating low water urban form SSIM为建立低水城市形态提供了指导方向,第一阶段模拟过程 Stage I Modeling and Process,利用GIS建模工具绘图 Draw Concept with GIS Sketch Tools With Project specific land use and features pallete,
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