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CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES 中国南方航空公司A/C Tail No. 飞机号:Maint. Station 维修站:DEICING AND ANTI-ICING JOB CARD 除防冰工作卡Completion Date 完成日期:Revision 修订:2007-02-01 Version 版本:R1 Job Card 工卡号 : W/Revised by 编写 /修订:zhangls 123111-01-1R/Approved by 审核 /批准:lizz JC TitleAIRCRAFT DEICING/ANTI-ICING PROCEDURE Mechanic 工卡标题飞机除 / 防冰工作工作者Aircraft Effectivity飞机适用范围 : Page 页码ALL CSN AIRCRAFTS 所有南航飞机1 of 4 WARNING: MAKE SURE THAT YOU OBEY ALL THE WARNING AND ALL THE CAUTIONS INCLUDED IN CSN DEICING AND ANTI-ICING PROCEDURE AND THE REFERENCED PROCEDURES IN AMM. 警告:严格按照南航除冰大纲和AMM 手册中的相关要求进行飞机除/防冰工作。严格遵守其中的安全警 告信息。 WARNING: MAKE SURE THAT YOU OBEY ALL THE WARNING AND USE INSTRUCTION OF THE MANUFACTORY. KEEP THE WORK AREA VENTILATION AND AVOID FIRE AND HUMAN INJURE 警告:使用除冰液和防冰液等化学品时,要严格遵守厂家的使用说明和安全规定。保持工作场地通风, 注意防火和人身安全。DEICING AND ANTI-ICING PROCEDURE 除防冰工作程序1. Before inspect aircraft icing status, connect with cockpit through interphone system and inform interrelated ground information. According to cockpit s command to inspect aircraft icing status and perform deicing and anti-icing procedure. Avoid aircraft damage or person injure. 检查结冰状态前,使用内话系统与驾驶舱联系,通告准备情况,并按照驾驶舱指示进行结冰检查及除防冰 工作,防止人员受伤或飞机受损。_2. Inspect Aircraft Icing Status 检查飞机结冰状态。_A. Position access platform or vehicle can be lifted for higher position inspection. 准备可以登高检查的梯子,或具有登高装置,便于登高检查的车辆;B. According to maintenance procedure and regulation to inspect icing status. Especially inspect aircraft exterior surface and frozen easy position 按机务维修程序和维护规定的程序检查;特别检查飞机表面和易于结冰的位置。C. Exterior inspection: perform general visual inspection for exterior surface including all possible frozen zone. Make sure no ice, snow and frost. Mostly inspect the following important zone: 外部检查:对所有外部可能结冰的区域进行一般目视检查,确保没有冰雪霜,重点检查下列关键区 域:(1) Wing surface including leading edge 机翼表面包括表面前缘;(2) Horizontal stabilizer upper and lower surface, vertical stabilizer, elevator and rudder. 水平安定面上下表面、垂直安定面及升降舵、方向舵;(3) Fuselage and windshield 机身、风挡玻璃;(4) Air data probe, static ports, angle-of-attack transducer 大气数据探头、静压孔、迎角传感器;(5) Control surface movable internal cavity and movable component 操纵面活动内腔及活动部位;Job Card 工卡号:123111-01-1 JC TitleAIRCRAFT DEICING/ANTI-ICING PROCEDURE Mechanic 工卡标题飞机除 / 防冰工作工作者Aircraft Effectivity飞机适用范围 : Page 页码ALL CSN AIRCRAFTS 所有南航飞机2 of 4 (6) Engine external surface, engine inlet and exhaust nozzle, Make sure engine rotor normal running 发动机外表面、发动机进气口和排气口;发动机转子转动正常;(7) APU inlet and exhaust nozzle APU 进气口和排气口;(8) Landing Gear and wheel well. 起落架和轮舱。NOTE: When aircraft on ground, that is possible ice or frost come on upper surface of the wing in cold weather. When walk around check, that is difficult to observe accumulate of ice in front of wing or behind wing, especially no enough lighting or wet wing. So when check ice, must have enough high platform to access wing leading edge. Touch wing tank by hand, if find ice, should perform deicing and reinspection, Make sure no ice on wing. 注:当飞机在地面时,在一定条件下,可能在机翼上表面形成明冰或霜,在绕飞机检查 时,从机翼的前方或后方很难察觉到明冰的积聚,特别是当照明条件较差和机翼潮湿 的时候。所以在检查明冰时,要将足够高的工作梯放在尽可能靠近机翼前缘的地方, 并靠近机身,用手接触油箱的大部分区域,如果发现明冰,应在机翼表面进行除冰并 进行复查,以确保除去所有的冰。3. According to icing status, if necessary, perform deicing for aircraft or frozen component. During deicing must obey the following principle: 根据结冰状态检查结果,视需对飞机或结冰部件进行除冰。除冰要求遵循以下原则:_A. According to the procedure of associate maintenance manual and CSN Deicing And Anti-Icing Procedure to perform deicing and anti-icing. 遵守各相关机型维护手册及南航除防冰大纲中关于除防冰的程序进行除防冰;B. Better use mechanical method to wipe off ice, snow, half thaw and frost from aircraft surface. Use of deicing fluid as less as possible. Don t use metal or other hard tool to deice aircraft. 尽量采用机械方法将冰,雪,半融雪及霜从飞机表面清除掉,尽量减少除冰液的使用;机械除冰时不要企 图使用金属或其他尖硬物来清除机体表面的结冰。C. During deicing do not put ice or snow into control surface movable internal cavity 除冰过程中不要将冰或雪推入操纵面的空腔或孔洞内;D. According to weather state decide to use one-step or two-step to deice aircraft. 根据天气条件决定使用一步除冰法或两步除冰法。E. When spray deicing fluid, must obey the following principle: 喷洒除冰液时,要求遵循以下原则: (1) Wing and horizontal stabilizer(for dihedral wing): spray direction from tip to root and from top to bottom. 机翼和水平安定面(对于上反角机翼):从机翼和水平安定面的尖端喷向根部,从曲面最高点喷 向最低点;(2) Vertical stabilizer and fuselage side: spray direction from top to bottom. 垂直安定面和机身侧面:从垂直安定面和机身侧面的顶部开始向下进行喷洒;(3) Fuselage: spray direction from fuselage top center to side. Pay attention not spray to cabin or cockpit window. 机身:从机身顶部中心线喷洒然后向外,注意不要直接喷向旅客窗户和驾驶舱窗户;(4) Landing gear and wheel well: Best use mechanical method to wipe off ice. If using deicing fluid, must use low flow to spray and avoid fluid spray on wheel and brake. 起落架和轮舱:尽量使用机械方法除冰。如需使用除冰液,则采用低压小流量喷洒进行除冰,并 防止除冰液溅落在机轮和刹车上。Job Card 工卡号:123111-01-1 JC TitleAIRCRAFT DEICING/ANTI-ICING PROCEDURE Mechanic 工卡标题飞机除 / 防冰工作工作者Aircraft Effectivity飞机适用范围 : Page 页码ALL CSN AIRCRAFTS 所有南航飞机3 of 4 (5) Engine: Best not spray to engine directly. Should use mechanica
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