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教师寄语:He knows most who speaks least.大智若愚- 1 - 高一下学期英语学案编号: 12 编写人:审核人:备课组长:课题Unit5Canada-Vocabulary 教师备课(学生笔 记)Contents I words and expressions 1. surround 【名师点拨 】surround vt. & vi. 意为“包围;围绕;环绕”,常用固定搭配 surround sth / sb (with sth) ;be surrounded with / by sth 意为“周围都是 , ”。如:Many people think it is the most beautiful city in Canada, as it is surrounded by mountains on the north and east and the Pacific Ocean on the west. (P34) In the past, people generally surrounded the castle with a high wall. The village was surrounded on all sides by mountains. 2. within【名师点拨 】within 是介词,意为“在 , 之内”,可表示时间、距离、空间、能力等的范围。如:Most Canadians live within 320 kilometres of the USA border, and in fact, the population of Canada is only slightly over thirty million. (P34) There is no school within three miles of the village. 3. distance 【名师点拨 】distance 是名词,意为“距离;远方”,其形容词是distant。in the distance 意为“在远处;在远方”;within walking distance of 指到 , 的距离很近,走路就可以到。如:In the distance, they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake. (P38) The shop is within walking distance of my house.4. broad【名师点拨 】broad 是形容词,意为“宽阔的;广泛的”,一般强调幅面宽广,并常用来修饰人的肩、背、胸的宽;wide 强调距离宽,如两岸间的河宽,眼睛睁得大等。如:As they sat in a cafe looking over the broad St Lawrence 教师寄语:He knows most who speaks least.大智若愚- 2 - River, a young man sat down with them. (P39) Ted had broad shoulders. There is a wide street in front of the building. 经典短语1. settle down 【名师点拨 】settle down 意为“定居;平静下来”;settle down to sth 指开始认真去做某事。settle 还可指结束争论、解决纠纷等。如:That afternoon in the train the cousins settle down in their seats. (P34) They settled down to a quiet discussion of Chinese slang. The question is being settled tonight. 2. have a gift for 【名师点拨 】have a gift for 意为“对 , 有天赋”,gift 除有“礼物”的意思外,还可指“天生的才能”,是可数名词。如:Many of them have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes. (P34) He has a gift for learning foreign languages. 3. figure out【名师点拨 】figure out 意为“合计为;计算出;弄明白”。figure 可作名词,指人的身材、 体态、 相貌等, keep one s figure 意为“保持体形”。如: then figure out a few more words that you can add to each box. (P36) I cant figure out why he left her alone. I am dieting to keep my figure in order to look slim. 4. as far as【名师点拨 】as far as意为“与, 一样远;远至”,还可指 “就,(而言 / 而知等 )”。如:It stoo bad you cantgo as far as Ottawa, Canada s capital. (P38) We ll go by train as far as London, and then take a coach. As far as I know, they re planning to visit the poor family. 【知识拓展 】far from sth / doing sth 意为“远离;远非;完全不”;so far意为“迄今为止”,常与现在完成时连用。如:Your account is far from the truth. So far there s been no word from them.5. close to教师寄语:He knows most who speaks least.大智若愚- 3 - 【名师点拨 】be close to sb / sth 意为“ (在空间上或时间上)接近”, close为形容词。同时,close 还可作副词以及动词。如:Let s go downtown. Old Montreal is close to the water. (P38) Clearly he wanted to be close to that girl. If you close your eyes, you couldn t see anything. 6. dream of【名师点拨 】dream of sth / doing sth 意为“做梦;梦想;向往;渴望”,后接名词,代词或动名词。如: the cousins dreamed of French restaurants and red maple leaves. (P39) When I was young I dreamed of becoming a famous football player. 1.短语练习1定居;专心于;平静下来_ 2对。 。 。有天赋 _ 3合计为;解决;领悟到_ 4远到;直到;至于 _ 5在。 。 。旅途中; _ 6在远处 _ 7在黎明时;破晓是 _ 8而不是 _ 9眺望 _ 10离。 。 。很近 _ 11在黑夜里穿行 _ 12在进行比赛中_ 13多文化的国家 _ 14直飞。 。 。去_ 15上千平方公里大小_ 16 这些鸡蛋中的三大 _ 17成千上万只羊_ 18包围;围绕 _ 19稍稍;轻微的_ 20使恐怖;恐吓 _ 教师寄语:He knows most who speaks least.大智若愚- 4 - 2用以上单词和短语填空1. Vancouver is _by mountains on the north and east and the Pacific Ocean on the west. 2. In fact, the population of Canada is only _over thirty million. 3. The fact that there will be an earthquake _many people . 4. _,they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake. 5. China is a _like Canada. 6. It s too bad you can t go _Ottawa, Canada s capital. 7. As they sat in a caf _ the broad river, a young man sat down with they. 8. The cousins are not _the Atlantic coast. 3翻译1他爷爷手拿报纸坐在扶手椅子上。_ 2她对学语言有天赋。_ 3与其说这颜色是蓝色的,不如说它是绿色的。_ 4好像他对音乐学习有天赋。_ 教师寄语:He knows most who speaks least.大智若愚- 5 - Keys: 一翻译下面单词和短语 1定居;专心于;平静下来settle down 2。对。 。 。有天赋 have a gift for 3。合计为;解决;领悟到figure out 4。远到;直到;至于as far as 5在。 。 。旅途中; be on a trip to / be on a tour to / take a trip 6。在远处 in the distance 7在黎
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