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高三英语 (SEFC 3A)复习提要一、语言知识、短语搭配1speech:言语,谈话,说话,演说,发言,词类,引语 2have sth.to do with be connected with 与 有关系 3devote to sth./doing sth. 把奉献给 /专用于某事 /做某事; devote oneself to 献身于,专 心于; be devoted to 专心于,忠实于,专用于4be admitted to 被接收入 5be used to cure cancerbe used as a cure for cancer 被用来治癌病 cure sb.of 治愈 /治疗某人的 6. have (an) effect on/upon affect 影响 7remember/admire sb. as 把某人作为 记住 /钦佩 8suffer vt.vi.suffer (from) fever/cold/poverty/flood/ 9load with 给 装上 /载上 10.head southhead to/for/towards the south 向南行 11.beyond 在/向的那一边;越过,超过,晚于;超出12.hand downpass down 相传,传给,传下 13.be/become experienced in/at (doing) sth. 对(做)某事有经验14.believe in sth./doing sth. 信仰,信赖,主张,认为是好的:I ve always believed in being broad minded.我一向主张心胸要开阔。Shes very direct,believes in speaking her mind. 她很直率,主张 有什么说什么。15.intend for 打算给 16.in area 在面积方面,in height 在高度上, in length 在长度方面 17.depend on 依赖,依靠,由决定,得看 18.for one thing for another 首先 其次;一则 再则 19.heavy adj. 大的,大量的,多的:a heavy crop 大丰收, heavy money 大笔线, heavy traffic 拥挤的交通20.make sense 有道理,讲得通,有意义be reasonable:His answer makes sense/is reasonable. 21.express one s satisfaction with 表达对 的满意 22.photograph sb.doing sth. 拍摄某人做某事23.hand in hand 手挽手,同时,同步:Dirt and diseases go hand in hand. 24.think up imagine,invent 想出、编造、设计出25.try sb./sth.out 试某人能力 /试用某样东西 26.get rid of do away with 摆脱,排除,处理掉 27.pipe sth. 用管道输送某物28.seek to do sth.try/attempt to do sth. 设法 /努力做某事 29.seek sth. 寻找 /征求 /设法得到某物;seek doing sth. 设法做某事30.be active in sth./doing sth. 积极投身 (做)某事 31.multiply A by B A 乘以 B。例如: 5(which is)multiplied by 10 is 50. 32.they were separated at birth.(at birth when they were born) 33.need sth badly badly need sth. 急需某物 34.masses of (a mass of a lot oflots ofplenty of) n.c.u 35.order sth. 定购某物 36.(be) at war 处于战争 /交战状态 37.to make things worse( 插入语 )情况更糟的是 38.in a poor state 处于破败的状态;in a state/in a state of 处于 状态中39.(be) ahead of 优于 ,超过 ,比 高,比 早,在 的前面40.as good as 几乎一样,实际上等于:She was so ill that she was as good as dead.He told me that everything was as good as settled. 41.burst into tears 突然大哭 ,burst out laughing 捧腹大笑 ,hurst with anger 勃然大怒 42.but for without 如果不是 ,要不是 ,多亏 43.on board 在船上,上船 /车/飞机 44.be on the point of doing sth. be about to do sth. 正要做某事 45.take charge (of) 掌管,负责 (处理 ) 46.like crazy 疯狂地,拼命地,非常迅速地 47.remain doing sth. 仍在做某事 48.land vt. land sb./sth. 使某人 /某物上岸、登陆、着陆 49.knock into 撞着 /撞上 ,把 敲入 50.fall over 跌跤 51.be fit for 适合 ;be fit to do 适合做 :The water is fit to drink. 52.do body building 做健身操53.high bar 单杠, high and low bars 高低杠 54.prepare sb.for 使某人对 进行准备55.do sth.to music 伴随音乐做某事 56.catch oncatch 挂住,勾住57.look after ( be careful with/take care of)one s health 保重 /当心某人的身体 58.be content to do sth. 做某事高兴 /心满意足 59.glance atgive a quick look at 瞅,瞥,很快地看一眼 60.have a sudden thoughtsuddely have got an idea 61.in a flashwithin a very short while 一刹那间,即刻,很快 62.hold out/stretch (out) one s hand 伸出手; hold out promise 许下诺言 63.on sb s arrivalwhen sb.arrived 64.with 表“因为 “意: His face turned red with anger./She kept silent with shame./The child was trembling/shaking with cold. 65.by name 用名字,靠名字,按名字,名字叫 66.scold sb.for 因为 而斥责 /责备某人67.on one condition 在一定条件下,规定一个条件 68.on condition that 按条件,条件是69.have mercy on show mercy to 宽恕 /怜悯 70.pass judgement on sb. 对某人宣判 71.hope for 希望 (发生某种情况):hope for better results/a chance/ 72.desire long forwishhave a desire for 愿望,欲得到,要求,期望desire sb.to do sth. want/expect sb.to do sth. 73.good n.u) 好处,益处,善行:do sb.gooddo good to sb. 对某人有益 74.according to 按照 75.hold/carry/take sb./sth.in one s arms 将某人 /某物 (拥)抱在怀中 76.advance walkgo 77.right.n. 权力;正义: defend the right 保卫正义 78.at the mercy ofin the power of 任由 摆布;在 掌握中 79.goods 动产;货物 80.pick up a hire car hire a car 租一辆车 81.for 就而言: Mike is tall for his age./the weather was very cold for the time of the year. 82.lie in 在于 83.that is to say that means 那就是说 ,即意味着 84.show off 炫耀,卖异,(自豪地 )给别人看; (把商品等 )摆给别人看 85.take parttime jobsdo part time jobs 做临时 /兼职工作 86.sth.suits sb.sth.is suitable/fit for sb. 87.as to 关于 /至于 : There s no doubt as to his honesty.二、句型1I shall insist that they (should) do from now on.I shall insist on their/them doing from now on. 2It is time (that) sb.did/(should) do sth. It is time for sb.to do sth. 3. It looks as if it isn t clean enough to bathe here. 4. It seems that there is a big waste pipe coming down from the town. 5. No matter how ( However) much you want to bathe,it just isn t safe. 6. It will be many years before the chemicals start to escape from the containers. The chemicals will start to escape from the containers in many years. It was three hours before he came back.He came back three hours later. 7. They are being very noisy again in the next room. 8. There are a few simple safety measures to follow while training. 三、易混淆词语辨析1carry on(vi.) 继续; carry out(vt.) 实行;实现;执行。 例如 :They carried out the plan and carried on w
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