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1.制作抽认卡片 2.制作词汇表 3.听磁带 4.与朋友一起学习 5.练习对话 6.大声朗读 7.练习发音 8.太而不能 9.用那种方式 10.学到许多,翻译下列短语,1.make flashcards,7.practice pronunciation,8. too.to,9.in that way,10.learn a lot,5.practice conversation,6.read aloud,4.work/study with friends,2.make vocabulary,3.listen to tapes,11.学英语的最好的办法 12.一些具体的建议 13.例如 14.看英文杂志 15.认为不一样 16.有点帮助 17.说的太快 18.得到大量练习 19.根本不 20.以结束,19.not at all,12.some specific suggestions,11.the best way to learnEnglish,13.for exmple,17.speak too quickly,15.feel differently,14.read English magazines,18.get lots of practice,16.help a little,20. end up,选择题,1.-_do you study for a test?- I study by reading the textbooks. A. How B. What C. When D. Why,2. I cant heat you clearly, would you please say it _? A. loud B. quietly C. aloud D. alone,3. Some kids usually practice _ along this road after school. A. riding B. to ride C. rode D. ridden,4. My teacher says I an good at _, because I got an A in the oral test last week. listening B. speaking C. reading D. writing,5. If you are lost in a big city, just ask policeman _help.as B. to C. for D. with6,- How does your mother learn to cook a new dish?-Oh, _learning on the Internet. A. with B. by C. from D. to,7.-Does she _ go skate boarding with her friends?-Yes, thats her favorite. Hardly B. ever C. never D. just8. -_making a shopping list before going to the supermarket?-Good idea. Why not B. What about C. How D. Why dont,9. The actors speak _fast for us to follow. A. so B. such C. very D. too 10. There are many new ways _ learn a foreign language. A. for B. of C. to D. at,11.Which do you think is the best way _ your skills?,A. of improving B. to improve C. for improve D. improving,12. She is a lazybone, she plans to do homework but always _watching TV.,ends up B. finishes C. ends D. is over,13. Yesterday I asked some students _ fashion. for B. about C. with D. of,14. I dont think reading the textbooks helps _ , I want to try another new way next time. A. a little B. a lot C. best D. most,15.The _ news made everyone _. frustrated, frustrated B. frustrating, frustrating C. frustrated, frustrating D.frustrating, frustrated,16.Shes been teaching for five years,_? isnt she B. wasnt she C. hasnt she D. doesnt she,17. We find _ difficult to walk across the desert. A. that B. it C. this D. which,18. Last week they watched their team _against Class2. A. played B. playing C. to play D. play,19. Tom has been in China _. since 10 years ago B. when he was 10 C. for 10 years ago D. in 2000,20. -Can I ask you _ questions?-Sure. A. any B. some C. the D./,单词拼写,Shes new, please to her as _(慢) as possible. Sometimes we get _(激动) about being together. He has a good _(记忆力) for members. I want some _(建议) about learning Chinese. She likes to learn by _ (把记录下来) an English notebook.,slowly,excited,memory,suggesions,keeping,句型转换,Why dont you join an English club? (同义句)_ _ join an English club? I dont know how I can make friends with her. (同义句)I dont know _ _ make friends with her. 3. Shes good at grammar. (同义句)She _ _ _ grammar. 4. They made her happy by telling jokes. (对划线部分提问)_ _ they _ her happy? 5. I watch English-language videos once a week. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ you watch English-language videos?,Why not,how to,does well in,How did,make,How often do,
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