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Health ministers from around world have reached a broad agreement that swift action needs to be taken to stop hundreds of thousands of women dying during pregnancy and childbirth. The meeting was organized by United Nations Population Fund at Ethopia captial Addis Ababa, from where Pascale Harter reports There was no unanimous declaration as yet when the conference ended on Monday evening. But Health Ministers seem to agree that family planning was the most cost-effective way to reduce the number of women dying needlessly. There was also general recognition that more investment is needed in primary and emergency healthcare to save the lives of both mothers and babies in the 15%of birth when complications arise This is the World News from the BBC 关键词注解:关键词注解: Ethopia 埃塞俄比亚 Addis Ababa 该国首:都亚的斯亚贝巴 unanimous declaration 没有反对的, 一致达成的宣言 cost-effective 经济的;有经济效益的 complication 并发症 United Nations Population Fund 联合国人口基金会 机构介绍:机构介绍: 1966 年联合国大会通过一项决议,促请联合国系统的组织在人口方面提供技术 援助。1967 年秘书长设立人口活动信托基金,1969 年定名为联合国人口活动 基金会,1979 年成为联大附属机构。1987 年大会决定改名为联合国人口基金 (United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA) ,英文缩写保留。总部设 在纽约。 该机构宗旨是在人口活动中增进知识和能力,以适应国家、区域和全世界 在人口活动和计划生育方面的的需要;在计划和规划工作方面进行协调,促使 各国根据各自计划寻找解决人口问题的可行办法;向发展中国家提供资金援助、 资金来源于各国政府和私人的捐款。 参考翻译:参考翻译: 各国的卫生部长已达成广泛共识,同意采取快速的行动来制止成百上千的妇 女死于怀孕和分娩。这次会议是由联合国人口基金会组织的,在埃塞俄比亚首 都亚的斯亚贝巴举行。 会议于周一结束时,仍然没有发布达成一致的宣言。但是各国的卫生部长们 似乎同意了计划生育是减少妇女在生育时无谓死亡的最有效益的措施。各国部 长也达成了广发的共识,即基础和急救医疗需要更多资金的投入,用来在 15% 会有并发症发生的分娩过程中同时挽救孕妇和婴儿的生命
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