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苗苗栗栗縣縣僑僑育育國國民民小小學學九九十十六六學學年年度度下下學學期期六六年年級級第第一一次次語語文文領領域域英英語語科科定定期期考考查查試試卷卷_年年_班班 座號:座號:_ 姓名:姓名:_A. .Listen & Number(聽,標上號碼聽,標上號碼)16%( ) ( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )B. Listen & Circle(聽,圈選聽,圈選):):24%12345678C C. . Listen & check(聽聽,正正確確打打,錯錯誤誤打打):1 18 8%1234 45 56 6789聽力測驗結束D.Choose(默讀完每個字之後,選出劃線部分跟其它發音不同不同的字 )9% :每題每題 1 1 分分1. ( ) flo ow wer know cow 2. ( ) wrong worry winter3. ( ) soup house south4. ( ) warm fall math5. ( ) nothing love hot6. ( ) spring season music Chinese7. ( ) season bear teach please8. ( ) noise enjoy pay 9. ( ) art smart what favoriteE E. . L Lo oo ok k, , R Re ea ad d, , & & N Nu ummb be er r(讀讀,標標上上號號碼碼):1 18 8%1.Go to your room. Yes, Mom.2.I like PE. But PE is for boys, not for girls.3.Then whats your favorite season, Han? My favorite season is spring.4.Look at this. Im too old. Boysboys, we need a boy.5.Brrr Its cold. Of course, its winter now. I like it.6.Mulan, do you like music? No, I dont.7.Oh, no! Here they come. Dont worry. I have an idea.8.Dont worry. I can be a boy. See?9.Do you like art? I can teach you. F.F. ReadRead & & MatchMatch(讀讀,句句子子配配合合題題):1 15 5%( ) Whats your favorite season?( ) What subject do you like?( ) What subject do they like?( ) Is it warm in the south?( ) Hows the weather in spring?( ) Hows the weather in summer?( ) Hows the weather in fall?( ) Hows the weather in winter?( ) What is coming?( ) Do you like science?( ) What subject does Andy like?( ) Whats her favorite season?( ) Whats his favorite season?( ) Are you from the north?( ) Whats wrong, Daddy?1. Its warm in spring.2. Its cold in winter.3. Its cool in fall.4. Its hot in summer.5. Yes, it is.6. He likes Chinese.7. No, Im from the south.8. Oh, nothing.9. Spring is coming.10. I like English.11. His favorite season is fall.12. My favorite season is summer.13. They like English, too.14. No, I dont.15. Her favorite season is winter.
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