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整体活动思路 General Activity Thought,紧贴奥迪总部推广步伐;紧接具有世界性关注度的活动乘胜追击;Follow the promoting step of Audi Head Office; follow the activity which has world wide attention;,奥迪奥运圣火珠峰活动项目介绍 Introduction to Plan of Audi Olympic Games Torque Everest Activity,整体活动思路 General Activity Thought,这是一个整体的市场推广活动!This is a general market promotion activity! 时间上的绝佳配合,活动的连贯性有如连环爆炸的爆竹,将奥迪品牌提高到前所未有的新高度;With perfect date, activity can promote Audi brand to a new height like the constantly exploding cracker;,奥迪奥运圣火珠峰活动 Audi Olympic Games Torque Everest Activity,奥迪A5上市发布 Launching of Audi A5,奥迪全车系试驾活动 Audi All Cars Test Drive Activity,3.15,6.20,6.23,8.03,6.28,08年度南区奥迪全车系试驾活动策划方案 Planning Project for 2008 South Area AUDI Car Test Drive Activity,广州国云风广告有限公司 GAAC, GZ office,目录 Contents,试驾活动策略思路 Strategy for Test Drive Activity 试驾主题及活动亮点 Theme and Hot Spot of Test Drive 试驾活动内容介绍和预算 Introduction to the Contents of Test Drive Activity and Budget 试驾活动媒介建议 Suggestions on Media for Test Drive Activity,一、试驾活动策略思路 Strategy for Test Drive Activity,本次活动任务 Assignment of the activity,为了提升品牌形象,增加积客率,提升奥迪销量,南部区希望在合适时间进行奥迪全系车型试驾活动。 今年是奥运年,希望能紧密结合奥运元素进行创意。 在南部区选择6个城市进行此项活动。 In order to improve the brand image, increase the rate of potential consumers, increase the sales volume of AUDI, South Area is expecting to hold AUDI Test Drive Activity at suitable period in 2008. 2008 is also the year for holding Olympic Games, it is expecting to design combing with the Olympic Games elements. Select 6 cities in South Area for the activity.,国云风对本次活动的理解 Understanding of GAAC to the activity,是奥迪南部区08年整体试驾体验的重要组成部分,通过这一活动加深目标客户对品牌和产品的深入了解。 It is the important part for AUDI south area 08 test drive experience, and can promote target clients to know the brand and products.,奥迪联手奥运,相对奔驰宝马,我们拿到了最好的一张牌,本次活动是奥迪在南区提升形象的绝佳时机。 AUDI cooperates with the Olympic Games, compared with BENZ and BMW, we have got the best card, this activity is the best opportunity for AUDI to improve image in south area.,和全国市场相比,南区有自己的区域与消费特征,在活动策略上要更有针对性。 Compared with the national market, South Area has different regional and consuming properties, therefore, it shall be targeted for the strategy of the activity.,本次活动在南区面临的挑战 Challenges of the activity in South Area,南区是日系车的大本营,带动着雷克萨斯在南区市场的飞速发展,需要进一步拉开与雷克萨斯的差距。 奔驰宝马在南区市场占有率较高,在品牌形象上也领先于奥迪,奥运将是一个很好的转折点,在品牌形象上实现奥迪的全新跨越。 South Area is the campus for Japanese cars, which promotes the fast development of LEXUS in south area, therefore, it requires to differential AUDI with LEXUS. BENZ and BMW have high market share in South Area with better brand image compared with AUDI, Olympic Games will be a perfect milestone for AUDI for achieving leap development in brand image.,竞争品牌:在品牌形象上急需与奔驰、宝马直接较量 Competitive brand: AUDI follows BENZ and BMW in terms of brand image,本次活动在南区面临的挑战 Challenges of the activity in South Area,对潜在用户而言,对奥迪的品牌文化和领先科技缺乏深入的了解,此次活动则是一个很好的窗口。 奥运的赞助企业很多,作为2008年北京奥运会正式高级用车,奥迪到底有什么特别之处,应该更加形象、直观的展示给消费者。 To potential clients, they dont have deep knowledge on the brand culture and leading technologies of AUDI, this activity will be a perfect window. Olympic Games has a lot of sponsor enterprises, as the formal and high grade car for 2008 Olympic Games, it requires directly and visually display the advantages of AUDI.,奥迪自身:需要借助奥运深化奥迪文化与科技内涵 It requires deepening the cultural and technical connotations of AUDI with the Olympic Games,07年宝马全车系试驾分析 07 BMW test drive analysis,试驾前的全车系展示 Exhibition before test drive,试驾培训和休息区Training and rest area for test drive,07年宝马全车系试驾分析 07 BMW test drive analysis,嘉宾签到处 Guests registration place,试驾前讲解 Introduction before test drive,游戏体验区1 Game experience area 1,游戏体验区2 Game experience area 2,音乐体验区 Music experience area,全车系试驾 BMW test drive,07年宝马全车系试驾分析 07 BMW test drive analysis,07年宝马全车系试驾分析 07 BMW test drive analysis,试驾形式比较简单,以全车系展示结合道路试驾为主;帐篷休息区设置非常人性化,分赛车游戏体验区、音乐 区等娱乐区域;参加活动的客户相对较年轻、时尚;test drive has simple mode and mainly the cars exhibition and road test drive;Tent rest area is people-oriented, and include the racing game experiencearea, music and other entertainment areas;Clients who attend the activity are relatively young and fashionable;,如何应对挑战我们的活动思路 How to face the challenges - Our ideas,本次全车系试驾不应是单纯的产品体验活动,更是一个展示奥迪品牌和文化的绝佳机会;The test drive shall be the best opportunity for exhibition AUDI brand and culture instead of simple product experience activity; 将奥迪和奥运完美融合,给予消费者全新的品牌文化体验;Perfectly combine Olympic Games with AUDI, provide brandnew culture experience for consumers;,二、试驾主题及活动亮点 Theme and Hot Spot of Test Drive,试驾活动主题 Them of the Test Drive Activity,展示奥迪与奥运所共有的“激情”,“全体验”突出这次是作为全车系的试驾活动。 Show the common “Enthusiastic” and “Experience” of AUDI and Olympic Games, highlight this is the test drive activity of all AUDI cars.,奥迪激情全体验 AUDI Enthusiastic Experience,试驾活动主题-备选1 Theme of Test Drive Activity Option 1,突出领导者形象,突出“动感”与“运动”,引领08年的高档车潮流。 Show the image as the leading role, highlight the “dynamic” and “sporty”, lead the fashion of high grade cars in 2008.,世界 随我而动 World changes with me,
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