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4 vocabulary,解析TEM4,单选+完型=25% 语法+词汇 语法重点:三大从句、虚拟语气、非谓语动词(独立主格)倒装、情态动词的用法,对每种语法点的最最最最基本理解,解析TEM4,2008-65 Which of the following sentences expresses “probability“? A: you must leave immediately B: you must be feeling rather tired. C: you must by here by 8 oclock. D: you must complete the reading assignment on time.,解析TEM4,词汇:“4” 5500-6500认知词汇 正确而熟练地运用其中3000-4000 “TEM” 1. 词汇量 2.词汇辨析 3. 词组搭配 六级 更加细化,更加专业,解析TEM4,词汇辨析: 1.近义词辨析: 2009-67 After working for the firm for ten years, he finally _the rank of deputy director. A. achieved B. approahed C. attained D. acquired,解析TEM4,achieve 1 to successfully complete something or get a good result, especially by working hard: Frances achieved very good exam results. Wilson has achieved considerable success as an artist. She eventually achieved her goal of becoming a professor.,解析TEM4,attain1 to succeed in achieving something after trying for a long time: More women are attaining positions of power. 2 to reach a particular level, age, size etc: Share prices attained a high of $3.27. After a year she had attained her ideal weight. attainable adjective: This target should be attainable.,解析TEM4,acquire 1 to obtain something by buying it or being given it: Mike hoped to acquire valuable works of art as cheaply as possible. She has acquired an email address and a site on the WorldWide Web. 2 to get or gain something: The college acquired a reputation for very high standards. 3 to gain knowledge or learn a skill: He spent years acquiring his skills as a surgeon. Elsie acquired a good knowledge of Chinese.,推荐字典-灵格斯,http:/www.lingoes.cn/,解析TEM4,一词汇辨析: 2.词根词缀辨析:08-67 On the road motorists should be aware of cyclists and be _ towards them A. considerable B. considering C. considerate D. considered,解析TEM4,一词汇辨析: 2.词根词缀辨析:09-69 Come on, Jack, tell me the story. Dont keep me in _. A suspense B. suspending C. suspension D. suspender,解析TEM4,一词汇辨析: 2.词根词缀辨析:09-73 The scientists have made an _ study of the viruses that cause the disease. A exhasted B. exhausting C. exhaustive D. exhaustion,解析TEM4,一词汇辨析: 3.同一个动词与介词搭配辨析: 09-77 The drink was packaged in champagne bottles and was being _ as the real stuff. A. passed out B. passed by C. passed over D. passed off,解析TEM4,pass off 1. 消失 2. 进行;完成 1.中止,停止 2.逐渐消失;不加理会,回避;顺利;进行;把冒充为,假称是 3.终止,停止 4.(感觉等)终止;中止 5.发生,解析TEM4,pass over : 1.不注意,忽视 2.不管略而不谈:不计较,不追究;过去;去世 3.经过 4.去世了 5.忽略pass out 1.失去知觉晕倒:死掉 2.失去知觉;分发 3.分发,分配;昏倒,死去 4.昏过去,解析TEM4,一词汇辨析: 4.副词辨析:008-74 first, we need to find out what his scheme is, and then act_. A. sentitively B. imaginatively C. efficiently. D. accordingly,解析TEM4,一词汇辨析: 4.副词辨析:2010-76 The teacher told the students to stay in the classroom and they did _. A. absolutely B. accidentally C. accordingly D. accurately,解析TEM4,pass by 1.从旁经过;忽略;回避;不予理会 2.走过;(时间)逝去 3.经过,路过;不理;疏忽 4.从某人身边经过,过去,解析TEM4,二. 词组搭配08-66 When he first started in university, he really felt at _with his major-economics. A. shore B. bank C. ocean D. sea,解析TEM4,三 逻辑连词 2010-58 Dr Johnson is head of the department, _an expert in translation. A or B. either C. but D. and,解析TEM4,四、从句引导词 Men differ from animals _ they can think and speak A. for which B. for that C. in that D. in which,Discussion,单词记忆法,1。 词根词缀记忆法 respect respectable respectful respectiveinspire exspire respire aspire,单词记忆法,2。 词组拓展法 accordance in accordance with give back call put,单词记忆法,3. 近义词串联法 innovate/renovate evolve/ revolve/involve/resolve,单词记忆法,4. 联想记忆 oman-o man -凶兆stationary(静止的l) -stationery(文具),艾宾浩斯是第一个对记忆进行系统定量研究的科学家。艾宾浩斯曲线可以简述为: 记住一段材料之后经过的时间 材料保持量 20分钟 58% 1小时 44& 9小时 36% 1天 33% 2天 28& 6天 25% 31天 21%,Ill try my best to study harder.,1.背完单词(大约5分钟),立即回看; 2.先密后疏; 3.及时复习; 4.多次复习; 5.间隔复习; 6.持续复习; 7.“使用”复习。 长时间科学的去记忆,你将会在绝大程度上提高你的记忆能力。,fighting,feel the pain of discipline or the pain of regret!intereste is the best teacher!,
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