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Environmental pollution,Group members: Chen JuanXu MengWang MingYan Chunyan,Actually, the environment in which we live is very bad! These environmental problems come down to humans activities. What is not in doubt is the devastating effect humans are having on the animal and plant life of the planet.,What is pollution?Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of the air, water, or land that can harmfully affect health, survival, or activities of humans or other living organisms.,Four major Forms of pollution:,1.Waste on land2.Water pollution3.Air pollution4.Noise problems,1.Waste on land,Two types of pollutants,degradable,nondegadable,DDT, radioactive material,mercury, lead, plastics,Waste on land,We can see rubbish everywhere.,2.Water pollution The pollutants are discharged into rivers, lakes, seas and underground, which makes the water quality ,sediment and organisms change , reducing the waters using value and function.,Water pollution,Dead Fishes,Water pollution,Water pollution is found in many forms:,Factory waste,city sewage,heated water,fertiliser and manure,sudsy streams,plastic globules,radioactive discharge,sediment,City Sewage(下水道的污物):used water and waste substances that are produced by human bodies in their daily life and are carried away from houses through special pipes.,factory wastes,Some radioactive disharge from nuclear power plants,factory wastes,Heated water from power and industrial plants,marine pollution,Lake Eutrophication (湖水富营养化),3.Air pollution,Air pollution is normoally defined as air that contains one or more chemicals in high enough concentrations to harm humans, other animals, vegetation, or materials.,Air pollution,Two major types of air pollutants,a chemical added directlyto the air that occurs a harmful concentration,a harmful chemicalformed in the atmospherethrough a chemical reaction among air components,There are about 100 kinds of atmosphere pollution now. It is caused mainly by natural factors (such as forest fires, volcanic eruptions, etc.) and human factors (such as industrial emissions, life coal burning, explosions, etc.), and especially the latter is the most important one.,The reasons to cause the air pollution:,The air pollution changes the conditions that we depend on ,such as the greenhouse effect and the acid rain. It causes many diseases, too.,Factories release so much gas to the sky.,4. Noise problems,People use machines to produce leisure,as a result, machines even spoil their leisure.,noise pollution,Two cures for noise,stop it at its source,abosorb it on its way to the ear,the damage of noise pollution,1.Noise can damage hearing; 2.Noise interferes with sleep; 3.noise interferes conversation, communication, thinking; 4.Noise induces a variety of diseases: blood pressure, indigestion, loss of appetite; 5.Noise impacts safety production and lowers labor productivity.,The figure below shows the noise level diagram of the human impacting , can be seen as the noise level improve , people increasingly significant.,So what should we do?,Use green shopping bags instead of plastics.,Choice buses but taxies as our transportation.,Raise the temperature of air-conditioning.,Turn off the light before you get out.,Plant more trees, protect the forests and all the animals; Use of renewable materials; Restrict the use of private cars; Implement of sustainable economic development.,The ideal environment that we all wish to live in.,The beautiful planet is our home. To take care of the world is to take care of ourselves. Lets work together to keep our world alive and well.,Thanks,Thanks for watching!,
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