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小组成员:,英语写作中的语体意识,什么是语体?,语体是语言符号为适应交际目的、领域等产生和形成的言语表达手段和表达形式所构成的特征体系。特征体系也就是语体特征体系,语体特征体系是语言符号多种特征的综合体现,主要表现在声律的配置,词语的选择,句子的选用,修辞手法的运用等方面。,英语中style 一词含义颇多。狭义指文学风格, 如指某一时代的文风、某一作家使用语言的习惯等; 广义则指各种类型、体裁文章的语言特点。现代英语文体学不限于对作家及其作品的分析批评, 而是广泛地研究包括文学文体在内的各类文体, 如口语体、书面语体、新闻报道文体、广告文体、公文文体等。(语体与遣词高 芳河南大学外语部河南开封475001),我们可以将语体理解为语言使用者在不同的语境里在选词、造句方面作出的有意识的选择“在什么场合说些什么!怎样说才能得体贴切!都有约定俗成的大致常规“。我们应在写作中遵循这种约定俗成的常规!根据不同的表达内容来选择不同的词语形式!借助特定的语言表达手段有助于写出自然、得体的文章。,研究历史及现状,无论中西, 对语体现象进行考察都是古已有之。然而, 比较全面的、系统的语体研究, 却是现代语言学创立之后的事情。实际上是进入本世纪60 年代以来, 语体研究才有了迅速而蓬勃的发展。(-许力生外国语( 上海外国语大学学报) 1997 年第5 期(总第111 期),古代西方实际上并没有提出明确的语体概念,所谓的语体问题实际上都是透过文体、风格的而有所反映。这只能算是语体观念的一种滥觞。 中国古代的语体论有两点是非常明显的:一是语体意识的朦胧而并不自觉,且与文体问题纠结在一起。二是对语体风格的研究因缺少语言物质的依托而显示出一种玄奥性。,现代语体学建立和我国语体研究的开始:现代语言学界一般认为,瑞士语言学家夏尔巴依(Charles Belly 18651947)法语语体学(1909)的问世是本学科建立的标志。通常认为我国的语体研究大致可以分为两个阶段1)19561966年为初创期。由于这是初创期,因此这一阶段的语体学研究的特点是在于:规模较小,着重于对语体的一些基本问题作一般介绍;广度和深度都不够;受苏联修辞、风格理论的影响相当深刻。 2)70年代中期至今,为复兴发展期。在这一阶段,语体研究的规模逐渐扩大,研究的方式更趋多样,拓宽了研究领域,开掘了研究深度,语体研究呈现出了积极进取的态势。(李熙宗:语体风格专题讲义之一 语体学研究的简要回顾),什么是语体意识-看以下例子,In business letters, passive voice mode could be chosen to make the request milder and politer. e.g. a) It has to be stressed that shipment must be effected within the prescribed time limited as a further extension will not be considered. (陈良旋 1999:69) b) Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated (1999:69),分析,In the first sentence, the phrases “to be stressed”, “must be effected” and “will not be considered” have reduce the importance of “we” and “you”, which is more compelled with the international trades. And the second one expresses in a more polite tone but in a very clear attitude for its purpose. These are not what active forms can do.,大学生写作常见的错误,1.On hearing that his father had kicked the bucket, we wrote him a letter to express our sympathies.“kick the bucket”属非正式的俚语俗言,用在这里有失庄重。 2.The big banquet held in honor of the distinguished guests was really neat.“neat”的使用过于随便,与前部分的表达不协调。,3。I have attached my resume. If you are interested in these qualifications, I welcome an opportunity to meet you personally.“I welcome an opportunity”的使用使得“主仆颠倒”,将自己置于主动的地位,对于有求于人的求职者来说,这个表达显然不够客气,甚至给人嚣张的感觉 4. Thank you for spending time having a look at my resume. I dare to promise it isnt a waste of time. However, it will be paid off.由于受活动类型和活动领域的限制,语体有既定的目标,即满足交际活动的需要。因此,在写求职信时,面对陌生的、地位高于自己、并有可能成为未来上司的交际对象,我们应遵守社会规约,在选词造句方面选用正式语体。而“dare”“paid off”的使用不够严肃,显得鲁莽,从而影响交际效果。,5. They lived in a small town. I can never forget the little town where I spent my happy childhood. 第一句既可出现在口语体中,也可出现在书面语中。第二句更有可能出现在书面语中,由于带有感情色彩,弥补了书面交际中语气表达的欠缺。6. I have a lively sister. My family loves her very much. Unluckily, she had a disease when she was two. My mother and father took her to hospital, and spent our money on her. 这是一位学生名为“Struggle for Disease”的作文开头,题目是较严肃的主题,而“unluckily”的使用不够严肃。“spent our money on her”的使用也欠斟酌:读者并没感到作者对妹妹的同情,却隐约感到作者在责怪妹妹。,7,呼吁某人做某事,口气要激昂,但不能用命令的语气 例:You know what I said.”,“In a word,come on. Dont be late. Do it 典型的口语,而且后三句都是祈使句,貌似是在给人下命令。 8,日常会话中,不适于用书面语 例:A: How are you doing these days? B: Oh, not bad. But pretty exhausted everyday.A: Me, too. After a days drudgery in the company, I often feel fatigued.句中的exhausted, drudgery,fatigued都是书面用语。,9:主次颠倒 例:I like traveling. Once a time, I have gone to(the trip he has experienced.) 说话者本来想要参加某个活动社,但说了许多无关紧要的话,没有说到重点。 10,正式语体中,分句,简单句太多 例:Tradition music belongs to a nation. It is the essence of the nations history. It is created in work by the common. It stands for a nations culture and characters.,11,用词过于随意 例:For my view, Chenxiaos behavior is just OK. 12,乱造词 例:Although most of us take measures like doing exercise to live longer, there are some people really want to stop their lives.,13,请求别人时,语气要委婉,用礼貌用语。 例:I am free at Friday afternoon, you can call me , then. 此句的语气像是命令的语气,不礼貌。 14、On hearing that his father had kicked the bucket, we wrote him a letter to express our sympathies.“kick the bucket”属非正式的俚语俗言,用在这里有失庄重。,15. The big banquet held in honor of the distinguished guests was really neat.“neat”的使用过于随便,与前部分的表达不协调。 16.I have attached my resume. If you are interested in these qualifications, I welcome an opportunity to meet you personally.“I welcome an opportunity”的使用使得“主仆颠倒”,将自己置于主动的地位,对于有求于人的求职者来说,这个表达显然不够客气,甚至给人嚣张的感觉,17. Thank you for spending time having a look at my resume. I dare to promise it isnt a waste of time. However, it will be paid off.由于受活动类型和活动领域的限制,语体有既定的目标,即满足交际活动的需要。因此,在写求职信时,面对陌生的、地位高于自己、并有可能成为未来上司的交际对象,我们应遵守社会规约,在选词造句方面选用正式语体。而“dare”“paid off”的使用不够严肃,显得鲁莽,从而影响交际效果。,18. They lived in a small town. I can never forget the little town where I spent my happy childhood. 第一句既可出现在口语体中,也可出现在书面语中。第二句更有可能出现在书面语中,由于带有感情色彩,弥补了书面交际中语气表达的欠缺。19. I have a lively sister. My family loves her very much. Unluckily, she had a disease when she was two. My mother and father took her to hospital, and spent our money on her. 这是一位学生名为“Struggle for Disease”的作文开头,题目是较严肃的主题,而“unluckily”的使用不够严肃。“spent our money on her”的使用也欠斟酌:读者并没感到作者对妹妹的同情,却隐约感到作者在责怪妹妹。,
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