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,Literature Resource Center - 線上全文文學資源中心,資料庫教育訓練課程 飛資得資訊,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),2,LRC收錄內容與範圍,Core Literary Reference 重要之文學相關大部頭參考書 Contemporary Authors Online:Biographies on more than 110,000 authors since 1900 Contemporary Literary Criticism Select Online : Nearly 600 biographies and more than 5,600 critical articles on 600 authors Dictionary of Literary Biography Online : Nearly 10,000 biocritical essays on 7,000 authors Scholarly Literary Journals 文學語言學方面之全文期刊 Focus on more than 2,500 most-studied authors 285,000 full-text articles from more than 260 literary journals Full text of Merriam-Websters Encyclopedia of Literature 4,000 synopses for the most-studied titles Literary research guide Add 3,000 to 4,000 new authors each year Additional biographies on authors not covered in Contemporary Authors, Contemporary Literary Criticism Select and Dictionary of Literary Biography Related Websites 相關之網站資源 More than 5,000 author-related Web sites Back up the MLA International Bibliography MLA Directory of Periodicals Whats in LRC,多元化的檢索方式,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),4,系統首頁,多元化檢索模組:題名檢索進階檢索功能關鍵字檢索作者屬性檢索MLA 資料庫單獨檢索,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),5,在作者欄位中鍵入所需檢索之作家名稱: Mark, Twain,作者首頁,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),6,在作品欄位中鍵入所需檢索之作品名稱 如:” Pride and Prejudice”,作品檢索,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),7,在keyword search中鍵入”hamlet”哈姆雷特的相關評論及傳記資料。,關鍵字檢索,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),8,在keyword search中鍵入”hamlet”哈姆雷特的相關評論及傳記資料。,關鍵字檢索,Author by Type 作者分析檢索 在作者進階分析檢索中,系統提供了多個欄位,讓使用者可精確的篩選出作者名稱及其作品。 作者姓名、姓別、作者的種族及國藉、 Theme:作者擅長的主題、文學運動所在之時期。,作者分析檢索,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),9,進階檢索,範例:欲找尋在LRC中有關作者Hemingway之相關評論其作品及個人之文章。 1.Title-any words中鍵入“Hemingway” 2.document type中選擇”critical essay” 3.database中選擇”all database”,進階檢索,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),10,在歷史年代表功能中檢索某個時期內出現了那些重要的作家或是文學運動。 可整體知道文學演進的完整的過程。,歷史年代表,主題式的呈現資料模式,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),12,檢索結果呈現:有五種不同類別主題的結果呈現,可依據使用者不同之需求瀏覽,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),13,Biographies 傳記資料 列出該作者之傳記資料,共有12筆與Mark, Twain有關之傳記資料,任意點選書目資料,則顯示Mark, Twain 的生平及作品介紹。,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),14,在文學評論section中,又分為literary criticism 文學評論文章Article :針對評論文章或是相關文章之期刊全文文章 Work overviews 作品瀏覽,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),15,Bibliographies 書目資料Works by Authors:列出該作者的所有作品資料Works about the Authors:他人所撰寫的作品是關於該作者之文獻內容,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),16,Bibliographies 書目資料Works by Authors:列出該作者的所有作品資料Works about the Authors:他人所撰寫的作品是關於該作者之文獻內容,Websites :網站資源。 Theme:與該作者有著相同背景或是主題相同的其他作者之檢索。 Autobiographical essay:作者的自傳資料。 Topical essay:討論該作者之專題論述。,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),17,關於此作者所屬之年代而發生的不同文學重要活動訊息參考,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),18,連結至MLA 資料庫的文獻資料,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),19,期刊全文內容,可超連結至該作者文獻,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),20,LRC提供您更多的非英語的語言查詢方式,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),22,以法國文學作家雨果為例,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),23,若出現亂碼,請作轉碼的動作,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),24,法文全貌即進入眼簾,各種資料輸出方式,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),26,全文及書目資料輸出 Mark list,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),27,全文及書目資料輸出- Email,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),28,全文及書目資料輸出- Print,What is Infomarks ?,Infomarks,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),30,Infomarks 製作閱讀清單功能,閱讀清單 (Reading lists) 課程閱讀清單 (Course packs) 閱讀指引 (Study guides) 特殊主題網站 (Special interest sites) 書目 (Bibliographies) 電子期刊名錄 (Electronic journals directories) 參考書目 (Reference/Citaion) 其他 (More .),Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),31,選擇要作為參考文獻的書目,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),32,步驟1 :選擇欲註記之文章內容 步驟2 :將URL複製起來 步驟3 :複製後的URL製作成清單,Copy & Paste & Click,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),33,Copy & Paste & Click,步驟1 :選擇欲註記之文章內容將註記書目貼到Word 步驟2 :將URL複製起來 步驟3 :複製後的URL製作成清單,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),34,步驟1 :選擇欲註記之文章內容 步驟2 :將URL複製起來 步驟3 :複製後的URL製作成清單,Copy & Paste & Click,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),35,Copy & Paste & Click,Title of presentation (Edit using View Menu Header and Footer),36,即完成一筆超連結之文章內容,只要在訂期中,此連結是永久有效 製作文章清單簡單方便,Copy & Paste & Click,步驟1 :選擇欲註記之文章內容 步驟2 :將URL複製起來 步驟3 :複製後的URL製作成清單,
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