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Unit 4,Summary of Reading 1,Unit 4,这篇文章描述了地震前的征兆和地震的过程和唐山地震造成的后果。它显示了地震后的骇人的情景和告诉我们怎样才能把地震的危害降到最低。 The article describes both _ before an earthquake and _and _Tangshan earthquake in 1976. It shows us _of earthquakes and tells us _ to minimize the damage by an earthquake.,the signs,the course,the result of,the terrible image,what we should do,vocabulary,Unit 4,1.地震 2.地震 3.立刻(phr.) 4.井 5.裂缝,开裂 6.发臭的 7.农场 8.管 9.爆裂(发) 10.百万,1.earthquake 2.quake 3.right away 4.well 5.crack 6.smelly 7.farmyard 8.pipe 9.burst, burst, burst 10.million,11.事件 12.仿佛(phr.) 13.结束(phr.) 14.民族 15.运河 16.蒸汽 17.污垢,泥土 18.废墟,使破产 19.严重受损(phr.) 20.苦难,痛苦,11.event 12.as if 13.at an end 14.nation 15.canal 16.steam 17.dirt 18.ruin 19.in ruins 20.suffering,21.极度的 22.损害,伤害 23.幸存者,残存物 24.破坏 25.砖 26.水坝 27.轨道,痕迹 28.无用的 29.使陷入困境,陷阱 30.(使)震惊,休克,21.extreme 22.injure 23.survivor 24.destroy 25.brick 26.dam 27.track 28.useless 29.trap 30.shock,31.电(流、学) 32.灾难 33.援救 34.掘出,发现(phr.) 35.埋葬 36.矿(井) 37.矿工 38.掩蔽,避身处 39.许多(phr.)(可数) 40.标题,头衔,资格,31.electricity 32.disaster 33.rescue 34.dig out 35.bury 36.mine 37.miner 38.shelter 39.a (great) number of 40.title,41.记者 42.条,棒 43.损失(n.) 44.使惊吓 45.受惊的 46.令人恐惧的 47.祝贺(n.) 48.裁判员,断定 49.真诚地 50.表达,快车,速递,41.reporter 42.bar 43.damage 44.frighten 45.frightened 46.frighteing 47.congratulation 48.judge 49.sincerely 50.express,51.要点,大纲,轮廓 52.报刊的大字标题 53.骑自行车的人,51.outline 52.headline 53.cyclist,Unit 4 1. The firemen r_ three women from the burning house. 2. The forest was d_ by fire. 3. I really think I ought to get out and get some f_ air. 4. The loss of 100 lives in the aircraft crash was a great d_. 5. Our headmaster was s_ hands with the parents when I saw him. 6. After the battle they b_ the dead.,rescued,destroyed,fresh,disaster,shaking,buried,7. We tried all sorts of medicine but they were all _(无效). 8. All these difficulties were caused by natural _(灾难). 9. He has many oil _(井)in his hand. 10. It is a great _(荣幸)that you come to visit me. 11. When he was riding, the tire _(爆裂) 12. Have they _(组织)a new political party? 13. He was one of the_(裁判员)at the boxing match.,useless,disasters,wells,honor,burst,organized,judges,1.rise,n. 上升,增加,小山 我正在看一本关于罗马帝国兴衰的书。 I am reading a book about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.离婚率上升是一种社会现象. It is a social phenomenon that divorce rate is on the rise. Oil price is on the rise.,rise rose risen 升起,起身,上升,(日、月、星)升起 太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 我们的信心增强。 Our confidence rises. 早睡早起使人聪明身体好. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy and wise.,raise raised raised vt. 升起,举起,饲养, 提出;唤起,养育,提高raise ones head raise the flag raise salaries raise a question raise a family,抬起头,升旗,提高工资,提出问题,供养一家人,arise arose arisen If you do not explain it clearly, problems may arise. Accidents often arise from carelessness. 事故常起因于粗心。,2. lie,n. 谎言 他总是说谎。 He is always telling lies. a black liea white lie,用心险恶的谎言,不怀恶意的谎言,vi. 说谎 lied, lied, lying 我很抱歉向你撒了谎。 Im sorry I lied to you.,vi. 卧, 躺, 平放, 展现, 展开, 位于lay, lain, lying The factory lies to the west of town. The plates lay on the table. He was lying in the shade of the tree.,位于,展现, 平放,躺,3.judge,n. 法官, 审判员 栽判员, 鉴赏家Shes a good judge of wine. 她是鉴别酒的专家。,vt. 鉴定, 判断, 断定, 裁判 You cant judge a book by its cover. 不能根据封面判断一本书(不可以貌取人.)我断定他有40来岁。 I judge him to be about 40.,vi. 下判断, 作评价人不可以貌相。 Dont judge by appearances. 听她的口音,她准是四川人。 _by / from her accent, she must be from Sichuan.,Judging,4.honour,n. 光荣 have the honour of (doing) sth.可以赏光和我跳这个舞吗? May I have the honour of this dance?今年早些时候, 我有幸见到了布什总统和夫人. Early this year I had the honour of meeting the President and Mrs. Bush.,in honour of他们建纪念碑为了纪念为国家牺牲的人.They built a monument in honour of those who died for their country.,vt. 尊敬 be / feel honoured to do sth.感到荣幸我来这里和你们在一起感到十分荣幸。 I am honoured to be here with you. I am greatly honoured to be a Chinese.,honorable,adj. 光荣的,值得尊敬的, 品德高尚的,an honourable profession an honourable man,受人尊敬的行业,品德高尚的人,dishonorable,exprssions and structures,UNIT4 1.握手 2.水管 3.自然灾害 4.立刻,马上 5.新鲜的空气 6.百分之二十 7.三分之二 8.数以万计的 9.成千的 10.作为-而闻名,shake hands with,water pipe,natural disaster,right away / right now / at once,fresh air,20 per cent of ,two thirds,tens of thousands of,thousands of,be famous /well-known as,11.破败不堪,一片废墟 12.太而不能 13.发出臭的气体 14.为作准备 15.代替,而不是 16.为纪念,为庆祝 17.为而自豪 18.从来判断 19.超过,不仅仅 20.举手,in riuns,tooto,give out a smelly gas,prepare for,instead of,in honor of,be proud of / take pride in,judging from / by,more than,raise / put up ones hand,21.结束,终结 22.挖掘,发现 23.为幸存者搭建避身处 24.煤矿 25.组织一个晚会 26.营救某人脱离危险 27.毁坏一个城市 28.弄伤一支胳膊 29.突然大笑起来,at an end,dig out,build shelters for survivors,coal mines,organize an evening party,rescue sb from danger,destroy a city,injure an arm,burst into laughter / out laughing,1.There be,There remains / lies /stands / lives / comes / rises / goes There _the bus. There _ a heavy smoke on the roof. There _ a great man named Chen Baisha in Jiangmen. There _ just twenty-eight dollars.In front of the cave, there _ a tall pine tree. There _ the bell.,
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