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,单词短语知识要点 1in time 及时;总有一天;迟早 归纳拓展 in no time立刻,马上(once/immediately,用于句首时不倒装) ahead of time 提前;提早 at times有时 at one time一度;从前;曾经 at a time依次;逐一;每次 for the time being暂时;眼下 take ones time别着急;慢慢来,at no time 绝不,在任何时候都不(用在句首时,句子要部分倒装) Will we be in time for the six oclock train? 我们来得及赶上六点钟的那趟火车吗?Youre here in time.你终于来了。The boss ordered us to finish our task ahead of time. 老板命令我们提前完成任务。,【链接训练】 She started as an office junior,and _ became the director of the whole company. Ain surprise Bin return Cin turn Din time 【解析】 句意为:她起初只是一名办公室职员,最终成了整个公司的董事。in surprise“吃惊地”;in return“作为回报”;in turn“轮流,依次”;in time“终于,一段时间后”。故选D。 【答案】 D, _ will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. AAt no time BIn no time CAt one time DAt a time 【解析】 at no time“绝不”,表示否定意义,置于句首引起倒装。in no time“立即,马上”;at one time“曾经”;at a time“每次,一次”。它们均不表否定意义,不能引起倒装。 【答案】 A,2exist vi.存在;生存(无被动式和进行时) 归纳拓展 (1)There exists/existed.某地有;存在 exist in存在于 exist on靠生活/生存 (2)existence n存在;生存 be in existence存在 come into existence开始产生,成立 bring into existence使产生 (3)existent adj.存在的;现行的,We cant exist without food or water. 没有食物和水我们就不能生存。 I can hardly exist on the wage that Im getting. 我靠我挣的工资简直难以糊口。 When did the world come into existence? 世界是什么时候开始存在的? There exists a good way to solve the existing problem in geography.有一个解决目前地理问题的好办法。,【链接训练】 He doesnt believe in the _ of God. Alife Bexist Cexistence Dexhibition 【解析】 existence“存在”,符合题意。exist是动词,不能用在此处。句意为:他不相信有上帝存在。 【答案】 C,Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事了 I will,in my turn,clean the window next week. 下周轮到我擦窗户了。He asked each of us in turn to answer his questions. 他要我们每个人依次回答他的问题。I think its my turn to drive the kids to school this week. 我想这周该轮到我开车送孩子们上学了。,【链接训练】 People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars,and this _ creates further problems. Ain short Bin case Cin doubt Din turn 【解析】 in turn意为“反过来,依次,轮流”。根据句意“人们为了避免公共交通造成的延误使用私家车,而这反过来产生了进一步的问题”,可确定选D项。in short意为“简而言之”;in case意为“万一”;in doubt意为“不能肯定的,可怀疑的”。 【答案】 D,【链接训练】 Some policeman should be sent to _ them _ the trees. Aprevent;to cut down Bstop;cutting down Ckeep;to cut down Dkeep;cutting down 【解析】 prevent/stop/keep sb.from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”,排除A、C两项;又因prevent/stop后的from在主动语态中可省略,而keep后的from不可省略,排除D,故B项正确。 【答案】 B,5puzzle nC难题,谜 vt.使迷惑 归纳拓展 (1)be in a puzzle 感到困惑 (2)puzzle sb.使某人迷惑 puzzle out 仔细思考,设法想出答案 (3)puzzling adj.令人困惑的 puzzled adj.感到困惑的,Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me. 他们为什么要做此事我仍莫名其妙。What puzzles me is why he left the meeting without telling anyone. 令我困惑不解的是,他为什么没告诉任何人就从会议上离开了。,【链接训练】 Facing the_situation, the sales manager looked_. Apuzzling;puzzled Bpuzzling;puzzling Cpuzzled;puzzled Dpuzzled;puzzling 【解析】 句意为:面临着令人困惑的局势,销售部经理看起来迷惑不解。第一空形容situation的特点用puzzling;表示人困惑时用puzzled。故正确答案为A项。 【答案】 A,6pull n&vt.拉(力);拖;牵引(力) 归纳拓展 pull apart拉开;分开;扯断 pull away(汽车)开走;把抛在后面 pull in进站;吸引 pull out离站;(使)摆脱困境 pull over靠路边停车 pull through恢复健康;完成(十分困难的事) pull up使车停住 pull down贬低(人);拆毁(建筑物),Tom jumped onto the bus just as it was pulling away. 公共汽车正要开走时,汤姆跳了上去。He succeeded in pulling through the difficulty. 他平安地渡过了难关。 The workers are trying to pull down the dangerous houses. 工人们正在努力拆毁那些危房。,【链接训练】 She _ her car suddenly at a red light and I nearly hit her car. Apulled up Bpulled down Cpulled in Dpulled out 【解析】 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:在红灯前她突然把车停下,我差点撞上她的车。pull up“停车,把车停下”,符合题意。pull down“拆毁,摧毁”;pull in“进站”;pull out“驶出(车站)等,(使)摆脱困境”。 【答案】 A,7cheer vt.&vi.(使)高兴;(对)欢呼 n愉快,欢呼;喝彩 归纳拓展 (1)cheerful adj.快乐的,高兴的 cheering n. 欢呼,喝彩 adj.令人振奋的,令人高兴的 Cheers!(用于祝酒)干杯! (2)cheer up使高兴,使振奋;高兴起来,振作起来 cheer sb.on(比赛中)激励某人;为某人加油,The good news cheered everybody who heard it. 好消息使每一个听到的人感到高兴。Cheer up!Our trouble will soon be over. 振作起来!我们的困难很快就会过去。,【链接训练】 _,dear!Things wont be as bad as you think.There certainly will be chances for you. AHurry up BLook up CCheer up DMake up 【解析】 考查情景交际。句意为:亲爱的,振作起来!事情并不像你想象得那么糟。你一定还有机会。Cheer up!“振作起来,别灰心!”用于鼓励对方。Hurry up“抓紧时间,赶快”,用于催促某人;Look up“向上看”;Make up固定短语,意为“组成;弥补;编造”。 【答案】 C,8break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生,爆发(无被动语态) 归纳拓展 break away from 脱离(政党等);打破(陈规等) break down 出故障,抛锚;(计划等)失败;(身体、精神等)垮掉;坍塌;中止;(化合物等)分解 break in 破门而入,突然闯入;打断(话语等) break into 破门而入;突然起来 break off 折断;突然中止;断绝,结束 break through 突破,突围 break up 打碎,拆散;散开,解散;(学校)期终放假,(集会)结束,They had escaped to America shortly before the war broke out in 1939. 1939年战争爆发前不久他们逃到了美国。Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 她的身体因工作压力垮掉了。,【链接训练】 When a fire _ in the downtown highrise apartment in Shanghai on Nov.15,2010,fifty eight people lost their lives. Abroke off Bbroke out Cbroke down Dbroke up 【解析】 break off“折断,中止”;break out“(战争、火灾等)突然爆发”;break down“出故障;(身体)垮掉”;break up“破碎、解散”。题干中说的是火灾突然发生,故符合题意的只有B项。 【答案】 B,Have a break !,Have a break !,课文中有用的句型 1. But when I tried to step forward,I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over. 但是当我试着向前迈步的时候,我发觉我被送出去在地球上的两倍远,因而我摔倒了。 本句中含有表达倍数的结构,倍数twice用来修饰形容词的原级比较as far as。 归纳拓展 英语中常见的表示倍数的结构: (1)“A谓语倍数as形容词或副词的原级asB”,表示“A是B的多少倍”。 (2)“A谓语倍数形容词或副词的比较级thanB”,表示“A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”。,
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