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Unit 6 Meet my family,Part A Lets talkLets learn,2018/9/11,Lets sing songs!,2018/9/11,How manydo you see?,Look and answer quickly.看图迅速回答,2018/9/11,How manycan you see?,Look and answer quickly.看图迅速回答,2018/9/11,How manycan you see?,Look and answer quickly.看图迅速回答,2018/9/11,How manycan you see?,Look and answer quickly.看图迅速回答,2018/9/11,How manycan you see?,Look and answer quickly.看图迅速回答,2018/9/11,How manycan you see?,Look and answer quickly.看图迅速回答,2018/9/11,How many people can you see?,- 6.,人,人们,2018/9/11,mother,father,grandfather,grandmother,sister,me,Task 任务,Lets have a family show in our class. Everyone will introduce his/her family membersto others in the class. 班级举办家庭成员秀同学将自己照片上的 家庭成员介绍给其他同学认识。,Unit 6 Meet my family,Part A Lets talkLets learn,2018/9/11,G1,2,G3,4,Chen Jie and Amy are talking about their families. Chen Jie和Amy在讨论他们的家庭成员,2018/9/11,How many people are there in Chen Jies family?,2018/9/11,How many people are there in Amys family?,Watch and answer the questions.看视频回答问题,2018/9/11,How many people are there in your family, Chen Jie? -_.,3,A. 4 B. 3,My _and _.,parents,me,father,mother,有,Watch and answer the questions.看视频回答问题,2018/9/11,2. How many people are there in Amys family?,-Amy: My family has _ people.,A. six B. five,six,Amy: My _, my_, my _, my_ and_.,Amy: My dad, my mum, my sister, my baby brother and me.,But thats only five!只有5个人。,And my little puppy.,有,外国文化小贴士,2018/9/11,西方人将动物当成人类的好朋友,爱护它们,所以西方人的家庭也把宠物当做家庭成员。,2018/9/11,How many people are there in their family? 他们的家庭有几个人呢?,2018/9/11,How many people are there in your family, Yang Yangyang?,Three.,2018/9/11,How many people are there in your family, Angela?,Three.,2018/9/11,How many people are there in your family, Grace?,My family has _people.,My family has 4 people.,2018/9/11,How many people are there in your family, Duoduo?,My family has_people.,My family has 4 people.,Listen, point and imitate,2018/9/11,In the family show 家庭成员秀,2018/9/11,uncle,aunt,cousin,Bomb Game,2018/9/11,Talk about your family members in pairs,2018/9/11,A: How many people are there in your family?,B: _. My _, my_, myand me.,Chant,2018/9/11,How many people are there in your family?,3,3, my parents and me.,How many people are there in your family?,4,4, my parents, baby brother and me.,2018/9/11,Hello!Im Grace. My family has 4 people. This is my father. He is short and thin. This is my mother. She is tall and thin. This is my brother. He is cute. This is me. I love my family.,默读小提示: 小伙伴们,在默读时请划出表示家庭成员、外貌的 关键词哦,外貌,家庭成员,家庭成员,外貌,家庭成员,外貌,家庭成员,Task 任务,Lets have a family show in our class. Everyone will introduce his/her family membersto others in the class. 班级举办家庭成员秀同学将自己照片上的 家庭成员介绍给其他同学认识。,Hi! My family has _ people. This is my _. He is _. This is my _. She is _ and _. This is my _(丈夫). He is _and_. This is _. I love my family.,father,short,mother,short,thin,husband,tall,strong,me,4,2018/9/11,Family show家庭成员秀 Introduce your family membersto others in the class. 将自己照片上的 家庭成员介绍给其他同学认识。 (可以模仿萌娃的介绍),参考词汇: 家庭成员:mother, father, parents, uncle, aunt, cousin, brother, sister, baby brother, grandma, grandpa, 外貌性格:tall, short, strong, thin, fat, cute, quiet, friendly.,Homework 作业,1.Read “Lets talk” 3 times a day.,2.Share your family photos with your friends after class.,Bye bye!,
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