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Skimming,Digging,Language in Use,Unfamiliar Words,Interpreting,EATING hotpot,1. and Ive sworn to give him some typical Sichuan food. (Line 2, Para 2),I have promised faithfully to take him to some local Sichuan-style food.swear - swore - sworn.,Text,Difficult sentences,When we stop laughing, I realize hes serious.我们大笑,然后我才意识到他是认真的。,Translation,原文,Most of the tastes are either familiar, or not too unusual to be unpleasant. The difficulty is with the feel of the food.这里大部分菜的味道要么很熟悉,即使不熟悉也不至于难以下咽。问题出在食物给人的感觉。,Translation,原文,Difficult sentences,10. But while Im now at home in China, (Line 1, Para 17),be/feel at home: feel safe and comfortable. When someone visits ones home one often tells them to feel at home.,Text,1 Where is the writers boyfriend from?,New York.,2 How long has he been in China?,Two hours.,Skimming,More,3 Where are her other friends from?,China.,Task,Activity 2: Answer the questions.,5 What does it consist of?,A stock, slices of meat and vegetables, and dipping sauces.,6 How long has the writer been living in China?,Some months.,Skimming,4 What dish do they eat?,Hotpot.,More,Skimming,Activity 3: Choose the best answer to the question.,1 How does the writer feel to be back in Beijing?(a) Very tired.(b) Uncertain about what to do.(c) Cold and hungry. (d) Rather happy.,2 Why does she go to eat Sichuan food?(a) Because she wants her boyfriend to try it.(b) Because she hasnt tried it before. (c) Because the food is hot and spicy. (d) Because you can talk while you eat it.,Skimming,3 What does she show her boyfriend?(a) How to read the menu. (b) How to order the food. (c) How to cook the food. (d) How to hold chopsticks.,4 Why does she laugh at her boyfriend?(a) Because he doesnt know how to hold chopsticks. (b) Because he doesnt understand what she and her friends are talking about.(c) Because he doesnt understand how to eat the food.(d) Because he doesnt like the food.,Skimming,5 What do Westerners feel about real Chinese food, according to the writer?(a) They dont like the taste.(b) Its the same as Chinese food in the West.(c) It takes too long to eat. (d) It feels different from the food they know.,6 What did the writer feel about Chinese food when she first came to China?(a) She didnt eat it.(b) She liked it immediately.(c) She only ate it to please her hosts. (d) It made her feel homesick.,Hotpot 火锅,There are no ordinary equivalents of hotpot in Western cooking. The nearest is the Swiss fondue (瑞士乳酪火锅) When eating fondue, people dip pieces of bread and meat into a shared pot of (usually) cheese sauce, but this is not a common dish in most places.,Text,Culture points,Swiss fondue,Manhattan Chinatown 曼哈顿区唐人街,An area of New York with Chinese restaurants. Many of the dishes served have been changed to suit Western eating habits, by using easily available ingredients.,Text,Culture points,Takeout 外卖食品,In the US, a takeout is a meal that you buy in a restaurant and take home to eat. In the UK, this is usually called a takeaway.,Text,Culture points,adapt apart from despite doubtful energetic expectation greedy investigate the norm plentiful,Unfamiliar Words,Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. You may need to make other changes.,More,Fast food has become a (1) habit for many universitystudents, (2) even though there is information about the dangers of unhealthy eating which is (3) found everywhere. Food scientists in the UK have,the norm,despite,plentiful,adapt apart from despite doubtful energetic expectation greedy investigate norm plentiful,Unfamiliar Words,More,(4) researched the effect of students diets ontheir ability to study. Over a three-month period,students (5) changed their diets. (6) Except for milk products, they ate very little animal fat.,investigated,adapted,Apart from,adapt apart from despite doubtful energetic expectation greedy investigate norm plentiful,Unfamiliar Words,(7) ideas about what would happen. Most studentssaid they felt more (8) active than before, and some said they no longer felt (9) they wanted to eat more than they need at mealtimes. But it is (10)not certain that the majority of students will change their habits as a result of the experiment.,expectations,greedy,doubtful,energetic,More,Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in the box.,chew confuse exhaust puzzle recall suck swallow swear,Unfamiliar Words,1 If you _ something, you use your teeth to bite food in your mouth into small pieces. 2 If you _ something, you remember it. 3 If you feel _, you are very tired. 4 When you _ food, it goes down your throat to your stomach.,chew,recall,exhausted,swallow,More,5 If you are _ or _ about something, you feel you do not understand it. 6 If you _ to do something, you are making a promise to do it. 7 When you _ something like a sweet, you put it in your mouth and move your tongue against it.,
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