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转 化 医 学杨 胜 利中国科学院上海生命科学研究院,转化医学-战略需求,医学模式转换医疗改革,迎接二十一世纪的挑战,二十一世纪的医学不应该继续以疾病为主要研究领域,应当以人类的健康为主要研究方向世界卫生组织,健康问题不能光靠打针吃药 陈 竺,重申卫生事业模式要转换,要从大病晚期治疗为主向预防为主转变,关口前移、重心下沉加强公共卫生体系建设、加强预防医学是我国也是全球医学模式转换的重大课题。,Medicine in the 21th century二十一世纪的医学 4P Medicine Predictive medicine 预测医学 Preventive medicine 预防医学Personalized medicine 个性化医学Participatory medicine 参与医学,转化医学,由实验室到临床 (B to B) 由人类基因组到4P医学由科学发现到社区卫生,人类基因组计划,将使多数人类疾病的诊断、预防、和治疗发生革命性变化克林顿2000年6月26日,转化医学的战略目标,将生命科学和生物技术及相关的现代科学技术整合、凝聚到4P医学,推动医疗改革、提高人民的健康水平和生活质量,转 化 医 学 的 目 标,更精确的预警与诊断 更有效的干预和治疗 降低发病率、推迟发病平均年令 提高冶愈率、减少重症病人 降低医疗的综合成本 提高人民的健康水平和生活质量,转化医学的主要研究内容,个体基因组和疾病的全基因组关联研究基因、环境和生活方式相互作用的动态变化生物标志物及其网络的发现和验证生物标志物的循证医学研究,转化医学的主要研究内容,数字医学社区公共卫生系统个性化防控路径和临床路径,Clinical translation of findings from GWA studiesNature reviews genetics 9:356-369 (2008),Hierarchy of causal relationshipsa, Classic genetic association approaches. b, Changes in DNA, lead to changes in molecular traits that go on to affect disease risk. c, Disease gene networks sense constellations of genetic and environmental perturbations.,Nature 416:218,2009,The correlation network of all biomarkers found in a study on the early onset of atherosclerosis in the ApoE3 transgenic mouse model Clish CB et al. OMICS 2004, 1:3-13.,The development of disease from healthy (homeostasis within black dotted lines) to sub-(homeostasis within black dotted lines) to sub-optimal health and eventually an overt disease state.Clish CB et al. OMICS 2004, 1:3-13.,First Check My Genome,Doctor 医生,先看一下我的基因组,“AmpliChip CYP450“ will test for variations in two genes: CYP2D6and CYP2C19They affect how people process about 25% of drugs on the market,Roche and Affymetrix are seeking approval for a new pharmacogenomics device,N0. 1 of the Times invention of 2008,Airstrip Technologies remote continuous vital sign monitoring via the iPhone.This software delivers real-time data about the vital signs (including blood pressure, heart rhythm and rate, blood oxygen level, and body temperature) of any patient who is in a hospital intensive care unit to a doctors or nurses smart phone,十年来转化医学的进展,Not muchFrancis CollinsCraig Venter,Too much in, nothing out The gene microarray literature is polluted with many gene expression signatures that have inadequate validation or no validation at all.,The “valley of death”Many research projects perish as researchers try to cross the rough terrain between basic discovery and useful therapy.,Science Translational Medicine 7 October 2009,临床与转化科学基金,由NIH的NCRR管理2012年计划建立60个CTSC现己建55个,临床与转化科学中心 (CTSA),提升训练与职业培訓水平促进联合体的合作提升临床与转化研究能力,我国转化医学研究的重点,慢性疾病的防控中医、中药的现代化和国际化临床研究-研究型医院与CTSC,Causes of death over time in China Sciences 328:422-424(2010),如何开展转化医学研究,临床需求导向的靶向性转化研究 开放式网络结构的联合体 医产学研资结合的团队 DNA双螺旋的运作模式,临床需求导向的靶向性转化研究,开放式网络结构的联合体,医产学研资结合的团队,转化医学的运作模式B to B to B,双向运行螺旋形上升DNA双螺旋模型,From research to optimism This logo, designed for a 2009 interdisciplinary workshop on translational research, symbolizes how research, once converted to technology, can lead to hope,谢 谢 !,
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