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日期/时间,页脚,Unit 1 How tall are you ? 第三课时,(人教PEP)六年级英语下册课件,Warm-up,1、欣赏歌曲My Pets 。,2、Lets chant 跟着录音的节奏吟唱。,3、“说说我的小天地”活动 (根据自己的测量结果,把自己卧室的大小、其他物品的尺寸向同学们汇报,评出“十佳小天地”。),日期/时间,页脚,日期/时间,页脚,1、Lets read a 、(观察二幅熊的图片) Look , I have two different bears. Which bear is taller /shorter / stronger , the grey one or the brown one ?,b、两人一组进行练习。,Presentation/Practice,c、齐读句子:The grey bear is taller than the brown one .,d、小组内评价这些图片,说出喜欢的理由。 如:I like the grey one . Because it is taller than the brown one .,Presentation/Practice,日期/时间,页脚,e、齐读句子:I like the grey one . Because it is taller than the brown one .,f、“量灰熊”活动 How tall is the grey bear ? Can you guess ? 如:I think the grey bear is 60 cm tall .,Presentation/Practice,日期/时间,页脚,g、齐读句子:I think the grey bear is 60 cm tall .,h、练习句型: I think ,Presentation/Practice,日期/时间,页脚,i、观察插图。Today , Ben and his father are in the zoo . Now they are watching monkeys . How many monkeys ? Which monkeys is taller ? What are the monkeys like ? Which monkeys does Ben like ? Lets read the dialogue .,j、两人一组阅读对话,回答上述问题。,日期/时间,页脚,Finish the sentences . The yellow monkey is than the brown one . The brown monkey is than the yellow one . The little monkey is only tall . The yellow monkey is about tall .,日期/时间,页脚,k、跟读录音。,l、两人一组练习对话。,Presentation/Practice,日期/时间,页脚,2、Pair work a、Draw you and your best friend .,b、描述你自己画的画。 (正确运用形容词的比较级形式。),Presentation/Practice,日期/时间,页脚,3、Pronunciation a、观察下列音标,找出字母的发音规律。,Presentation/Practice,日期/时间,页脚,b、跟读录音,并感知音标的音与形。,Presentation/Practice,日期/时间,页脚,c、我会分。 baby tail bike point boy buy soil dive pain cake toy type day pine,/ai/,/ei/,/oi/,Presentation/Practice,日期/时间,页脚,“让我们来”活动 两人一组模仿课本中的对话进行练习。,Extension,日期/时间,页脚,Homework,1、课后朗读Lets read . 2、用一段形象的文字描写自己的一位好朋友。(用上学过的形容词的比较级。),日期/时间,页脚,谢谢大家!,日期/时间,页脚,
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