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http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,Unit 8 Lingling helps her parents.,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,make the bed,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,有部分课件由于控制文件大小,内容不完整,请联系购买完整版,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,iron the clothes,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,clean the windows,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,cook a meal,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,wash the vegetables,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,water the plants,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,make the bed,iron the clothes,clean the windows,cook a meal,wash the vegetables,water the plants,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,Practice:,What do you do at home?你在家做什么?,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,make the bed,iron the clothes,clean the windows,cook a meal,wash the vegetables,water the plants,What do you do at home?,I_.,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,Watch and guess,example:,student one :make the bed(嘴型和做动作提示),student two:make the bed(嘴型和做动作提示),All students:what do you do at home ?,student four:I make the bed.,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,Practice:,What do you do at home?,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,Practice:,What does he/she do at home?他/她在家做什么?,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,动词第三人称单数形式的变化规则,当主语是第三人称如she、he、it 谓语要用第三人称单数。动词第三人称单数形式的变化规则:1.一般情况下,直接加-s。如:make-makes iron-irons 2.以字母-s、-x、-ch、-sh、-o结尾的动词加-es.如:wash-washes go-goes 3. 特殊动词变化 如: do-does,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,Her mother_. She _(help) her.,makes the bed,helps,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,Her mother_.She_her.,irons the clothes.,helps,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,Her father_. She_him.,cleans the windows,helps,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,Her mother_ _. She_her.,cooks a meal,helps,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,She_. Her father_her.,waters the plants,helps,http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件站,See you!,
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