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Module 4 Unit 2 My favourite season is spring.,Class aims,1.Be able to read and understand the new words and phrases:season 、spring 、summer autumn、 winter 、 favourite season 、 skiing、on the trees 、 in the river、 go swimming 、 snow、 play with the snow 2.Be able to read and understand the text 3.Be able to use“What can you do in .? I can in“,How many days are there in a week?,There are seven days.,Theyre,Sunday,Friday,Thursday,Wednesday,Tuesday,Monday,Saturday,Task 1:复习旧知,导入课题,How many months are there in a year?,There are twelve months.,Theyre,December,November,October,September,August,June,July,May,April,March,February,January,How many seasons are there in a year?, i: ,season季节,pea sea tea read meat,There are four seasons.,Theyre,Look, listen and say. What can you do in summer ? What can you do in winter?,Task 2:初识句型,Task 3:理解课文,Listen to the text and answer my questions. Whats Amys favourite season? Why?Whats Damings favourite season? Why? Whats Linglings favourite season? Why? Whats Sams favourite season? Why? Whats your favourite season? Why?,Amys favourite season is _.Because_.,Task 4:识记生词,season 季节 spring 春季summer 夏autumn秋季 winter 冬季 favourite season最喜欢的季节 skiing滑雪 on the trees 在树上 in the river在河里 go swimming 去游泳 snow雪 play with the snow玩雪,Game time,Make funny sentences. 游戏规则:分别从三个盒子里抽取单词,然后组成句子。 比如:抽取cold /summer/skiing Its cold in summer.We can go skiing in summer.,Task 5:熟读课文,of Weizhou,Task 6:拓展练习,What can you do in _? I can _in _.,spring,fly my kite spring,检测学习效果,一、单项选择 1.The leaves fall the trees in autumn. A.in B.to C.from 2.There are flowers the trees. A.from B.on C.in 3.I love winter .I can play snow . A.with B. at C.to 4.In winter ,we can wear coat and . A. dress B. gloves C.T-shirt,二、绘制本课的思维导图,Spring is green. 春季绿茵茵 Summer is bright . 夏季亮堂堂 Autumn is golden . 秋季金灿灿 Winter is white . 冬季白茫茫,Homework:,金色:单词短语默熟, 课文读熟 银色:单词短语默过, 课文读熟 绿色:单词短语3英1汉,课文会读,Thank you! Goodbye!,
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