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,unit 4 Where do you work?,unit 4 Where do you work?,Unit 4 Where do you work?,Lesson 19,芦镇东庄小学,writer,singer,dancer,doctor,teacher,Im a teacher.,I work in a school.,school,I work in a school.,我在学校工作。,student,I study in a school.,Where do you study?,cinema,电影院,bank,银行,Lets listen to the tape and answer. 1.Whos man/woman? 2. Where do they work?,1.Whos man/woman? Mr White. Mrs Wu2. Where do they work? At the bank /cinema.,Pratice:,1.当你在超市再见到你的朋友Lisa时,你应该说:,A.Nice to meet you.,B.Glad to meet you.,C.Nice to see you again.,2.当你想知道Mr Wu 在哪工作时,你应该说:,A.Where do you live?,B.Where do you work?,3.当你想知道Peter在哪里上学时,你应该问:,A.Where do you work?,B.Where do you study?,( C ),( B ),( B ),Home work:,M,Make a dialogue with your friends ,then read and act.,Good bye!,Thank you!,
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