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练习:,1,你会用英语写电子邮件吗?是的,我会。 2,我能喝些水吗?(否定回答) 3,你会讲英语吗? 4,你会会唱英文歌曲吗? 5,你会用英文数数吗?,在这些句子中常可用表示频率的副词,always(总是), often(经常),sometimes(有时),never(从不),,练习: 1,你经常看英语书吗?不,我从不看英语书。 2,我经常读书。 3,我们有时会讲英语!,我的眼睛最尖。,Simons dad: Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?,4.祈使句: 肯定句:动词原形+其他成分。 否定句:Dont +动词原形。 Please可放在句首也可放在句末。,Simon: Dad, I want to show Daming the present from China.,练习: 1请讲英语。 2 禁止踩踏草坪。3请安静。4 不要把书放在地上,can 的句型: can you ?你能吗)回答:Yes ,I can . No ,I/ cant .Can I have some ?(我能吃一些吗?) 回答: Yes ,you can ./No/Sorry ,you cant.; can的肯定句: 主语+can+动词原形+其他。 否定句:主语+cant+动词原形+其他,A:Excuse me ,I from Radio NSE ,Can I ask some questions,please? B:Yes ,of course!Now ,you.Talk to each other in pairs.,我是小小主持人,Lets practice,2.Answer my question?,1.Read and answer,3.Look, listen then find “want to”?,4.Look, ask and answer,5.Lets say a chant.,Read and answer,Do Simon and Daming want to visit the UN building? How many flags are there ? What do the countries of the UN want to bring? Do Simon and Daming go inside? What is the present from China to the UN? Who wants to take a photo?,Is the UN builing big or small? Where are the flags from? How many flags are there? What does Simon want to show to Daming? What is the present? What does Daming want to do?,A.big,B.small,A.china,B.All around the world,A.191,B.190,A.a photo,B.a present,A.a train,B.a tower,A. take a photo,B.write a letter,Answer my question?Find the wrong answers.,Look, ask and answer,Do you want to ride on a bus ?,Yes, I do. Do you?,英语游戏,考考你的记忆力,游戏接龙,Memory game :What they want to do?,Simon and Daming want to,The 191 countries want to ,Simon want to,Daming want to,bring peace to the world,visit the UN building,take a photo,show Daming the present from China,Lets play a game,S1:Do you want to listen to music? S2: Do you want to listen to music and watch TV? S3: Do you want to listen to music and watch TV and play football? S4:.,S1:Do you want to listen to music? S2: Do you want to listen to music and watch TV? S3: Do you want to listen to music and watch TV and play football? S4:.,
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