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Unit 3 My weekend planPart A Lets learn,拯救小羊,play football,play ping pong,do homework,go to school,listen to music,read books,do morning exercises,watchTV,swim,play computer games,go to school,Thank you !,学习目标一,能够听,说,读,写,表示时间的单词和词组:this morning , this afternoon , this evening , tonight , tomorrow , next week .(学习时间3分钟),tomorrow,/tmr/,明天,this morning,/m:n/,tonight,/tnat/,今晚,next week,/w i:k/,下星期,this afternoon,/,:ftnu:n/,今天下午,this evening,/i:vn /,今天傍晚,今天上午,Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.,today,tomorrow,this week,next week,October,19 20 21 22 23 24 25,26 27 28 29 30 31,Oct. 23,at 8:00,this morning,at 14:00,at 19:00,at 22:00,this afternoon,this evening,tonight,今天早上,今天下午,今天傍晚,今天晚上,学习目标二 1.能够听,说,读,写短语: visit my grandparents , see a film , take a trip , go to the supermarket . 2.能够听,说,读,写句型: What are you going to do -? Im going to - .,visit my grandparents,What are you going to do tomorrow ?,Im going to visit my grandparents .,see a film,watch a movie,What are you going to do this evening ? Im going to see a film .,this evening,take a trip,/trip/,next week,What are you going to do next week ? Im going to take a trip .,I am going to the supermarket.,What are you going to do this morning?,/sju:p,m:kit /,go to the supermarket,this morning,go to the supermarket,next week,take a trip,see a film,tonight,this morning,Whats missing?,Magic eyes,this evening,this afternoon,tomorrow,visit my grandparents,www.xkb1.com,看图,仿写句子。,What are you going to do ? I m going to listen to music .,1. What are you going to do ?Im going to watch TV .,2.What are you going to do ?I m going to see a film .,3. What are you going to do ?Im going to the supermarket .,4. What are you going to do ?I m going to take a trip .,5. What are you going to do ?Im going to play football .,6. What are you going to do ?Im going to visit my grandparents .,小组合作,阅读短文,完成表格。,Hello, Im LiuXing . This is my family . Were going to have a happy day . Xiaoxue is going to take a trip with her friends this morning . Xiaoyu is going to the supermarket , he wants to buy some food, he is going this afternoon. This evening my father and mother are going to see a film together . Im going to play computer games with Shubiao tonight .That will be fun !,请在小组内观察表格最后一列,找出共同点,总结句子结构,仔细观察,找出共同点,总结句子结构。,主语+be going to + 动词原形例:Im going to visit my grandparents tonight.一般将来时:表示将要或即将发生某种情况,主语可以是人,也可以是物,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。,Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.今日事,今日毕。,Remember:谚语,www.xkb1.com,Homework :1.10个单词和短语 2+2 2.Do a survey , 小组内调查,完成表格2,
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