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Unit 3 A healthy diet,Try to say: 1 你能用英语说出这些食物吗? 2 尝试用a few/a little,some,a lot of组成词组。,Talk about food.,Make your food pyramid(食物金字塔),学习目标: 1 说出食物的不同种类。 2 根据你的饮食习惯,用a little/a few, some,a lot of谈论食物金字塔 3 可以陈述 :I like/I haveMy favourite food is 也可以问答:Whats your favourite food?What do you have for lunch and dinner?,Story Time,A healthy diet,What have you known?你已经知道了什么?,Before reading,What do you want to know?你想知道什么?,Step 1. read and understand,Try to retell the text.,Learning tips:(这些句子可帮助你组织语言) Yang ling/Mike has_for breakfast/lunch/dinner. He/she likes_. He/she doesnt like_. He /she only eats/drinks_.,Lets debate(辩论),Which food is healthier(更健康)?,Chinese food,Western food,Tips: 陈述观点的句子I think/In my opinion, 反驳对方的句子I dont think so/I cant agree with you.,1 确定辩题Western food /Chinese food. 2 你能给出一个理由,组织语言并写出来吗,以便上课的时候组长记录整理论据吗?,注意提建议的句型结构!,In two years ,In a healthy diet ,there is_fruit and v_.There is also _rice and bread .You can have _meat and fish in your meals .You can have _milk every day .S_ food is nice ,but it is not good for your teeth.Eat only_sweet food every day.,a few,a little,some,a lot of,A healthy diet,A healthy diet.,A happy life(生活).,A bright future(未来).,Homework,Introduce the Food Pyramid to your family.(向你的家人介绍食物金字塔) 2. Write 1-2 suggestions on healthy diet for your friends. (请给你的好友写1-2条健康饮食的建议) 3 Surf the internet: yiqizuoye.com and finish homework.,
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