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Unit 5 My New Room,人教PEP五年级英语上册,C Lets learn,curtain mirror trash bin end table,closet,in on under near behind,air-conditioner in front of over,There is / There are ,Teaching Aims:,1.听,说,读,写下列单词,2.听,说,读下列单词,3.听懂,会说句型,Jerry is _ the shelf.,in,Jerry is _ the desk.,under,Jerry is _ the curtain.,behind,Jerry is _the closet.,in front of,Jerry is _ the trash bin.,near,Jerry is _ the shelf.,on,Jerry is _ the shelf.,over,I have my own room now.,Really? Whats it like?,There is a big closet,a new air-conditioner,and a new mirror.,There are blue curtains.,There be(is, are) + 某人或某物+ 介词(in, on, under) + 地方,表示某处有某人或某物,可以转化成:某人或某物 + is/are + 介词(in, on) + 地方,表示某人或某物在某处,There is a trash bin behind the door.,The trash bin is behind the door.,1,3,2,There is .,1,2,3,Room A,Room B,_is/are in room A. _is/are in room B.,Room A,Room B,There is/are_in room A. There is/are _in room B.,小结,我们今天都学习了哪些内容,
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