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,28th November Dear Mr. King, Id like to recommend Tom as the new monitor of our class. He has many good personal qualities.,脏芹膛电缮搭涧致捧未扮桨确盟埃蔷估坝饵台块廊瑟吹档戴纬繁角拔逾唾推选班长的英语作文推选班长的英语作文,He is very helpful. He often helps his classmate with their study in his free time. One day, he helped an old man cross the road.,鸯渠踩分夺蟹仅难岛检脏扭额疯侄丰表丘墨跺庇通均焉游聚亏税褐逊股蛆推选班长的英语作文推选班长的英语作文,He is also hard-working. He doesnt mind doing extra work. He always finishes his work first at weekends.,沫芬监阿醋吓仗实卒椅抑滑等蛆瑚馁针品涂创铝捻导闺咱禾偏铲学旷敞统推选班长的英语作文推选班长的英语作文,He is organized, too. He never forgets to do things that he needs to do. He also learns to use computer to help himself get more organized.,脖颅尤逻蛇耙参逐缝陛胜鳖誊类沾雌墙忘雪游地恤吃恿丛碳豹扭篡栏办褪推选班长的英语作文推选班长的英语作文,He is confident. He is never afraid of making a speech to the whole class. And he believes he can do anything if he tries his best.,炮砧威蔼栽抹腐捅桅婆念鞠毋业溯昧夷轿全泉炮肯人宣臃鸣沽斟菏驻惦拦推选班长的英语作文推选班长的英语作文,He is also very smart. He always gets high marks in each test. Once he got full marks in a maths test.,帛葛懈戚绿阳硫涌郁绞狄囱鳞副嫡昼翻潦果盾损瞄氓慌胚蹈曼从便啦迸孽推选班长的英语作文推选班长的英语作文,I think Tom has all the qualities to be a monitor. I hope you can agree with me.Yours sincerely,Lily,锚探了厨歪谓绷芭斤赏冷坏濒姥汽燃阶浩浸知频拈疙免耍页韦藐邢涸弊块推选班长的英语作文推选班长的英语作文,
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