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商务英语谈判试题商务英语谈判试题 篇一:商务英语谈判考题 湖北三峡*学院 2011 年春季学期商务英语谈判试卷 适用班级_ 考试班级_ 姓名_ 学 号_ 一、 Composition(50 分) 1. Case study You represent a shoe manufacturer. Your latest product is the so-called “self-heating” boots. The boots themselves control the temperature inside automatically through friction and rubbing of your feet against the inner side Shanghai,58 a pair. Now an American businessman wants to place an order for your shoes, but the price he counter-offers is only48 a pair. Now you are negotiating. Questions: A. What should you learn before you begin to bargain with the American buyers team? B. Do you really believe 48 a pair is his minimum level? Why? 第 1 页(共 3 页) 2. Case study On one occasion we received a proposal from a company that was interested in doing work for a client of ours as a subcontractor. We studied the proposal very carefully and decided that there were fourteen points that we would like to win. While not all fourteen were crucial to us, if we could win them it would provide a particularly satisfactory outcome for our client. The negotiation was undertaken at our clients office. When the subcontractors staff arrived, we greeted them warmly. Once they were comfortably seated, we said: “Your proposal is excellent, and we are delighted with it. But there are forty-one points that we have to discuss if we are to reach agreement. Would you like to write them down?” The subcontractors negotiators dutifully listed the issues. When we reached point forty-one we simply said, “Can we start with number one?” Then we went straight into negotiation. Note carefully the dynamics of the situation. The subcontractors staff have just broken guideline three and were now negotiating forty-one points that they are never seen, planned and prepared for before. Whats more, twenty-seven of those points ere figments of our imagination. We simply made them up. We used them to create room to maneuver and to control the agenda. The subcontractor won twenty-seven points and we won on ly fourteen. 第 2 页(共 3 页) They had clearly beaten us. Question: How did the negotiator maneuver and control the agenda? 第 3 页(共 3 页) 篇二:商务英语谈判用语特点 学 年 论 文 题 目 学 生 指导教师 年 级 2006 专 业 系 别 学 院 商务英语谈判用语特点 级 英语教育 英语系 西语学 院 TERM PAPER ENGLISH DEPARTMENT HARBIN NORMAL UNIERSITY TITLE: The Feature of Language Used in Business Negotiation STUDENT: TUTOR: GRADE: Grade 2006 MAJOR: English Education DEPARTMENT: English Department COLLEGE: Faculty of Western Languages and Literatures The Feature of Language Used in Business Negotiation Abstract: This paper aims at summarizing the features of language used in business negotiation. After a brief introduction to the functions and classifications of languages, the paper respectively presents the features of improper language and effective language used in business negotiation. Since negotiation is quite a practical activity, this paper sets forth a lot of vivid example added to the theoretical demonstration. Key words: business negotiation ; language features . Introduction To negotiate is to reach an acceptable agreement by two counterparts who hold different opinions and share limited amount of interests by means of communication. Therefore, language used during the communication process plays a very significant role, especially the communication among people from different countries who hold different cultural backgrounds, ways of thinking, and understanding of meaning. 1. Language Implication In Business Negotiation The language used in business negotiation is to detect, hint, induce and even threaten the counterparts as reactions to their words, countenance, manners, body language and attitudes. It is the manifest of the negotiators ability of thinking and intelligence in logic way and that of convey of judgment, inference and demonstration to their counterparts o r fellow negotiators 2. Language Function in Business Negotiation The language used in business negotiation functions a lot. A proper way of speaking involves clear statement, sufficient demonstration and sensible consideration and it can improve the chance to persuade the opponent, reach mutual understanding, coordinate the objectives and interests of both parts and secure the success of negotiation. Generally speaking, language used in business negotiation has three functions. Firstly, it can help to clearly state the negotiators opinion, purpose and requirement. When the two parts get together to discuss the contents of a certain transaction, whether they can make their statement in an articulate, simple and clear language matters a great deal. Its second function is to persuade the counterparts. During the negotiation process, the negotiators usually content each other for their respective interests, thus the part that can persuade the other to accept his opinion and make concession will earn the larger purse; that is to say, the one who is unable to
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