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英语课堂教学设计案例英语课堂教学设计案例 ( (精选范文精选范文) )英语课堂教学设计案例 Unit 4 I want to be an actor.设计者:成都市双楠实验学校 冉峰教材版本:人民教育出版社 Go for it! 七年级下册1、教学内容: 经过整合后的 section A,Unit 4 第一课时。2、教学重、难点: a. 有关职业的新词汇:shop assistant, doctor,actor, reporter, policeman, waiter,bank clerk, studentb. 谈论职业的相关句型:What do you do? Im a reporter.What does she do? She is a doctor.Where does she work? She works in a hospital.3学情分析:对于已在就读七年级下册的七年级四班的学生而言,他们积累了一些基本词汇,已具备运用一些简单的句型进行初步会话的能力。他们活泼、好动、表现欲强。经过半年多时间的训练,他们已初步学会运用自主式学习、合作式学习、探究式学习等学习方式去获取知识。4. 教学方法:新目标任务型教学,直观教学,交际性教学。5 教学手段:多媒体(可增大课堂容量,实现高效课堂) ,直观教具(让学生感觉直观、易懂、印象深刻)6、教学目标:1) 知识目标:掌握和谈论与职业这一话题有关的词汇和句型。2) 能力目标:培养学生学会用英语介绍某人的职业、工作场所的会话能力。为将来踏入社会求职打下基础. 培养学生自主学习、合作学习、探究学习的能力。3) 情感目标:让学生自由想象长大了想做什么,用什么方式,通过怎样的努力去实现它。让他们明白要想成功,必须经过艰苦的努力。教育他们热爱学习, 以便将来在各自不同的岗位上为建设祖国做出贡献。7、教学准备:自学任务:要求同学们自定学习目标和学习方法。一、可以借助老师提供的自学问题单来确定学习目标。如:我弄清话题的意思了吗?我扫清字词障碍了吗?等等。二、可以根据老师提供的学习范围来确定学习目标。范围如下:1、查找有关职业的词汇。2、搜集或制作与职业词汇相关的图片资料。3、列出询问职业和工作地点的句型。三、可以联系自己家庭成员的生活实际或以自己喜爱的人物和职业来确定话题目标和词汇目标, 还可以用自己喜欢的方式来介绍自己喜爱的人物和职业。如:可以用绘画的方式、相片或图片的方式、唱歌或表演的方式等等。表演道具自备。8、教学流程:Step 1 Leading in (2 minutes)Reviewing the following questions:a. Whats your name?b. Where are you from?c. How many people are there in your family? Who are they?d. What is your father mother?(设计意图:新教材很重视新课的引入,采用温故知新法提问与学生自身和家庭生活密切相关的问题,通过热身运动温习与本单元话题相关的词汇来启发学生思考问题,为呈现这一环节做好语言方面的准备工作。 )Step 2 Presentation (8 minutes)T: Now please ask me about my family.(学生从教师的角度提出问题,师生角色互换) S: How many people are there in your family?T: FiveS: Who are they?T: They are my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and I.(教师边回答问题边在屏幕上呈现自己家庭成员的画面。然后看图向学生逐一介绍各人的职业和工作地点。 )T: This is my father. He is a doctor. He works in a hospital. -(略) Look at this beautiful girl. She is my sister. What does she do? She is a nurse. Where does she work? She works in a hospital. (教师边介绍边呈现词汇和句型,然后师生、生生看图说话)(设计意图:通过自制的能够表现职业的、有特色的圆形图片以动感的形式把自身的家庭成员逐一呈现给学生,并逐个介绍他们的职业、工作地点,呈现的同时出现与话题相关的词汇和句型。教师的呈现衔接自然、新颖、独特,能很快引起学生的注意和兴趣,同时为学生的学和说这一环节起一个示范的作用。 )Step 3 Practice (15 minutes)Groupwork: Introduce your family members to each other.T: (指向画面) How many kinds of jobs can you see on the screen?Ss: Five. Doctor, teacher, policeman, postman and nurse.T: Good. You can say out these words very well. Now Id likeyou to introduce your family members to each other in groups.(学生以小组为单位进行合作交流活动,每组 4 人,小组长做记录,教师巡回指导,8 分钟后交流结束)T: (to Group1) How many people introduce their family members in your group? Group1: Four.T: How many words do you have?Group1: Six. worker, cleaner, policeman, farmer, driver, teacherT: (to Group2) What about yours?Group 2: Seven. Businessman, soldier, lawyer, nurse, TV reporter, postman.T: (to Group3) How about yours?Group 3: -.(略)T: Well done. You have collected so many words. Now first letslearn these words together and then choose the correct pictures. (把各组学生合作学习收集到的词汇通过屏幕投影出来,师生共同学习单词。 然后在屏幕上呈现一组表现职业的图片并让学生听录音选择正确的图片。 )(设计意图:让学生在理解话题内容的基础上,自己提出学习目标。 )T: You all did a good job in the discussion. Now Id like some of you to introduce your family members to the class. Which group will try first?(学生纷纷上台表演,课堂气氛活跃、热烈。 )T: How do you introduce your family member?S1: I use a drawing. (展示他的绘画作品) This is my father. Whatdoes my father do? He is a driver. Where does he work? Heworks at a bus station.S2: I use a drawing. (展示他的图画) This is my uncle. He is aworker. He works in a factory.S3: I use a photo. (展示她的相片) This is my mother. What does my mother do? She is a bookseller. Where does she work? She works in a bookshop.S4: I use a photo. (展示他的相片) This is my brother. He is a TV reporter. He works in a TV station.S5: I use a photo. (展示她的相片) This is my aunt. What does my aunt do? She is a worker. Where does she work? She works in an office.S6: -.(略)T: Who else introduce their family members like this? Pleaseshow us your pictures and drawings.(学生高高举起相片和绘画作品,师生共同欣赏) T: Any other ways?S7:(戴上警察帽) My brother is a policeman. He works in a police station.S8:(拿起一把扫帚)My mother is a cleaner. She works in a street.S9:(作投篮动作)My brother is a basketball player. He works in a basketball team. S10:(作打手机状)My father is a manager.He works in a company.S11: -.(略)(老师做踢足球状,问 What does Miss Fu do?学生纷纷回答 She is afootball player. )T: Wonderful! You all did very well. Im proud of you! Anyoneelse wants to have a try?S12: 老师,我用 chant 的形式介绍我的家庭成员。T:(很感兴趣地)Oh? How do you introduce?S12: What does my father do?Worker, worker, worker.What does my mother do?Teacher, teacher, teacher.What does my brother do?Soldier, soldier, soldier.T: Oh. Great! How clever you are! I think this is a good way tolearn the words and drills.(教师抓住这个闪光点,马上在黑板上板书出来,并组织全班学生进行 chant 的替换训练活动。 ) eg. What does your father do?Doctor, doctor, doctor.What does her father do?Farmer, farmer, farmer.What does his father do?Postman, postman, postman.(学生激动、兴奋,活动达到高潮)(设计意图:让学生选择自己喜欢的方式来学习和表现,为学生提供了自主学习的最大空间。 ) Step 4 Making a survey (10 minutes)(教师发给学生问卷调查表,学生选择自己喜欢的对象进行采访活动。 )(学生开展采访活动,老师参与其中,成为学生采访对象)What does your -do? Where does your-work?People Work Workp
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