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自 学 反 馈,重 点 突 破,2016中考总复习,9B Unit 2 RevisionGreat people,invent v. 发明 fight v. 斗争 inventor n. 发明者 fighter n. 斗士 invention n. 发明物 Russian n.俄罗斯人 Italian n. 意大利人 Russia 俄罗斯 Italy 意大利 composer n. 作曲家 European n. 欧洲人 scientist n.科学家 Europe 欧洲 explorer n. 探险者 discover v. 发现 further adj. 更进一步的 discovery n. 发现 professor n.教授 contribution n. 贡献 radium n. 镭 giant adj. 巨大的 widely adv. 广泛地 South African 南非人 increase v. 增加 South Africa 南非 production n. 产量,Read together,对的贡献 contributions to 致力于 devote to 诺贝尔奖 the Nobel Prize for 和一起 together with 推动 push for 的使用 the use of 被广泛地使用 be widely used 对感到骄傲 be proud of 的骄傲 the pride of,Read together,Revise the textbook,1.Comic strips 2.Reading 3.Task,Edison is a great _ (发明家).He is an American. He _(发明) over 1,000 _(发明物) during his life.,inventor,invented,inventions,Columbus is an _ (意大利人).He is an_(探险家). He is one of the first _(欧洲人) to _(发现) America. His _(发现) of America is a great event in history.,Italian,explorer,Europeans,discover,discovery,Shakespeare is an English_ (作家) of plays and poems. His famous plays Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth are still popular today. He wrote 37 plays in all. His_(贡献) to English literature are _(巨大的).,writer,contributions,giant,Mandela is a _(南非人). He is the first black _(总统) of South Africa. He devoted all his life to _(斗争) for the rights of black Africans. He is a brave _(斗士). In 1993, he won the Nobel Prize for Peace. In 2013,Mandela passed away at home.,South African,president,fighting,fighter,Tchaikovsky is a _(俄罗斯人). He is a world-famous _(作曲家). He created lots of classical music. His music Swan Lake is very popular all around the world.,Russian,composer,Qian Xuesen is a Chinese _(科学家). He was born in Shanghai and then went to the USA for _(进一步) study. He worked as a _(教授) at an American university after graduating. In 1955, he _(返回) to China and became the pioneer of Chinas space technology programme.,scientist,further,professor,returned,Marie Curie was from Poland. She was the first person to win the Nobel Prize twice. In 1903, together with her husband, she discovered _(镭) and won the Nobel Prize for Physics. In 1911, she won her second Nobel Prize, for Chemistry. She also _(推动) the use of X-ray machines. Now X-ray machines are _(广泛地) used in hospitals.,radium,pushed for,widely,Yuan Longping is Chinese. He is considered Father of Hybrid Rice because he developed a new type of hybrid rice plant and greatly_(增加) the _(产量) of rice so that he saved many peoples lives. All the Chinese people are _(骄傲) of him. He is the _(骄傲) of the whole China.,increased,production,proud,pride,中考说明P138.思维导图,1.scientist 2.president 3.flight 4.pilots 5.Moon,6.Mathematics 7.married 8.discovery 9.Father 10.introduced,中考说明P138.词汇运用,1.advantages 2.pilot 3.surface 4.passages 5.inventor 6.testing 7.served 8.order 9.increasing 10.fighter,11.Europeans 12.pride 13.widely 14.discoveries 15.stepped 16.development 17. further 18. inventions 19.unknown 20.scientists/-ts,the first man to walk on the Moon,at the age of six,take his first flight,student pilots licence,served as a pilot,be chosen to do sth.,cut the flight short,out of control,together with,the pride of,one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,第一个在月球上行走的人 在六岁时 第一次乘飞机 学员飞行驾照 作为一名飞行员服役 被选择做某事 缩短航程 失控 和一起 的骄傲 一个人的一小步,是人类的巨大飞跃,1.Yang Liwei is the first Chinese spaceman that went into space. 2.Now X-way machines are used all over the world to help doctors save lives. 3.Who do you think is the greatest scientist in Chinese history? 4.The Great Wall is the pride of China and we are proud of it. 5.Many modern inventions have made a great difference to our life.,中考说明重点句型P138,中考说明P139.拓展阅读,1. cleverest 2.himself 3.whenever 4.laughed 5.So,6.interest 7.machine 8.first 9.future 10.named,Task One:To be a guide,Beijing is the c_ of China.There are many a_ in the ancient city.The Great Wall is one of the w_ of the world.Eddie thinks it is t_ to climb the s_.The Palace Museum is also c_ ForbiddenCity.The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynastries u_ to live there .It was turned into a m_ in 1925.I think it is well w_ a visit (v_ ).Tianan Men Square is the biggest city s_ in the world .Many tourists like to g_ there in the morning to watch the r_ of the national flag.,
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