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Module 7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear.,1985,1995,2005,2015,As a baby, I could talk. But I couldnt write.,Helen Keller,Helen couldnt _or _. But she could _ and _.,see,hear,read,talk,Is Helen Keller a role model?,Watch and answer,Yes,she is.,Read and say “ T” or “F”,1.Helen Keller was born in 1880 .( ) 2.She was born in England. ( ) 3.She lived to be seventy-eight. ( ),F,F,T,born or /:/ 生于,for,short,lord,Read and fill in the blanks,1.As a baby, Helen became _ and _. 2.Her _Anne Sullivan taught her to spell. She _ _ in Helens hand. 3.Later Helen learnt to _, _ and _.,blind,deaf,teacher,letters,read,write,speak,drew,(安妮莎莉文),Read and underline the answer.,What was her achievement?,She wrote a book about herself.,She travelled all over the world.,成就,Listen and repeat.,What do you think of Helen Keller?,要求: 1.活动时间:约2分钟。 2.活动内容:借助思维导图讲诉海伦凯勒的一生。 3. 活动形式:以小组为单位。 4.展示方式:集体展示,每人至少说一句。,Hawking,
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