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(人教PEP)五年级英语下册,Unit 3 My birthday,Four seasons of the year,summer,spring,fall,winter,My birthday is in March. 我的生日在三月。,day today play,May,spring,March April May,祝,June July August,summer,Game:,Before and After,September9 October10 November11,fall,12 December 1 January 2 February,winter,January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月,July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月,Guessing game:,When is your birthday?,Group Work:,Make a survey,a. 每组1个空白转盘,.先写上月份名称。 b. 小组合作完成转盘上月份的填写,每位同学写2个, 其他同学拼读。 c. Make group birthday chart.分组进行Chain work.操练When is your birthday? My birthday is in 问的同学,听完回答将被问者的名字写在转盘上相应月份处。 d. 展示birthday chart。每位同学指着转盘,介绍自己的生日:My birthday is in ,Homework,同桌间做游戏Before and after。 默写月份的缩写形式。. 完成配套练习册P17 二 Read and write。 制作班级生日表。,
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