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Module 3 Unit 1,Today is Halloween.,今天是万圣节,在每年的10月31日是西方传统的“鬼节”万圣节,每当万圣节到来,孩子们都会迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的化妆服,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提着一盏“杰克灯”走家窜户,向大人们索要节日的礼物。,Halloween,autumn 秋天festival 节日,Its an autumn festival.,它是一个秋天的节日,really 真正fun 有趣的,Its really fun.,它真有趣,scary,clothes,恐怖的服装,Children wear scary clothes.,孩子们穿着恐怖的服装,the hats and the masks,hat,mask,Look at the hats andthe masks.,看这些帽子和面具,go to peoples house,scare the people 吓人,give them sweets 给他们糖,That night ,1.What is halloween? 2.what do children say? 3.what do the people give?,1.What is halloween? Its an autumn festival. 2.what do children say?They say “Whoooo”. 3.what do the people give? They give them sweets.,What do children do at Halloween? They What do the people do? They ,Module 3 Unit 2,Easter is in spring.,复活节在春天,February,March,June,April,January,May,February,March,June,April,January,May,复活节Easter是纪念耶稣基督复活的节日,西方信基督教的国家都过这个节。在三月二十一日或该日后月圆以后第一个星期日。,The Easter hat 复活节帽子,toy chicks and flowers 玩具鸡和花,on the hats,在帽子上,Easter eggs 复活节蛋,1.When is Easter?,2.Whats on the hat?,3.What do people give children?,4.Whats in the big eggs?,When is Easter?,Easter is in spring.,复活节在什么时候?,Whats on the hat?,帽子上有什么?,Therere toy chicks andflowers on the hats.,What do people give children?,大人给孩子们什么礼物?,People give children chocolate eggs.,Whats in the big eggs?,大鸡蛋里有什么?,Sometimes therere small eggs in the big eggs.,November,August,October,December,July,September,July,August,September,October,November,December,
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