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第三章(1) 动词辨析,Tianjin New Oriental School Catherine,(2006,39)With the help of the Internet,news can _ every corner of the world.A. arrive B. reach C. go D. get,天津中考链接,(2007,39) Mrs. Liu is kind and always _her help to others. shares receives makes offers,天津中考链接,(2008,35)Before Mozart was 6, he _the violin, piano and organ. A. carried B. made C. played D. created,天津中考链接,(2009,33) The football team played well, but they didnt _ the competition. score do succeed win,天津中考链接,(2005,39) Again and again the doctor_ the crying girl, but he couldnt find out what was wrong with her. A. looked over B. looked after C . looked for D. looked out,天津中考链接,(2007,33) A lot of meetings were_ because of the dangerous disease . turned off set off put off taken off,天津中考链接,(2010,35) The plane will _ from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London. take up take out take away take off,天津中考链接,第三章(2) 情态动词,(2010,44) Can I wear any clothes I like to school? No, you cant. You _ wear a uniform.A. might B. must C. will D. would,天津中考链接,(2008,37) Tony_ go to the opera on Saturday because he is going to have a meeting.A. cant B. might C. mustnt D. should,天津中考链接,(2004,34) Must I write all the words down now? - No, you _. mustnt cant wont neednt,天津中考链接,(2009,35) Shall I tell Bob the news? - No, you _. Ive told him already. shouldnt wouldnt mustnt neednt,天津中考链接,第三章(3) 被动语态,被动语态,Do you plant trees in spring? Yes. Many trees _ in our city every year. A. are planting B. are planted C. will be planted D. were planted,(2010,40) Liu Xiang _ by his coach to train regularly. A. advised B. advises C. was advised D. be advised,天津中考链接,(2005,40) The flowers_ every day. Or they ll die. A. must water B. can be watered C. should water D. must be watered,天津中考链接,(2006,41) This kind of food _ cool, clean and dry according to the instruction. should be carried must be put should be placed must be kept,天津中考链接,被动语态,He _ go out every night. is seen was seen C. is seen to D. was seen to,辩态: 主谓关系 时间标志,When _ this kind of computer _ ? - Last year . (02年天津,34)A. did; use B. was; used C. is; used D. are; used,辩态: 主谓关系 时间标志,A talk on Chinese history_ in the school hall next week. (01天津,37)A. is given B. has been given C. will be given D. will give,辩态: 主谓关系 时间标志,A talk on developments in science and technology_ in the school hall next week . (07天津,36)A. given B. will be given C. has been given D. gives,辩态: 主谓关系 时间标志,Yesterday she _ to give a speech at the farewell party. (09南开一模,43)A. is chosen B. will choose C. was chosen D. has chosen,辩态: 主谓关系 时间标志,It was said that potato chips _ by mistake about a hundred years ago. (09和平一模,38)A. invent B. invented C. are invented D. were invented,辩态: 主谓关系 时间标志,That factory _ in 1970. (10塘沽一模,42)A. built B. was built C. is built D. were built,辩态: 主谓关系 时间标志,The telephone_ by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. (08天津,39)A. was invented B. has been invented C. is invented D. will be invented,辩态: 主谓关系 时间标志,Did you go to Jacks birthday party? No, I _. (01天津,35)A. am not invited B. wasnt invitedC. havent invited D. didn t invite,辩态: 主谓关系 时间标志,If Jenny _, I wont go to the party. (09河西一模,41)A. will be invited B. can be invited C. invited D. is invited,被动语态,被动语态与情态动词:情态动词+do情态动词+be+done be done,被动语态,What should we do first if we want to develop our village? A lot of roads _, I think. A. must be built B. have to built C. must built D. have to be built,被动语态,Old people must _politely.A. be spoken to B. speak to C. be spoken D. speak,
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