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What can you do?,sweep the floor,扫 地,I can,sweep the floor.,我 会 扫 地 。,地 板,打 扫,A: What can you do?,I can,helpful,sweep the floor.,你会做什么?,我 会 扫 地 。,有帮助的; 有用的,B: Im helpful !,我是能帮忙的!,cook the meals,做 饭,I can,cook the meals.,我 会 做 饭。,s,烹 调,餐;饭菜,What can Sarah do at home?,Watch and answer,A: What can you do?,I can,cook the meals.,你会做什么?,我 会 做 饭。,B: Im helpful!,我是能帮忙的!,clean the bedroom,I can,clean the bedroom.,我 会打扫卧室。,打扫卧室,What can you do?,你会做什么?,clean,打 扫,water the flowers,I can,water the flowers.,我 会 浇 花。,浇 花,What can you do?,你会做什么?,s,在某物上浇水,花,empty the trash,I can,empty the trash.,我 会 倒 垃 圾。,倒垃圾,What can you do?,你会做什么?,将某物倒空,垃圾,tr,tr,What can you do?,你 会 做 什 么?,I can ,Im helpful !,我是能帮忙的!,我 会 ,快乐的假日,Are you helpful at home, boys and girls? 你在家能干吗?(你在家是个小帮手吗?),Sure./ Certainly.(当然),A: What can you do?,I can ,B: Im helpful !,summary,你 会 做 什 么?,我是能帮忙的!,我 会 ,Hello! Im Amy.,Im Amy. Im helpful. I can do housework. (做家务),Can you do housework ?,Yes, I can .,/ No, I cant .,Where theres a will, theres a way。 有志者,事竟成。,Just do it! 去做吧!,Everything is possible.,Impossible is nothing.没有不可能。,Group work,play basketball,play football,wash the window,get up,wash my face,watch TV,play computer games,What can you do , boys and girls ?I can sweep the floor.,爱心一小步,,道德成长一大步。,They are old. They need(需要)help!,Bye!,Thank you,
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