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Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? Section B,1a Would you like to collect any of these things? Fill in the chart. Add other things you collect.,kites,stamps,coins,shells,dolls,envelopes,1b PAIRWORK Tell your partner what you collect and what you would like to collect. Say why.,A: I collect shells because they are beautiful. Id like to collect stamps because they are interesting.,风筝,邮票,钱币,2a Listen. What do Bob, Marcia, and Liam collect? Fill in the chart under “What”.,kites,stuffed animals,theater and movie tickets,2b Listen again. How long have they been collecting these things? How many do they have? Fill in the chart under “How long” and “How many”.,since he was ten years old,22,for five years,35,since last year,20,2c PAIRWORK Ask and answer questions about Bob, Marcia, and Liam.,A: What does Bob collect? B: He collects kites. A: How long has he been collecting kites? B: Hes been collecting kites since he wasten years old.,3a Read the following message. Then draw lines to match the snow globes with their descriptions.,n. 球状物;球体,Dear Jack,Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster. I love it. In fact I think its probably my favorite. Ive been collecting snow globes for seven years, and now I have 226 of them. My mom says I have to stop, because weve run out of room to store them. Theyre all around our apartment. I even store them in boxes under my bed.,monster n. 怪物;妖怪,run out of 用完;用尽,store v. 储存,send sb sth = send sth to sb 送给某人某物,The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my seventh birthday. I particularly love globes with animals. I have a big one with bears in it, and another one with penguins. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me. Id like to start a snow globe collectors club. By the way, whats your hobby?Love,Ellen,cake n. 蛋糕,particularly adv. 独特地;显著地,特别地,anyone pron. 任何人,collector n. 收藏家,by the way 顺便;附带说说,start v. 发起;开办,3b Look at activity 2a on page 47. Write an e-mail message from Bob, Marcia or Liam. Tell about his or her collection.,Dear , I want to tell you about my hobby. I collect . Ive been collecting them,Linda,kites,for four years, and I have 123 of them now. I collect them because they are beautiful and interesting. I have a kite with the face of Monkey King, which is a present from China. And I have some kites like butterflies. They are just like real animals in the sky. Every sunny Saturday Ill go and fly one of them. They bring me so much fun. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me. Id like to make friends with them.,Yours,Bob,4a GROUPWORK Go around the class and make a list of everyones hobby. Find out how long theyve been doing their hobby.,A: Whats your hobby, B: I like flying kites. Wen Li? A: How long have you B: For about two years.been doing that? A: Where do you fly them? B: In the park.,SELF CHECK,1 Fill in the blanks with the words given.,collect run out of know store raise,1. Our class is organize a talent show to money for charity. 2. I need extra English lessons. Do you a good English teacher? 3. My hobby is old coins. 4. I didnt finish writing my test because I time. 5. During the winter I my summer clothes in bags under my bed.,raise,know,collecting,ran out of,store,2 Read the ad. Then write a letter to apply for the job.,Writer wanted The school newspaper needs a writer. We will give you free topics to different things. To get the job, please answer these four questions: 1. How long have you been listening to music videos? 2. How long have you been watching English movies? 3. How long have you been watching sports? 4. How long have you been writing in English?,topic n. 话题;主题,writer n. 作家;作者,Dear Editor,I am interested in the writer job. I have been listening to music videos since I was seven years old. I haveYours sincerely,Bob,been watching English movies since two years ago. I have been watching sports for about five years. And I have been writing in English since 2001. I love writing. And I hope I can be a writer for our school newspaper.,be interested in 对感兴趣,; http:/www.nobiliachina.com/ 整体家具 lps15hkm 想法,谁说动物没有想法的,那才是最无知的想法。我感受到了身体的这一系列变化,有种莫名的兴奋感。那个和我一模一样的女孩出现在我的脑海里。或许那就是我,是我尘封已久的记忆。5玉道|整理好来时山神帮我准备的行李,进入玉道里,还是来时的模样,不同的是身边没有了山神,进入遇到里才发现玉道没那么简单,才刚走了没几分钟就遇到了一个三个洞口,并且在同一方向。来时是跟着山神走,完全没记路,现在我面临一个选择,要么三个洞口随便选一个要么上去,走路回去,可是上去要面临各种妖怪随时都可能会找到我,可是在下面走,极有可能会迷路。而且我现在食物严重匮乏,四五天还能接受,可是要更长时间的话,那就只能被饿死或者渴死了。思索了一会,我还是返回去,走上面说不定还能回到正常世界,下面通道错综复杂,洞口连着洞口,最后走到哪里自己也不知道,还是别冒这个险了,我又返回去,可是进来时的洞口却消失不见了,变成了一望无际的长甬道。就一百米的距离,而且路上没有洞口没有拐弯,只有这一条道是不可能走错了的,我想会不会不只是一百米,我又往前走了一会,又遇到了三个洞口并列在同一个方向,我想那就应该是一百米,我又返回去,走到不久又是三个洞口,这时我猜想这三个洞口可能是移动着的,还有一种可能性就是我在这长甬道中经过某个点时,就走到了别的地方,已经不是原来的那条长甬道了,要不就是见鬼了。这两种情况无论是哪一种对我都不是什么好消息。山神也没跟我提到这种情况,究竟是他不知道,忘记说还是故意不说,这就不知道了。现在想来山神真是越来越可疑,现在他不跟我在一起没准还是好事呢。可不免有些心痛,因为山神是我来到这个世界真正意义上的朋友。想到这里觉得思绪又飘远了,现在的当务之急是要出去,进来时的出口已经不可能找到了,现在只能硬着头皮往前走了,前面的三个洞口要任选其一,选错了也不知道会有什么后果,我进入中间的洞口,一路上我都用碎玉块打着记号,路可能会变化,那么洞口也可能会有变化,我边做记号边走,洞口里并不是一片漆黑而是发着莹莹的绿光。就像是张开血盆大口的猛兽,正等着我自己走进去。走了不久,前面又出现了两个洞口,我发现这里的洞口都是并列的,让人不好根据目的地的方向做判断究竟走哪一个,我选了右边的洞口继续往里走,前面又出现了几个洞口,就这样不知经过了几个洞口,在我看着洞口都晕头转向的时候,我看到了前面的三个洞口处,有我之前做的记号,也就是说,我走了那么久,一直都是在兜圈子。可是路上明明一个弯道都没有,我一直都是走直路的啊。我坐在地上,索性不走了,走了也是白走。我很快冷静了下来,我想我很可能是遇到鬼打,
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