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2008.3-4 翡翠明珠包装推广方案,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,主题:形象诉求,主题:品质诉求,线下:折页,线下:(房型),线上:2张形象稿+7篇软文,线上:4篇软文,主题:开盘热销,主题:实景,线上:热销稿+实景报道,线上:节点稿,线上:节点稿,线上:节点稿,线上:节点稿,艺术进社区,高尔夫赛,主题:物料准备,1 物料准备期 03.01-03.10,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,物 料 准 备 期,分阶段推广策略准备期,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,100 集中精力,重点准备外展点物料,阶段工作重点,外展点物料准备折页、房型图、外展点看板、销售道具(纸杯、纸袋、礼品)、导视牌、来客登记表 线上广告世纪金花进场稿,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,线上广告,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,线上广告入驻稿解决问题入驻时间紧迫,销售压力大,积累客群范围小 。解决方案告知稿1、利用世纪金花,提升项目形象2、尽早蓄水,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,方案主标:鉴赏,第38件世界奢侈品副标:世纪金花,西安奢华中心37个世界奢侈品,云集于此荟萃世界6国精工,12大国际级材质精雕而成的翡翠明珠3月10日,进驻世纪金花鉴赏,世纪金花第38件奢侈品3月10日5月20日,地下一层静候阁下,不见不散,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,现场道具,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,外展点道具形象看板解决问题展台空间较狭小,但需要传达的信息却较多 解决方案仿奢侈品的“留白式空间”设计,降低项目看板的数量,提升项目的内涵质感。浓缩看板为两块:“外地段、内品质”,扼要而全面展示项目两大卖点。,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,外展点道具折页解决问题项目蓄水期短,且折页可能为唯一的销售物料。解决方案以国际建筑白皮书折页。文字直接强化“西安轴、地铁房、地标级、简约式、风情中庭、6A物业配套”六大卖点 画面厚重且富国际质感。,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,外展点道具房型图解决问题销售期短,产品力偏弱 解决方案高级纸张建议,左图右文,非常规开张尺寸的“奢侈品式房型图”,提升项目的内空间质感。,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,外展点道具销售物料1解决问题远离现场,缺乏产品冲击力 解决方案以纸杯、胸扣等细节物料,360度营造项目国际感,弥补非现场的弱感染力。,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,外展点道具销售物料2解决问题展点固定,面积较小,无法形成辐射性影响力 解决方案充分利用纸袋的流动性,设计具有强视觉吸引力的形象包袋,借助世纪金花的人流传播,形成“流动的广告牌”。,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,外展点道具导视牌解决问题世纪金花奢侈品的灯箱五光十色,30平米展台,如何形成强聚焦中心效应。 解决方案与商场协商,设立入口导视牌,醒目的视觉拦截作用,形成“主场”效应。,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,2 外展点蓄水期 03.10-05.10,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,外 展 点 蓄 水 期,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,90 借助外展点,进行有效蓄水,10 楼体包装,加强现场的展示力,阶段工作重点,分阶段推广策略外展点期,外展点物料准备折页、房型图、外展点看板、销售道具(纸杯、纸袋、礼品)、导视牌、来客登记表、三维实景看房动画现场道具楼体广告1、草场坡路旗线上推广NP(入驻稿。形象稿*2。) 高炮1 软文炒作系列线下推广高尔夫活动,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,外展点物料 (见上阶段方案),2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,外展点道具来客登记表解决问题销售周期短,客群积累时间少 解决方案以强有力的产品销讲,尽可能在外展点积累客户,建立有效客群数据库。,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,外展点道具礼品解决问题30平米内,如何有效互动客户,增强客户对项目的印象度 解决方案考虑到目标客群为有车族群,建议以车载配套礼品。既实用,又提升项目质感。,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,【汽车钥匙扣 】 高贵且实用,【汽车防滑垫 】 实用且易于潜营销,线上广告,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,线上广告高炮解决问题高端形象,在短时间内最大可能爆发 解决方案3月25日左右,在市区发布高炮广告利用人流关注最大,话题性最大,炒作可能最大,爆发力最强的高炮。在短时间内,聚焦市场目光。,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,主标:少数人的西安副标:33层地标高层,6国精工臻品,少数人鉴赏,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,主标:6国,尊伺1人副标:6国精工,世界籍建材,仅供大品位的您,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,方案1,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,方案2,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,方案3,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,实际效果展示,线上广告形象稿 1解决问题有限的媒体投放中,扩大项目的影响力 解决方案3月25日,华商报外包装整版硬广,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,外包袋 主标:今天华商报,很挑剔副标:曲江腾飞。城市北扩。西高新崛起西安在变,你在哪里 但独有品质观的挑剔者他们,只坚守一个地方23页,揭晓答案,23P硬广: 主标:西安再变,世界还在这里副标: 高度变了,最高楼都到了191米城市变了,CBD越来越有气质了潮流变了,富人开始住在曲江但只有少数人知道:城市再高,西安高度还在大雁塔城市再洋气,西安内涵还在省博物馆潮流再变,西安潮流还看世纪金花少数人,拥有世界观所以,懂得留在这最好的地方翡翠明珠西安中轴,集合6国世界精工,12大国际材质恭迎所有挑剔的世界观者,线上广告形象稿 2解决问题解释“世界观” 解决方案对比“126年的老,2008年翡翠一号作品的新”,凸显集合高品质的项目形象。,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,主标:126年,依旧年轻副标:全钢材静音电梯,06年日立新品柔光节能车库照明系统,07年新技术双层隔音楼板,豪宅的新细节标准6A物业系统,西安最新物管高度即使正居126年的西安中轴上翡翠明珠,依然以国际品质焕发新豪宅气质,线上广告系列软文炒作解决问题提升地段价值认同、传达产品的真品质 解决方案以双周一次的硬广为高潮点,辅助隔周两次的软文炒作。 多种软文形式的炒作:地产观点式、新闻报道式、任务采访式提升软文炒作的爆发力,2008 strategy and representation for sale and promotion of the JADE PERAL Project,
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