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,LEAN MANUFACTURING SYSTEM 精益生产系统,销售,未预计的订单变化,订单下达到工厂,YES,NO,超时加班,额外费用,我们每天坐班的工厂?,停工待料 积压库存 设备故障 质量问题 人员调配 .,快!119,轰隆隆!轰隆隆!,A “Successful” Manufacturing Meeting “成功”的生产会议,生产会议,说说看!,What Shall We Talk? 内容安排,精益生产系统简介 精益基础 价值流分析运行效率柔性生产单元看板拉动和精益供应链系统评估和推行策略,Lean Manufacturing System Briefing 精益生产系统简介,1,制造系统的要点 精益生产五项原则 关键特征,Starting with Toyota in the late 50s and catching on in the mid 80s in the reminder of the industrial world, Lean Manufacturing has become a key strategy for manufacturers起源于20世纪50年代丰田汽车公司,而在80年代中期被欧美企业纷纷采用。随着微利时代的来临,精益生产模式成为企业竞争的有力武器,Lean Thinking and Lean Manufacturing System 精益思维和精益生产系统,Manufacturing Evolution 制造系统演化史,Henry FordAssembly line mass productionProduce in high volume with low varietySingle skill 福特首创的装配线是大规模低品种生产方式的代表,工人被当成工作的机器,Toyota Production System (TPS)Just-In-Time Production (produce only what is needed)Pull SystemHigh variety to meet customers wants丰田系统是建立在准时化观念上的拉动式生产模式,以应付小订单多品种的挑战,Lean -“精益”释义,精益:形容词 1: a:无肉或少肉, b:少脂肪或无脂肪 2: 不富裕 3: 在必要性,重要性,质量或成分方面稀缺 4: 文体或措词简练同义词:薄,极瘦,过分瘦长,骨瘦如柴,瘦削的, 似 骨的,消瘦的,细长的,瘦长的反义词: 肥胖的,多肉的,过重的,不结实的,过分 肥胖的,丰满的,粗短的,肥大的,软的,What is Lean Manufacturing 什么是精益生产-五个原则,Value 价值,站在客户 的立场上,Value Stream价值流,从接单到发货 过程的一切活动,Flow 流动,象开发的河流 一样通畅流动,Demand Pull需求拉动,BTR-按需求生产,Perfect 完美,没有任何事物 是完美的 不断改进,With Lean Manufacturing You Can Get 通过精益生产可以实现,生产时间减少 90% 库存减少 90% 到达客户手中的缺陷减少 50% 废品率降低 50% 与工作有关的伤害降低 50%The amount of human effort, time, space, tools, and inventories can typically be cut in half very quickly, and steady progress can be maintained from this point onward to cut inputs in half again within a few years.-精益思维, Womack & Jones,Focus on SPEED and SIMPLIFICATION Pull materials through the process Balanced operations based on customer demand Minimal build unless tied to customer order Extend to Supplier Base着眼于速度和过程简化在生产过程中“拉动”材料根据客户的需求平衡操作除非受订单的限制,否则最小批量生产延伸至供应商,Lean Manufacturing - Key Characteristics 精益制造 - 关键特性,Lean Manufacturing Foundations 精益生产的基础,5S / 6S / 7S及可视化 班组建设和员工参与 对待质量问题的心态 消除七种浪费 交付周期,2,SortStraightenShineStandardizeSustain,WHAT IS 5S /6S / 7S,SeiriSeitonSeisoShitsukeSeiketsu,+ Safety + Save,整理 整顿 清洁 展开 保持 + 安全 + 节约,Workplace Organization 现场组织管理,Workplace Organization - Color Coding 现场组织管理-色标管理,Workplace Organization - Operational Sheet 现场组织管理 - 操作图表卡,Team Building and People Involvement 团队建设 / 员工参与,People doing the work know the operation best Decisions need to be made at all levels where the work is being done Those people affected by a change (line design) need to participate in making that change,从事工作的人员最了解其本职工作 在工作地点的所有层次上都需要作出决策 受某一改革影响的人需要参与实施这个改革,WHY ?,Team Building and People Involvement 团队建设 / 员工参与,Change is exciting when it is done by us, threatening when it is done to us.,“当变化由我们完成时,它是令人激动的,而当它发生到我们身上时,就是危险的。”,Who Moved My Cheese?,Team Building and People Involvement 团队建设 / 员工参与,T Together E Everybody A Achieve M More,“我们是老虎队!”,Team Building and People Involvement 团队建设 / 员工参与,作为自然小组的日常工作, 参与建议率90% 建议应在30天内答复,60天内实施,承认和表彰有正式及非正式形式,应与工厂的目标结合在一起,Idea!,Quality Is Not Only The Result 质量:不仅仅是“结果面”的质量,下个工序是 客户!,“结果面”的质量:客户对产品和服务的满意度 “过程面”的质量:从订单到发货一切过程的工作心态和质量,To The Defects, I Will Say No!No!No! 对待缺陷,三不政策,DONT ACCEPT 不接受! DONT MAKE 不制造! DONT DELIVER 不传递!,Error Proofing 差错预防,Preventing or detecting errors at the source FMEAs provide basis for error proofing 在源头预防或探测差错 失效模式分析是差错预防的基础,站在客户的立场上,只有四种增值的工作- 使物料变形- 组装- 改变性能- 部分包装,Value Added / Non Value Added 增值和不增值的工作,物料从进厂到出厂,只有不到 10% 的时间是增值的!,Correction 返工 Overproduction 过量生产 Conveyance 搬运 Motion 多余动作 Waiting 等待 Inventory 库存 Processing 过程不当,消除浪费:降低成本,Producing MoreThan NeededProducing Faster Than Needed生产多于所需快于所需,Waste of Overproduction 过量生产,Rework of a Product or Service to Meet Customer Requirements 为了满足顾客的要求而对产品或服务进行返工,Waste of Inspection/Correction/Rework 检验/校正 / 返工,Any movement of material that does not support a lean system 不符合精益生产的 一切物料搬运 活动,Waste of Material Movement / Conveyance 物料搬运,Effort which adds no value to a product or service 对最终产品或服务 不增加价值的 过程,Waste of Processing 过程不当,Any supply in excess of process requirements necessary to produce goods 任何超过加工必须的 物料供应,Waste of Inventory 库存浪费,Inventory Covers All Problem 库存掩盖所有问题,交货问题,质量问题,效率问题,维修问题,库存水平,Low Down Inventory To Expose Problem 通过降库存暴露问题,交货问题,质量问题,效率问题,维修问题,库存水平,Low Down Inventory To Expose Problem 通过降库存暴露问题,交货问题,质量问题,效率问题,维修问题,库存水平,Idle Time That Is Produced When Two Dependent Variables Are Not Fully Synchronized 当两个关联要素间 未能完全同步时 所产生的空闲时间,Waste of Waiting 等待,Any movement which does not contribute value to the product or service 任何不增加产品或服务价值的人员和设备的动作,Waste of Motion 多余动作,交付周期:制造周期:,Lead Time and Manufacturing Cycle Time 交付周期和制造周期,订单-订单处理-采购-物料进厂- 加工-发货- 货款交付,LT-全过程,Time and Impact 时间与影响,Shorten The Lead Time Batch Or Flow 缩短交付周期:成批或流动,练习:下列B / F中的?各为多少?,B,F,What Is Flow Manufacturing? 什么是流动生产?,A time based system that pulls material through a production system with no interruptions建立在时间基础上,无障碍地拉动物料流经生产系统,
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