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UnitUnit 2 2 I I thinkthink thatthat mooncakesmooncakes areare deliciousdelicious2 课时 集中识词【学习目标】:掌握 Section A 单词的读音及用法【重点难点】:运用本单元单词解决问题。【快乐预习】默写下列单词,1 个 2 遍1. 月饼_ 2 灯笼_ 3.陌生人_ 4.亲属_ 5.磅_ 6 民间的_7.女神_ 8.偷,窃取_ 9.放置,下蛋_10. 甜点_ 11.花园_ 12.欣赏_13.领带_ 14.增加体重_15.传统_ 16.领带_17.无论谁_【单词探究】1. stranger. 意思是_, 它的形容词是_Eg: 不要和陌生人说话。Dont speak to _.不要给陌生人开门。Dont _ for_.Im new here. I am _( 陌生) in this city.2. relative, 意思是_,名词 relation, 意思是_,二者都是可数名词Eg: Have you had any _( 亲属) in Shanghai ?译_(关系)with parents and childrens have become difficult.译_3. steal, 意思是_, 过去式_, 过去分词_,常用于steal sth from sb译:偷一本书_ 偷钱_An thief _(从 Tom 那偷了许多钱).He _(偷)many treasures already. 4. lay, 意思是_, 过去式_, 过去分词_ 短语 lay out 意思_译:把苹果放在床上_= put the apples on the bed下蛋_, 把水果摆开_1).我把书包放在椅子上了。I _.2) 他迅速把她最喜欢的水果和甜点摆开在桌子上。He quickly _ and deserts on the table.3)The hen_(下了) an egg ten minutes ago. I _(放) it in the bowl. 译:_拓展:lie , lay 的一词多义原形过去式过去分词现在分词lie 躺:位于laylain lying lie 说谎lied lied lying lay 下蛋;放置laidlaidlaying巧学妙记:规则说谎,不规则躺,躺过就下蛋,下蛋不规则。Eg: (4) I always know when he _ _. 他说谎的时候我总是知道。(5) The hen _ _two eggs yesterday. 这只母鸡昨天下了两只鸡蛋。(6) I _ _to my mother yesterday.我昨天对我妈妈撒谎了。5. tie 意思是_,译: 买一条领带_ 戴一条红领带_1) My father like wearing _( 一条蓝色领带 ).2) Tom wants to _(买一条红领带) for his brother.拓展:tie 也可做动词,意思是:系,捆,束, 现在分词:tying,固定短语:tie up 拴紧,系牢它的过去式规则变化,tie 过去式_ 过去分词_3) Look, Mr Liu _(正在系一条漂亮的领带).4) _ (系紧) your shoes when you run. 译:_【跟综练习】I、翻译下列短语1.偷月饼_2.民间的歌曲_ 3.和陌生人说话_4.许多亲戚_ 5. 五个灯笼_ 6.仰慕女神_7.在花园_ 8. 买一条领带_ 9.下蛋_II用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。1._(teacher) Day is on September 10th.2.Im a _(strange) here. So I have few friends.3.The thief s_ food from the supermarket and was caught by the policeman.4.She wants to know if there _(be) a flower show next week.5.The hen _(lay) six eggs yesterday.6. The story seems much _( strange ).7. The bowl _( lie ) on a table now.8. Please _(摆开) your stamps and let them have a look.9. He often tell lies. He_ (lie )to you just now.10The old man _ ( tie ) his horse to a tree.11.If you buy these_(月饼),you will get a lift.12. They are making _(灯笼) at the moment.13. The man asked the _(陌生人) to show his tickets.14. Lily is one of my _(亲戚).15. The baby wighed seven _( 磅) at birth.16. Dont _(放) the glass on the corner of the table.17. The city _(位于) in the north of China.18. Hes still _ (躺在)in bed.II 从方框中选出合适的短语,并用其适当的形式填空1. Ive _ five pounds. I cant eat too much.2. My opinion_ yours. So I agree with you.3. The teacher asked us to help_.4. I wish everybody _ at the beginning of the year.5. Let the rain come down and _ my tears(眼泪).III. 选择( )1. When I walked in the street, a _ stopped me.A. strange B.stranger C. strangers D. stranges( )2. The boy _ to his mother that he _ on the ground that time.A. lied, was laying B. lay, was lying C. lied, was lying D. lain, was laying( ) 3.The hens _ 50 eggs last week, but this week they arent _.A. lay, lying B. laid, laying C. lay, laying D. lied, lying( ) 4. Who _ my watch ? I cant find it.A. steal B. steals C. stole D. has stolen( )5. On her way home Lucy saw a thief _ in a shop. She stopped _ 110 at once.A. steal, calling B. stealing, calling C. stealing, to call (2010 黑龙江绥化市)( ) 6 He was very successful in his business and all his friends_ him.A. admired B. admire
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