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UnitUnit 2 2 I I thinkthink thatthat mooncakesmooncakes areare deliciousdelicious【学习目标】:通过课文理解宾语从句。【重点难点】:熟练运用宾语从句解决问题。【快乐预习】:I.读 P13 页课文,完成下列短语,并背诵:1. 乔装打扮_ 2 鬼屋_3.不请吃就捣蛋_4使他们的房子显得恐怖_5.点燃蜡烛_6.开玩笑_ 5. 给他们招待_ II. 读 P14 页 2b 课文,完成下列短语,并背诵:1. 圣诞的真正含义_ 2的重要性_ 3.写的短篇小说_4名字叫 Scrooge 的老人_ 5.Marley 的鬼魂_6.被惩罚_7.警告 Scrooge 改变他的方式 _8.提醒 Scrooge 想起他开心的日子_9.承诺做一个更好的人 _10. 需要的人_ 11.友善而温和的对待每一个人_ 12.把爱和快乐传播到各地 _ 13.真正的圣诞精神 _ III 再读课文,回答下列问题1. Why does Scrooge hate Christmas ? _ 2.Does Scrooge have a lot of friends ? Why or why not ? _ _ 3. Why was Jacob Marley punished after he died ? _ _ 4.Does Jacob Marley want to help Scrooge ? How do you know ? _ _ 5. How does Scrooge feel when he wakes up on Christmas Day ? _ 6. What does Scrooge do after seeing the three spirits ? _ _ 7. What is the true spirit of Christmas ? _ _ IV.重点句式分析 1. dress up 打扮;穿上盛装 Mother helped her to_(穿上盛装)for the party. .Mr. Green_(伪装) as a policeman in dark glasses.辨析: put on / wear / dress / be dressed in / dress up 1) put on 表动作, “穿上、戴上” ,宾语为衣物; 2) wear 表状态, “穿戴着”; 3) dress 常用于 dress sb 给某人穿衣服 4) be dressed in 也表状态,强调一种呈现的 结果;常接“颜色” ; 5) dress up 有“盛装、乔装、打扮”之意,表动作。dress 常与介词搭配。 小练 用这五个“穿”填空:The man _ a new tie today.Its cold outside. _ more clothes. .The girl _a red coat today. They all _(穿上盛装)to take part in the party. The baby is too young. He cant _ himself. 2. He is mean and only thinks about himself.译:_ 解析:mean 在本句中是形容词,意思是“吝啬的,刻薄的” ,Eg: Dont be so mean to your little brother. 译_. mean, v. 意思是;打算;意味, 常用于 mean to do, mean that, the meaning of , eg: 这个单词是什么意思? What _ this word _?= Whats _ _ _ this word. I _leaving is his own decision to leave. 我的意思是离开是他自 己的决定。I _ visit you tomorrow. 我打算明天看望你。3. Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was punished after he died. 译_ 解析:used to do sth. 曾经;过去常常, Eg: I _ _ _ to the cinema, but I have no time now. 我过去经常去看电影, 但现在没有时间了。 _ you_ _ _ swimming in the river when you were young? 你小时候 经常在河里游泳吗?辨析:used to do sth. / be used to doing sth. / be used to do sth. 的区别 used to do sth.意为“过去常常”, 其后跟动词_, 表示过去的习惯、经常发生的 动作或状态。be used to doing sth.表示“习惯于做某事”, 其中 to 是介词, 后接动词的_ 形式。如: be used to do sth.表示“被用来做某事” 。This computer is used to play games. 译_ ( ) 1). This building is a supermarket now. It _ a cinema.A. is used to be B. used to be C. is used to doing ( ) 2). Children in the past _ a lot and _ themselves greatly even without television. A. used to read, enjoying B. used to read, enjoyed C. were used to reading , enjoy D. were used to read, enjoying ( ) 3) The old man and his wife _ a simple life now. A. is used to live B. used to live C. is used to living 4. He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesnt want to end up like him. 译:_ 解析: end up 意为_, 其后跟名词、with, in, doing 等。End up with 表示“以结束” ,其后可跟任何名词。Eg: The meeting will_ _ _ a story. 译_ .end up in 后面般接一个地点名词Eg: If you continue to steal, youll end up in prison(监狱)译_ .end up doing,表示“以做结束”, Eg: 聚会以一首英语歌结束了。The party _ _ _ an English song. 【跟综练习】I根据汉语提示或首字母填空1. We should treat everyone with w_.2. I promised you _
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